The Fully Equipped Bible Institute

The Fully Equipped Bible Institute


We equip believers with the biblical foundations and practical ministry tools they need to be “equipped for every good work.”

The Fully Equipped Bible Institute is dedicated to providing training for Christian leaders. We equip believers with the biblical foundations and practical ministry tools they need to be “equipped for every good work.” Our Bible classes include Bible courses for pastors, Bible college courses, adult Bible study lessons for leadership, and Bible study classes for church/small group curriculum use.

Operating as usual


Happy New Year! What will 2025 hold? There are so many promises in God's Word about the blessings we can expect when we are living obedient, faithful lives of seeking and serving our Savior. Peace, protection, provision, purpose, love, and joy - none of which are manufactured by man - but are the good gifts of our loving Father to His obedient children. May 2025 find you living, moving, and having your being in Him - blessed beyond measure by the Presenceof God.


May your Christmas be blessed as we celebrate the Greatest Gift ever given - Immanuel - God with us!


On this Thanksiving Day, we pause to give thanks to God for His unconditional love, undeserved grace, and the miraculous power of His Word. We pause to give thanks for our friends who have stepped forward to provide scholarships for our courageous brothers and sisters who are sacrificially serving in difficult and dangerous places around the world. And we thank the Lord for each Fully Equipped Bible Institute student that we are given the privilege of serving, and pray for God's protection, provision, and power of His Spirit moving and guiding each of them. Thank you to each and every person that makes the miracle of biblically equipping followers of Jesus to fulfill their Kingdom calling possible - we are grateful!

Be More Fully Equipped in 2025 11/19/2024

Be More Fully Equipped in 2025!

2025 Fully Equipped Bible Institute enrollment is open! The Fully Equipped Bible Institute provides affordable, biblical, high quality college education for Christians desiring to be better equipped to lead and serve. There are three bachelors' degrees to choose from, and online Bible course enrollment is open now. Learn more:

Be More Fully Equipped in 2025 Online Bible courses open now, offering affordable, biblical, high quality college education to equip Christians to lead and serve.


It feels like we are racing ahead of a wildfire intent on devouring churches. 10,000 churches have already been shut done in Rwanda. We have identified six other African nations were legislation is pending to close churches where the pastors do not have bachelor's degrees. How do you get a bachelor's degree when your monthly income averages around $8.00 USD? Or you don't have a computer? Or can't afford internet?

We can't stand by while hundreds of thousands of churches are closed across the African continent while radical Islam advances. We need your help to provide academic scholarships through the The Fully Equipped Bible Institute to equip courageous pastors and Christian leaders serving in difficult and dangerous places.

It is urgent, and every dollar counts. No gift is too small. Please prayerfully consider a tax deductible donation to educate a pastor and in most cases, help keep church doors from closing. Find out more here:

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Good works are the fruit of genuine faith. We are saved by faith and learn faithfulness through serving and loving others. A committed, faithful follower of Jesus is drawn to love and serve because Jesus loves us and drew us to Himself when we did not deserve His great love or amazing grace. There is no biblical description of a call to sit in a chair on Sunday and disconnect from faith on Monday. The Scripture verse refers to Abraham who believed God and acted on what he knew was true about Him. Let’s be His people, acting on our faith, called to faithfully be His hands and feet to a hurting world.


God gifted each of us uniquely to do what He made us to do - serving Him by loving others. The good news is that He gives us what we need to do that which He made us to do. It’s not about what we think we are capable of, it’s about stepping out in faithful obedience to answer His call and fulfill our life’s purpose. Like Peter, we have to answer the call, get out of the boat, and step out in faith. He won’t let us sink. Let’s step out in obedient faith today to be a light in a dark world.


No matter what it is, if it distracts or hinders your growth in faith and fulfillment of your God-given call, it’s not worth it. There is no greater joy or peace that can be found than being in the center of God’s will, loving, seeking, and serving Him with your entire being. This world is temporary, the next one isn’t. Let’s keep moving forward in faithful obedience and be about our Father’s business!


