Voyager Elementary, Gig Harbor, WA Videos

Videos by Voyager Elementary in Gig Harbor. Please like this page to stay connected with other parents, informed about events at school, and eng

Every assembly ends with a great song!

Other Voyager Elementary videos

Every assembly ends with a great song!

Our fifth graders are off to new adventures!

Here they are…..class of 2024!

Our choir did a great job. Way to go, Vikings!

What did you do tonight?!

And one more…..thank you for the lovely song.

We love seeing Viking alumni…..welcome Kopa choir!

Yes Day in Mrs. Kuehnle’s class. Can we sing a silly song to the principal? Why, yes! 🎵🎵🎵🦈

Have you wondered about our school song? Here it is!

Second grade snow ball writing…