Francis Price White School of Fashion Design Inc.

Francis Price White School of Fashion Design Inc.


JennCole Design School Inc. is a Non-Profit Organization founded by Jennifer Cole, owner of JennCole Designs Inc. NY.

A Design School for underprivileged female to educate,train,teach & mentor them to become successful business owners/designers and create jobs for themselves, their families and community through the Fashion Industry.First school is being built in Ghana. Ms Cole is better known in the industry as a “Jenn”. Jenn has been in the Fashion and Modeling Industry for over 2 decades now and opened the fir

Operating as usual – Dream It! Be It 01/31/2025

I have seen the hand of God move mountains in my life time and time again! All those who tagged along to see but didn't help the cause, it's ok. Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard what God has done. Many had the opportunity to help but didn't. Many talked about helping but never gave their sevices or help. I kept pushing and praying Lord I can't do this alone! God said you can't Jenn, but I can! Cut everything and everyone loose and watch me move through you, for you, and for the ones in Africa that deserve your help. Everything you lost in Ghana I will give back double! And he has done just that! And that's all I have to say about that! Everything the devil took God has given even better. Ya'll better know how great God is when you are obedient. I obeyed and shut down my office like he told me, smh. I am nobody! Who am I that God would use me amongst the nations?! Who am I that God would show me so much favor worldwide?! Another month and all the Lord has done will be revealed. I am so full right now to stop and think about it all. All that I've been working on in the past 6 months is going to be revealed. God is good! If you want to be a part of something greater maybe your God given gifts is to help a cause that's bigger than what you're thinking. Come on board and help in some way or another.
Website is below, get involved! – Dream It! Be It is a Non-Profit, 501c3 Organization specializing in African Fashion and African American Fashion. Through our Non-Profit, 501c3 Organization we will give them the confidence and training they need to enter the work force of the Fashion Industry in African Fashion and African American Fashion.


Don’t be afraid to take time to learn. It’s good to work for other people. I worked for my customers for 27 years!



Long Post! I made a very big decision last week.

I’m trading it all for Africa, letting it all go, shutting it all down!
A few months ago I made a post saying in May of 2025 no one would have access to me, everything would be online, no more special treatment from Jenn, etc.
Well God says the time is now, so I am letting it all go in the next few weeks, shutting everything down and putting everything on my website so I can focus and work on the schools. And I do mean schools. Not spending anymore money on anything else in Texas! Gonna take my time and focus on Africa and my girls. If I don’t no one else will!

I trade it all for Africa! People are depending on me. People’s lives and futures are depending on me. These girl’s hope is in my hands. I can’t keep waiting on things to get better here or waiting on the right time. There is no right time!

My office and these dresses are nothing compared to what these girls will create in the future. I can’t keep waiting, my time is running out. These girls mean more to me than “JennCole Designs” because when I’m gone there will be no more “JennCole Designs”, but these schools will be forever changing lives after I’m gone.

There is no perfect timing. I have to start back working on the vision God gave me no matter where I am, and no matter what is going on and trust him to do the rest. If I keep waiting on the right time, it will never happen because the enemy doesn’t want it to happen anyway! So the time is now.

No one else knows my heart nor the vision God has given me, except me. No one else cares enough nor as much as I do to help get it done. I’ve been through a lot with this, dealing with others who were in it with their own agendas or just telling lies about helping, then others who didn’t have the best interest of the girls. I can’t keep waiting on people who just want to follow me when I’m doing everything myself or people who only do if I’m holding their hand.

I’m leaving everyone behind now, I don’t care anymore. I’m moving forward starting today! I will do it myself with God by my side leading and guiding me all the way, connecting me with the right people along the way. I am cutting everyone I was dealing with off and moving forward. So don’t feel some type of way, don’t ask me what you can do now, it’s over. God is directing me to move alone. He said start afresh and that’s what I am doing.

When we don’t do what God wants us to do, he will block everything else until you do. Nothing you do will work out. And when I tell you he has been working on me! Dallas has taken me down through there and it’s because I’ve been ignoring my dreams and his voice, waiting on the right time, and waiting on other people to do their part. That’s being disobedient to my calling and what he has shown me.

I made some decisions without going to God first, so he has been blocking my blessings until I could see what he saw for me! Not my will, but your will be done in my life Lord. Last Wednesday at 4:30am he revealed it all to me so clearly. My why’s were all answered. I will do his will if it means doing it alone for the rest of my time on this earth. I will not loose another girl nor let one of them down! Some of you won’t understand this because you are not spiritual and don’t have a personal relationship with God.

My spirit has been crushed for a while now. My only excitement and joy is my relationships with the girls in Africa.
It’s where my heart is at, Dallas has sucked the life out of me. I’m not spending any more of my hard earned money here. I felt free in NY and Africa. I won’t be complete unless I do what is on my heart.

Y’all pray for me as I start this journey. I know when I take this step he will do the rest! I know when God gives you a vision it’s already done! So in the next few weeks I’m shutting it down and being obedient to God. Ghana and Uganda, I’m preparing myself for you!

