Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy

Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy


A Pre-Kindergarten - 8th grade CPS city-wide magnet school located in the heart of Little Village

Operating as usual

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 01/09/2022

Tomorrow we will have another meeting! Mark your calendars!

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 11/24/2021
Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 10/28/2021

Upcoming FACE2FACE Session for Parents and Caregivers: School COVID-19 Protocols!

Photos from State Representative Edgar Gonzalez Jr.'s post 10/17/2021

Thank you for taking the time to support us!

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 09/10/2021

Job opportunity! Oportunidad de trabajo!


Drop off school supplies before the first day of school! Stop by on August 26th at your assigned time!

More than one student in your family? That is ok! Please choose one time to drop off all supplies! Please make sure EVERYTHING is labeled and in a bag with your students First and Last name!

¡Deje los útiles escolares antes del primer día de clases! ¡Visítanos el 26 de agosto a la hora asignada!

¿Más de un estudiante en tu familia? ¡Esta bien! ¡Elija una vez para dejar todos los suministros! ¡Por favor asegúrese de que TODO esté etiquetado y en una bolsa con el nombre y apellido de sus estudiantes!


There is still appointment availability for tomorrow’s vaccine event at Saucedo. This is for anyone ages 12+! Walk up appointments will be available depending on the number of vaccines available.

Click here to register:

Todavía hay disponibilidad de citas para el evento de vacunas de mañana en Saucedo. ¡Esto es para cualquier persona mayor de 12 años! Las vacunas sin cita previa están disponibles según la cantidad de vacunas disponibles.

Registrar aquí:

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 08/05/2021

Get excited! Classroom learning is back five days a week starting on August 30, 2021! Learn more and enroll for the new school year at

¡Prepárate! ¡El aprendizaje en el aula regresa los cinco días a la semana a partir del 30 de agosto de 2021! Obtén más información e inscríbete para el nuevo año escolar en


Congratulations Derrick Hernandez on 6 years of band service.


Congratulations Jerry Ramirez on 6 years of band service.


Congratulations Marcus Solorzano! He is the 2021 Musician of Distinction recipient and has 7 years of band service; the only student in the history of Saucedo Band to start in 2nd grade.

SPRING CONCERT 2021 | Saucedo Academy Band 06/12/2021

With adversity comes opportunity. Join us for our Spring Concert 2021 with which we can enjoy both current students AND alums!

SPRING CONCERT 2021 | Saucedo Academy Band It was around the second week of March 2020 when the Saucedo Concert Band was preparing their three selections for the upcoming CPS Elementary Band Contest that weekend followed by the IGSMA Organization Contest the week after that.  Band parents and I were planning for hosting our second IGSMA com...

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 05/23/2021

This free, summer program is offered from July 6 to August 13 at high schools district-wide. It’s a great way for your
student to learn about high school before the first day!

Este programa gratuito se ofrece del 6 de julio al 13 de agosto en las escuelas secundarias de todo el distrito y es una
excelente manera de aprender sobre la escuela secundaria.

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 05/14/2021

Juarez High School is hosting a vaccine event tomorrow and June 5th! Guardian must be present with minors!


¡La escuela Juárez está organizando un evento de vacunación mañana y 5 de junio! ¡El tutor debe estar presente con los menores!

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 05/10/2021

Join us for our May Parent Advisory Committee Meeting Friday, May 14, 2021

Acompáñenos para la Reunión del Comité Asesor de Padres viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 05/10/2021

Preschool options available for every 0–5 year-old in Chicago. Enroll in a high-quality early learning program!

When choosing the right preschool program for your family, there are plenty of no-cost or low-cost early education options to choose from.

Learn more and apply today!

Or call 312-229-1690.
Opciones preescolares están disponibles para todos los niños de 0 a 5 años en Chicago. ¡Inscríbase en un programa de aprendizaje temprana de alta calidad!

Al elegir el programa preescolar adecuado para su familia, hay muchas opciones de educación temprana gratuitas o de bajo costo para elegir.

¡Obtenga más información y presente su solicitud hoy mismo!

O llame al (312) 229-1690.

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 04/12/2021

Join us for our April
Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Friday, April 16, 2021
8:15a.m. – 9:00a.m.
Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US) 1 409-444-2331
PIN: 483 535 115 #
Acompáñenos para la
Reunión del Comité Asesor de Padres
viernes, 16 de abrilde2021
8:15a.m. – 9:00a.m.
Únese a Google Meet
Únase por teléfono
(US) 1 409-444-2331
PIN: 483 535 115 #

Photos from Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy's post 04/06/2021

¡Regístrase para asistir La Cumbre Anual de Educación + Bienestar en Marshall Square! La Cumbre se volverá virtual este año, con una serie de eventos del 6 al 20 de abril.

Lanzada en 2017, La cumbre es un evento anual para que los padres, jóvenes y profesionales de la comunidad compartan recursos, establezcan contactos y aprendan nuevas habilidades relacionadas con el autodesarrollo y la educación de los niños.

Gratuita y abierta a todos, la Cumbre 2021 contará con una serie de eventos virtuales en español e inglés, que incluyen talleres tanto para jóvenes como para adultos.


Register to attend the 2021 Marshall Square Education + Wellness Summit! The event is going virtual this year, hosting a series of events April 6th – 20th.

Launched in 2017, the Marshall Square Summit is an annual event for community parents, youth, and professionals to share resources, network, and learn new skills related to self-development and children’s education.

Free and open to all, the 2021 Summit will feature a series of virtual events in Spanish and English, including workshops for both youth and adults.

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