Ruth Doyle Middle School, Conway, AR Videos

Videos by Ruth Doyle Middle School in Conway. Welcome to the official page for Ruth Doyle Middle School. #RDMStrong #AscendToExcellence

Other Ruth Doyle Middle School videos

RDMS 5th grade students enjoying their reward for winning the TLC grade level competition! Way to go, 5th grade! #Ascend...

RDMS had a great first week ASCENDING. The sky’s the limit for our Wampus Cats! Looking forward to reaching for the sky ...

Mr. Kelly-the real MacGyver!
Saving another phone from the drainage area. A little bit of hot glue, long pole, and a little bit of ingenuity to the r...

When phones fall out of pockets, we go fishing with fishing line and paperclips! #RDMStrong

December Champion for Kids