Videos by Shiitake Creek in Iron Mountain. Shiitake Creek is dedicated to providing fresh mushrooms to the Iron Mountain area.
We're super excited for the Iron Mountain Downtown Farmers & Artisans Market this Saturday, as we're expecting to harvest over 40 lbs of fresh shiitake and have wild mushrooms too.
We have 3 mushroom foray's scheduled in late September;, regular foraging classes on September 16th and 30th, then a family friendly (shorter, easier terrain) foray scheduled September 23rd. Registration can be done here: Here's a clip of Matt in a past year's foray, Autumn really is the best time to forage! Hope to see you there.
We're super excited for the Iron Mountain Downtown Farmers & Artisans Market this Saturday, as we're expecting to harves...
Ohhh heck yeah, Only one thing on the to do list today, My favorite F word, Forage. Have a great day gang!
We’ve added a fall mushroom foray to the calendar on Saturday October 1st from 12-3 central time in the Iron Mountain, M...