Those who live by faith invest this present life for eternal dividends.


Registration is open for our January start! We invite you to become more fully equipped for every good work God has called you to. Our students are trained to think biblically while they learn globally with Christian leaders from around the globe. We have three bachelor’s degree programs - Christian Leadership, Christian and Pastoral Ministry, and Biblical and Theological Studies. Classes are very affordable and completely online. Classes are 10 weeks long, with two hours of online live sessions weekly. Three college credits per course. Learn more at


Dr. Steve Isaac shares about his week of ministry in Zimbabwe, reporting back to The Reunion Church about teaching, preaching, and ministering to The Fully Equipped Bible Institute students and prospective students.


Dr. Vickie Isaac, President of The The Fully Equipped Bible Institute, issues a challenge to believers to get involved, to pray, and to support our Christian brothers and sisters who urgently need access to U.S. bachelor degrees to prevent their churches from closing. Dr. Steve Isaac is in Africa now, praying and discussing the urgent situation with pastors and leaders. Please pray and get involved!

Dr. Victoria Isaac Explains 09/05/2024

Dr. Vickie Isaac, President of the The Fully Equipped Bible Institute, issues a challenge to believers to get involved, to pray, and to support our Christian brothers and sisters who urgently need access to U.S. bachelor degrees to prevent their churches from closing. Dr. Steve Isaac is in Africa now, praying and discussing the urgent situation with pastors and leaders. Please pray and get involved!

Dr. Victoria Isaac Explains Dr. Victoria Isaac explains how the Fully Equipped Bible Institute was founded while speaking to members of the Reunion Church, and describes why Americans s...


The Fully Equipped Bible Institute meets urgent needs in developing countries where persecution shuts churches down when pastors don't have bachelor's degrees. Our online programs help pastors who once considered it impossible to get the education they urgently need. Watch:


Pastor Geofrey explains the urgency for Ugandan pastors to receive bachelor's degrees and the impossibility of attaining them without the Fully Equipped Bible Institute. Learn more at


Uganda Report Day 3 - Click here to watch the report:
God's faithfulness in dark places is humbling to behold. Dr. Steve ministered in a Ugandan women's prison, witnessing God's grace at work. He met with courageous rural pastors serving despite persecution, including seizing property. Watch the report.

Photos from The Fully Equipped Bible Institute's post 08/30/2024

Uganda Day 2 - Dr. Steve's Report
Dr. Steve's second day on the ground in Uganda was spent meeting with pastors and Christian leaders in the morning, and Fully Equipped students in the afternoon. Click to view his video report - it is is deeply moving.

Uganda Ministry Updates 08/28/2024

Day #1 Ministry Report: Dr. Steve has affirmed concern for the growing threat of ISIS. Continue praying for God's protective covering over Ugandan Christians. Dr. Steve spoke at a youth conference in Iganga to many young adults, ministering encouragement in faith and challenging them to continue their education. Click below for the full report:

Uganda Ministry Updates College enrollment rate in Uganda is approximately seven percent. Today, Dr. Steve spoke at a youth conference, encouraging students to continue their education. He described the opportunities at the Fully Equipped Bible Institute as a possible path forward for these young men and women who are eage...

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Videos (show all)

It feels like we are racing ahead of a wildfire intent on devouring churches.  10,000 churches have already been shut do...
Dr. Steve Isaac shares about his week of ministry in Zimbabwe, reporting back to The Reunion Church about teaching, prea...
Dr. Victoria Isaac Explains Why
Pastor Geofrey explains the urgency for Ugandan pastors to receive bachelor's degrees and the impossibility of attaining...
Want a sneak peek at Dr. Steve Isaac's Christian Apologetics course?  New online class starts 6/15, 7 am MST.  Saturdays...




875 S. Estrella Parkway, Ste. #7786
Goodyear, AZ