Arizkatt's Herbs

Arizkatt's Herbs


Helping you find your herbal way through décor, workshops, classes and memberships.

Operating as usual

Photos from Arizkatt's Herbs's post 01/15/2025

Oils are a making. Getting things ready. vending for the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Feb 7th.

Photos from Arizkatt's Herbs's post 10/15/2024

Had an amazing weekend at the it was such a magical experience. Thank you Gullah Geechee Herbal Gathering for everything you do! You are amazing!

Delicious Cattail Soup Recipe at Arizkatt's Herbs 05/01/2024

Discover the versatility of cattails with these hearty dishes! 🍚 Who's ready to get cooking? Tag a friend who loves trying new recipes and invite them to explore the world of Cattail cuisine with us!

Delicious Cattail Soup Recipe at Arizkatt's Herbs Savor the delightful flavors of Cattail Soup made with freshly harvested cattails, rice, and sautéed veggies.


Fun day playing with cattails.

Cattail Season! Cattails are featured in our monthly membership this May💚

I feel SO blessed to guide and facilitate people’s connection with wild herbs! And grateful for Athena Herder sharing her cattail wisdom this month!

We are all re-remembering our sacred connection with the Earth and we know it feels better than the shopping mall!

Photos from Arizkatt's Herbs's post 04/16/2024

Yesterday went down to the lake to harvest and take pictures for Wild Herb Academy. Saute the shoots and ate them on a sausage. They were good!
This morning I decided to play with the leftover Reed tops and wove them into a little "bowl". They are so easy to weave.


Beautiful day on the trail.


I show you how to make my nourishing tea..

Photos from Arizkatt's Herbs's post 03/14/2024

On today's walk to the apothecary, I got to say hi to a few good friends. Meet

Photos from Arizkatt's Herbs's post 03/13/2024

I believe I may have found a field of  or maybe it's . The leaves are too high in the canopy to see.

or , can either of you tell which it is from the pics?

Photos from Arizkatt's Herbs's post 03/04/2024

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Videos (show all)

#herbalworkshops #herbaldecor #seedbeadearrings
It's that time of year. Cold/flu syrup
#Gullahgeecheeherbalgathering  #GGHG2024
Come get your scare on @southernscreams in @holycitybrewing #halloween #hauntedhouse
Announcing 3 new #herbalworkshops Choose from #bugspray #firecider or #fieldtincture $35 per person, and you take what y...
Fun day teaching a #firecider class
finished the bat #seedbeadearings last night.  since it was a late night, I have decided to make today a productive, rel...
Fun day making #earrings and a bigger #hulahoop
Nice day, enjoying the #ukulelefestival. got cool new stickers from @trina_is_artsy and pins from @alliesadorablessc  on...
#lipstick done!




Johns Island, SC