Praying for y’all’s continued support, prayers, encouragement, etc.
This is bigger than me and I will need all the support I can get.
Please check out the school’s website for all of our footage, a lot of videos and pics. As you know the name was changed to “Francis Price White School of Fashion Design”. You can browse the website and read the bio of my mom, myself, our purpose, and our mission for the school. Checkout out our school store and donation page if you would like to be a part of changing lives.


Today marks the 4th year Anniversary of the media launch for “JennCole Design School” held in Ghana (Sept 10th, 2020) which has now been changed to the “Francis Price White School of Fashion Design Inc.” in honor and loving memory of Jenn Cole’s mom, Francis Price White.

I will continue to follow this vision God has given me and see it through to completion.
Not my will, but your will be done in Jesus name. All will come together in God’s timing.

Philippians 1:6
I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

For those of you who missed the launch, or you might want to watch it again. Check it out and share with others the great things we are doing in Africa 🙏

Take some time to explore our updated and improved website as well to see more on the purpose of the name change, the bio of Francis Price White, out new store merchandise, and our Gallery that's full of pics and videos from Ghana.


Stand strong!




Meet Ghana's newest citizen; Music legend and icon, Stevie Wonder!

This morning, in a ceremony at Jubilee House, the President of Ghana granted citizenship to Stevie Wonder. It's been a lifelong dream to make Ghana home since he first visited many years ago.

He was originally on the list of diasporans to receive citizenship in 2019 during the Year of Return. But due to timing and circumstances, he was unable to participate in that ceremony. So it's wonderful that the day has finally come for him to be welcomed fully to Ghana as a citizen.

Welcome to the family, Stevie.

Follow us for more highlights from today's events!


Beyond the Return is a 10-year initiative with the theme, 'A decade of African Renaissance'

The office operates under and has a foundation of 7 pillars.
>Experience Ghana
>Celebrate Ghana
>Diaspora Pathways to Ghana
>Invest in Ghana
>Give Back Ghana
>Brand Ghana
>Promote Pan African Heritage & Innovation

Learn more on our website


Bold Journey Magazine’s Podcast interview with special guests:

Jenn Cole | Fashion Designer/CEO
Intro: Following my dreams and inspiring others.

Asmita Kerkar | Spatial Experience Designer
Intro: Working at the intersection of design and social impact.

Elena Tushina | Interior Design and Hi-End Furniture Wholesaler
Intro: Hi-end International interior designer, supplier, and project executor.

Nicole Briggs | Online Retail Shop Owner
Intro: Nicole is a long-time retail professional with a background in retail and wholesale sales, event management, and corporate communications.

👇🏼👇🏼Click here to listen to interview👇🏼👇🏼


Another one of my babies, Zahida Wahid, Zaa Hida Neba. She loves fashion and is a now a communications major in school. Studying to become a journalist. I am so proud of her!
All these young ladies are honoring me but I am grateful for them and our relationships. They inspire me more than they know. They are my only reason to keep going.
It’s amazing that as I help them, God has given them all gifts that will help the school in some way. He is constantly connecting the dots so we won’t need anyone outside the school to help build the brand. These young ladies are so talented and smart, they will be my right hand, right by my side.
Zahida has been doing news segments in school as a news anchor. She will definitely be our spokesperson for the school.
I just love these ladies soooooo much 🙏🏽💜💜🥰
And my gratitude to her for saying she is releasing a collection soon and naming it after me! 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Grateful

Please check out our website, make a purchase, or donate to a good cause! Be a part of something big and help make someone else’s dream come to life.


It's an honor to be honored by so many this month for Women's History Month! I am grateful to have so much love coming from the US and abroad.

This video is from my family in Sierra Leone Africa, my little daughter, Aminata Foday Kamara, her mom Kadie Kamara, and her dad Foday Kamara. Thank you guys sooooo much and I love you to the moon and back! 💜💜

I have more videos I haven't had time to post yet, but I figured I better post this one before my little daughter gets jealous of me posting other videos before hers, lol. When she was younger she would get very upset when I would call someone else my daughter 😂😂😂 I had to explain to her that she has to share me, because there are other young ladies who love me as well. She didn't like that too much, lol.

To God be all the Glory for the things he has done in my life and is still doing so that others may be blessed. Thank you Lord 🙏

This is what our organization is all about, helping others to fulfill their dreams and have a better life. Please check out our website below and don’t just glance at the first page. Browse the entire website to see all the great things we have been doing.

And if God puts it in your heart to support a great cause, you can donate on the website. You can also purchase T-shirts and hoodies from our website store.
Thanks in advance 💜🙏🏽 – Dream It! Be It 03/13/2024

Starting today I’m gonna highlight the progress of some of my girls in Africa. I am so proud of them. They are so talented and some of them will be able to work side by side with me as I prepare to start working on the school. I’m so grateful for them. I have a lot of daughters now! 💜💜

Delayed but not denied.
After the Launch of JennCole Design School in Ghana, in Sept 2020, my mom fell sick February 2021. She never got better and passed May 24, 2021. Until you’ve gone through loosing a mother, you wouldn’t understand the pain, your whole life is changed, it’s upside down. I was packed and ready to head back to Africa February 2021 when my mom said 3 times in that month that she didn’t think I needed to go. She didn’t say why? So I didn’t go and booked a flight to go home and surprise her instead. Well a week before I could get there she ended up in the hospital.

