Auraria Early Learning Center, Denver, CO Videos

Videos by Auraria Early Learning Center in Denver. AELC offers full time programs for children 12-months and walking to 5-years-old.

Learning the Letter 'D'

To learn the letter 'D,' Miss Kim's class performed a Drum Parade this week!

Other Auraria Early Learning Center videos

Learning the Letter 'D'
To learn the letter 'D,' Miss Kim's class performed a Drum Parade this week!

Don’t forget – if you’re visiting the Auraria Campus, stop by the Center and take a pinwheel to plant in your front yard...

See our teachers in their masks
Whether you are returning on May 18th, later in the summer or for the fall semester please know that masks will be aroun...

Tuesday Trivia
We thought it would be fun to have a guessing game of our staff. Can you guess each of our staff members? Leave your b...

We are starting a series on teacher features! This is a great time to get to know your teachers better!Our first feature...

Fancy Friday
Finishing off our spirit week with fancy Friday and tea parties!

Butterfly Time Lapse
Butterfly time lapse from Room 112! Thanks for sharing Ms. Cassie!

Sports Day!

Today's the last day to vote for your favorite pumpkin! The votes cost 25 cents and the winning class gets a pizza party...

Happy Holidays from AELC
We had a wonderful year at the AELC, we are so grateful to have such a solid community behind us! Thank you for sharing ...
