CofC Student Life, Charleston, SC Videos

Videos by CofC Student Life in Charleston. Looking for ways to get involved on-campus and meet other people? Start here!

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Other CofC Student Life videos

Thank you to all of our Veterans at @collegeofcharleston - leave them a note at the Stern Center!

Have Fun! Be Safe! Your safety is most important. Remember to THINK FIRST! #safety #respectyourfellowcougars #campuscom...

Dia de los Muertos Celebration 2016! Thank you to all who came out and especially Dr. Blitt, Hispanic Studies, Casa Hisp...

Moonlight Walk

Moonlight Wobble

Say what?

Awesome graduate assistants rocking out at Moonlight Breakfast!

Wild Card Winner of ThinkFast Trivia Challenge
Get it!

Casino Night, presented by CAB, is happening right now in the Stern! Don't miss out!