Videos by Panther Creek High School in Frisco. Panther Creek High School is the 12th High School in Frisco ISD set to open in Fall 2022! Follow us for all updates on our progress!
The Creek Life 10.22.23.m4v
This week in the Creek Life, Principal Solano talks with Dr. Bradford about Red Ribbon Week and staying drug free. In th...
The Creek Life 9.3.23.m4v
This week in the Creek Life Principal Solano talks Mr. Wallis, the Head Band Director, about their 2023 Marching Show! A...
Copy of Crowd the Creek Mascot Reveal
We are so excited, Panther Creek Family! Take a look at the reveal video in case you missed it!!
Welcome Weron_FB
ICYMI....Our Data Clerk, Sue Weron, is ready to get to work!!! We can't wait to get started with her!! Welcome to our am...
Welcome Brotherson_FB
Guess what??... You may not have heard but we have ANOTHER ROCKSTAR Assistant Principal; Lindsay Brotherson! Welcome to ...
Welcome Morgan_FB
If we seem excited, it's because WE ARE!!! Say Hello to the newest addition to the PCHS Admin Team, Demetrius Morgan, As...
Welcome Sena_FB
Have you heard?? We've got a new Assistant Principal on board! We are over the moon to welcome Renee Sena to Panther Cre...
Welcome Wallis_FB
Another win for PCHS! Our new Head Band Director is Kent Wallis!...Frisco ISD graduates are always the BEST!! 😉We are so...
Welcome Hawkes_FB
Let's give a great big Panther Creek Welcome to our Associate Principal, Christina Hawkes!! She is bringing lots of expe...