From that point I refused to leave her and stayed home until she passed. So all of 2021 and 2022 I stopped working, stopped working on the school, stopped everything. I don’t regret it either, spending my time with her during her last months on this earth. I fell apart after I went back to NY and took 2022 off. I couldn’t get myself together emotionally, it was these girls who comforted me the most and brought me joy. They were more concerned about me than anyone. Sometimes I even wanted them to leave me alone, but they didn’t, lol. Thank God

Even though the school is not built yet and my work was put on hold for 2 years I never stopped communicating, helping, and being there for the young ladies in Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. At my lowest point they lifted me up. I shut everyone else out.
I talk to them more than I do anyone now that my mom is gone.
Our relationships are so amazing, like mother and daughters.

But I could go on and on about them because they are just that special to me!! So I will post some of them and show you the progress they have made with the help and motivation I have given them. Just me talking to them and our conversations have made them determined to do more and not just wait on the school being built. These ladies are determined. They have also been sending me videos in honor of Women’s History Month thanking me for being there for them. I will be posting them as I highlight each of these young ladies.

We have officially changed everything with the school over to my mother’s name as you know,
“Francis Price White School of Fashion Design”
And we have started back fundraising for the school to be built. Please check out our new and improved website, designed by EA Technologies in Ghana!

You can purchase T-Shirts and Hoodies on the website to support a great cause, thanks to C&M Tax and Tees.
You can also make donations on the website. We are raising money now for land and to find a separate place to meet with girls when I’m there and to have for girls that might be homeless when I’m not there.

This is bigger than me, I need your support. Thank you in advance!

Francis Price White School of Fashion Design Inc. – Dream It! Be It is a Non-Profit, 501c3 Organization specializing in African Fashion and African American Fashion. Through our Non-Profit, 501c3 Organization we will give them the confidence and training they need to enter the work force of the Fashion Industry in African Fashion and African American Fashion.


Happy International Women’s Day

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Our Story

JennCole Design School Inc. is a Non-Profit Organization founded by Jennifer Cole, owner of JennCole Designs Inc. in NYC and a Partner of The Taste of Afrika in Ghana as Director of Fashion and Modeling. Jennifer is better known in the industry as a “Jenn”. She partnered with The Taste of Afrika to empower young Afrikan female interested in the Fashion Industry. Jenn has been in the Fashion and Modeling Industry for over 2 decades now and opened the first African American Bridal Salon in her native state, Mississippi.

Working with Tengol K Kplemani, Founder of TTOA, Jenn has already been mentoring and helping young African women in Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. She even adopted a 9 year old daughter, Aminata Foday Kamara, from Sierra Leone, took her from the school she was in and put her in a better school because of her talent. Jenn fell in love with Aminata just from seeing pics of her sewing. Said it reminded her so much of her own childhood, growing up sewing with a big dream of designing but no support to do it.

Jenn wants to show those young women who think it is impossible to achieve their dreams, that no matter what your circumstances are, if you can DREAM IT, you can BE IT! Her passion and love for Afrika, the Fashion Industry, and giving back is undeniable, so she decided to do even more!

Jenn is now building the first JennCole Design School Inc. in Ghana, Africa with a projection to finish it before the end of 2021, then she will target other areas of Afrika. This school will be a 2-year training program for young Afrikan women with the option to train for 3 months in New York before graduating. This program will be free for those that are accepted, giving them all the tools and support they need to achieve their dreams and be successful.

Videos (show all)

4th Year Anniversary
Another one of my babies, Zahida Wahid, Zaa Hida Neba. She loves fashion and is a now a communications major in school. ...
Now this is Fashion! ROYALTY! This is what our people should be wearing on the red carpet representing our culture and s...
Women’s History MonthSo much love has been shown this month for our Founder, Jenn Cole. This is another one of our babie...
It's an honor to be honored by so many this month for Women's History Month! I am grateful to have so much love coming f...
Please congratulate my daughter Eunice Saase in Kumasi Ghana on all her accomplishments!! I am so proud and grateful for...
Black History Month & Women’s History Month!Royalty! This dress is soooo special to me. It is all the way from West Afri...
Women’s History Month Jenn Cole, the Goat! 26 years in the Fashion and Bridal Industry! This was in 2005, I think, lol. ...
Happy Independence Day to Ghana! I am sooooo missing Africa right now! Can’t wait to go back and start back working on b...
Merry Christmas from JennCole Designs!! Have a safe, healthy, and Happy Holiday!! Song by my long time friend, musician,...
TV Commercial for North Dallas, JennCole Designs Inc.
“Stepping Out On Faith”




2201 Midway Road Suite 102
Carrollton, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm