Summer is here and our students are enjoying summer break. Some of our students are preparing for college. We are so excited for our graduates, but we know this can be a scary time for them, as well. Do you have any advice for our graduates? Maybe a verse that always encourages you during hard times?
Share it below ⬇️
Happy birthday, Chizara Uzowulu!
Happy birthday, Jocelyn Huezo!
Happy birthday to our fun and creative 6th grade teacher, Miss Kamilchu! We hope you’re enjoying your summer break! 🎉
Happy birthday, Joel Medikonda!
Happy Father's Day to our TBS dads!
Thank you for those who are father figures in the lives of those around you.
Happy birthday, Aiden Sundar!
Happy birthday, Krysta Medikonda!
Happy birthday, Peter Nassrat!
Happy birthday, Peter Lund!
Summer Day Camp is having a blast! Play time, water day, field trips, story time, music time. It’s been a great 2 weeks. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer holds!
We hope your summer is off to a wonderful start!
FlynnO'Hara will be running a Free Shipping Promotion this coming weekend! You can take advantage of Free Shipping on orders over $100 from Saturday, June 15 - Monday, June 17 using code EARLYBIRD24 at checkout on their website.
Don’t forget about our TBS Uniform Swap group, as well. If getting new uniforms isn’t in your budget, check to see if another school family has passed down any uniforms that would work for your child.
Happy birthday, Melody Lawrence!
🌟Alumni Spotlight🌟
Meet the Holston family. While God led them to Florida for a while, they were able to come back to TBS so they could all graduate. Now God has taken these alumni all over the US, but we are so glad to still be in touch with this sweet family.
Isaac (Class of 2014) graduated from Liberty in 2018 with a B.S in Computer Science and is in Colorado Springs working on missile defense systems for Lockheed Martin. USA
Noah (Class of 2017) graduated from Liberty in 2021 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and is serving in the U.S Airforce with his wife, Adriana, and their 2 kids, Genevieve and Titus. He was recently accepted to the Air Force Institute Of Technology Master’s Degree program in Electrical Engineering and will be moving to Ohio this summer.
Mercedes (Class of 2018) graduated from Liberty University in 2021 with a B.S. in Bio-Psychology and is almost finished with her second B.S. degree in Computer Science Cyber Security. She is married to Josh who is an Army Ranger. They’re living in Alaska with their 2 kids Malachi and Ezra.
Jacob (Class of 2020) just graduated from Liberty University Magna Cum Laude with a bachelor’s of science in electrical engineering and a minor in math. Jacob accepted a job with an engineering firm in D.C and starts in June.
Mariah (Class of 2021) is currently a senior at Liberty University studying for her B.S in Computer Science with concentrations in Web and Mobile Programming and Software Engineering.
Thanks for staying in touch, Holstons! We love your kids and love watching your family grow! It’s wonderful to see how God is blessing each one of you.
Happy birthday, Eleasha Kore!
Happy birthday, Daniel Kniska!
Today we remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedoms. We cannot forget.
D-Day: June 6, 1944
Happy birthday, Abigail Ragunath!
Happy birthday, Ethan Madzima!
Happy birthday, Tre Hubbard!
🌟Alumni Spotlight🌟
Meet the Groat family! Blaine, Jacquelyn, Rory, and Alexandra all attended and graduated fromTBS. They went on to get their degrees from various schools. (The Groats were one of the longest tenured family.)
Blaine Groate (Class of 2009) is a Doctor of Pharmacology working for USP. He received his B.S. in Chemistry from Virginia Military Institute, his MS in Chemistry and Biochemistry from Florida State University, and is PharmD from Medical University of South Carolina. He lives in Reston with his wife, Erna, and their three-year-old daughter, Emina. They are expecting their second child in August.
Jacquelyn (Class of 2010) is a manager with pWc (PriceWaterhouse Coopers). She lives in Wilmington, DE with her husband Robby and their two-year-old daughter, Capri.
Rory (Class of 2019) graduated from Virginia Military Institute with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. He is a second lieutenant in the Air Force and is stationed in Pensacola, FL with his wife, Morgan (also class of 2019).
Alexandra (Class of 2020) just graduated from Liberty University with a B.S. in Business
Administration and a concentration in Finance and PreMedical Science. She plans to attend Florida
Institute of Ultrasound in Pensacola starting in July to study radiology. She’ll be living with Rory and
It is a blessing to see our students graduate and move forward in their lives. It’s an encouragement to stay in touch with these students and their families.
Have you graduated from TBS? We’d love to hear from you and get an update on where God has led you.
Happy birthday, Daniel Fernandez-Pena!
How's your summer going? Have any fun plans? Comment below or share a picture! We'd love to see what our students and families are doing.
The school is a little quieter without all of the students here, but we hope you are all enjoying a calm summer! We can't wait to hear about all of the fun things our students do over the summer break.
Happy belated birthday to Samuel Gonzalez! (June 3)
A note from Miss Adams: “Today is a day I never thought would come—the last day in my classroom. Although I will miss my students and co-workers very much, I am so excited to see what God will do in this next chapter of life.”
Please join us in praying for Miss Adams as she moves on to candidate school and as she begins traveling to raise support. The people of Cambodia will be blessed by Miss Adams just like we were. We will miss her but are anxious to see how God blesses her and uses her. This isn’t goodbye, it’s just see you later! ♥️
A new survey has shown that a significant portion of adult Americans do not realize the significance of Memorial Day. That’s sad, as every American has an obligation to reflect on the solemn meaning of this day.
It is to honor those men and women who fought for freedom and never came back.
My uncle James Cheek, Jr. from St. Paul, Virginia was one the American G.I’s who was killed in Normandy, France. He’s buried in the American cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach, along with 10,000 G.I’s.
As I stood in front of his cross on a visit to France, and saw the sobering field of white crosses, it was quite the moving scene; all those lives lost for liberty.
We’re free because so many fought for our freedom. The true heroes of these wars are the ones who never returned.
We honor their memory today.
Dr. Sam Dalton
Happy birthday, Kiaan Ahluwalia!
On Friday, we acknowledged a few of our teachers.
•Miss Adams is following God’s calling on her life to be a missionary to Cambodia. While we will miss her here, we know God is going to use her in a mighty way working with the people of Cambodia. As you know, we are a missions-minded school, so we are so excited to see one of our teachers go off to the mission field. We ask you to rally around her in prayer as she begins traveling to raise support and then as she goes off to the field.
•Miss Turner has been with us for 15 years. She has gone through many challenges through those years and she has influenced many lives. We are so thankful for her dedication and love for her students.
(Not pictured)
•Dr. Dalton celebrated 25 years at TBS. He has been in education much longer, but to celebrate 25 years at one place is something that is not common any more. We are very thankful for the years he has given to our school and church.
•Mrs. Stryker was awarded the MVP award. She is the face of our ministry. She is the cheerful voice you hear when you call. She is the one who helps all of the students when they’re sad or hurt or forgot their lunch. She helps our school run smoothly. She is a blessing to our staff, students, and school families.