Shiitake Creek, Iron Mountain, MI Videos

Videos by Shiitake Creek in Iron Mountain. Shiitake Creek is dedicated to providing fresh mushrooms to the Iron Mountain area.

We're super excited for the Iron Mountain Downtown Farmers & Artisans Market this Saturday, as we're expecting to harvest over 40 lbs of fresh shiitake and have wild mushrooms too.

We have 3 mushroom foray's scheduled in late September;, regular foraging classes on September 16th and 30th, then a family friendly (shorter, easier terrain) foray scheduled September 23rd. Registration can be done here: Here's a clip of Matt in a past year's foray, Autumn really is the best time to forage! Hope to see you there.

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Other Shiitake Creek videos

We're super excited for the Iron Mountain Downtown Farmers & Artisans Market this Saturday, as we're expecting to harves...

Green Bay, I’m here with some freaking awesome mushrooms!

Foraging for market!

Ohhh heck yeah, Only one thing on the to do list today, My favorite F word, Forage. Have a great day gang!

Last loads! Then foraging for The Military Ave Farmer’s Market Thursday in Green Bay.

We’re foraging chanterelles! See you tomorrow morning at the Iron Mountain Downtown Farmers & Artisans Market

Happy 2023 gang! We’re out shed hunting aka foraging for antlers!

It’s been too long in the works! Alas moving the logs is occurring!

We’ve added a fall mushroom foray to the calendar on Saturday October 1st from 12-3 central time in the Iron Mountain, M...

Back where we belong! We look forward to serving you again very soon.

I’m in Crystal Falls for the humongous fungus festival!

Hey gang, we weren’t able to find a buyer, so it’s clearance sale time! See pinned post for details!

It’s Memorial Day weekend and we’re here for the ultimate mushroom lovers yard sale!

The sale is on! See you soon?

What not to do in early mushroom season
Morel season isn’t quite here in our neck of the woods, but the pile of rain coming our way means they should be here so...