Boise State Center for Teaching & Learning

Boise State Center for Teaching & Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning supports and enhances teaching effectiveness for faculty

The Center for Teaching and Learning is the nucleus of a university culture that values teaching and learning. The center is a resource for all instructors who care about the learning environment they create for students. It fosters dialogue, scholarship, innovation, and excellence in learner-centered teaching.

Operating as usual


The Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo is happening today!

Join us at the Student Union Building from 4-6 PM and see how students at Boise State are using their research and course learning to address unique challenges and positively impact the community.

Visit this link to learn more:


The Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo takes place on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

In the NURS 417 class led by multiple clinical Instructors from the COHS, students practice applying public health principles to community settings from youth in rural Idaho to folks experiencing homelessness in the city.

Visit this link to learn more:


Virtual AI Swap Meet (12/6)
Are you interested in learning more about AI functionality in work and sharing your unique insights? Join our virtual AI app swap meet! We’ll spend time in small breakout rooms sharing our favorite AI tools and tricks. Don’t worry if you don’t have a favorite AI tool, come and connect with others!

Link Here:


Boise State students from various classes across the university are using their course knowledge and research to engage in hands-on community service and address diverse challenges through research projects.

Learn more about what these students are doing by joining us at the Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

Visit this link to learn more:


In Spring 2025, the CTL is offering a variety of opportunities for educators to engage with each other, including a faculty learning community, a book circle, and a workshop series.

Learn more about these opportunities and how to register in our blog post:


Self-directed learning is the ability to learn independently and successfully control and manage learning tasks is a frequently talked about concept in higher education. It involves identifying personal learning goals and gaps, researching appropriate tools and resources, and applying learning strategies that fit the needs and abilities of the learner. Learn about a tool that you can implement in your class to support student’s self-directed learning success.

Read more in our blog post:


End-of-the-semester student evaluations create mixed feelings. It’s always great to get positive feedback from our students, but it can also be hard to read feedback that is critical, or that which the meaning of is not clear. That is why we collected these tips to help you prepare for student evaluations and to make them meaningful for you.

Please reach out to the CTL ([email protected]) if you would like to speak to a CTL consultant about your course evaluations.

Read more in our blog post:


The Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo takes place on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

In the KINES 379 class led by Laura Petranek, students are supporting the Boise State Children’s Center with enrichment motor activities.

Visit this link to learn more:


Are you interested in seeing how Boise State students use their research and course learning to address unique challenges and positively impact the community?

Join us at the Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

Visit this link to learn more:


The Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo takes place on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

In the ART 420 class led by Eryn Pierce, students complete a design project with the Intermountain Bird Observatory to engage participation in Bird Strike awareness and support awareness of bird migration/protections Boise-wide.

Visit this link to learn more:


The Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo takes place on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

Service-Learning (SL) projects display the learning and reflections of students who have engaged in hands-on, real world service experiences in the community. Vertically Integrated Projects (VIPs) teams exhibit the ongoing research of VIPs, which are faculty-led, long-term, often multi-disciplinary research projects addressing diverse challenges.

Visit this link to learn more:


Creating Accessible Open Educational Resources (11/20)

Are you interested in learning how to make your course materials more accessible for your students? This workshop will discuss the need for using and creating course materials that are accessible to all learners. Participants will learn how to find accessible Open Educational Resources (OER), as well as spend some time creating materials to use in their courses.

Link Here:


Retrieval practice enhances student learning by asking students to frequently access and recall information and knowledge. According to Pooja K. Agarwal, co-author of Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning, students need to practice their knowledge, just like they practice skills.

Read more in our most recent blog post:


Effective Program Assessment: Fueling program assessment with existing course-level data (11/18)

Assessment of student learning happens at both the program and course level--and often is most effective when both approaches inform each other. In this workshop, you will use your program's curriculum map to identify Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) that are supported in a specific course or courses, then explore ways of using course-level assessments to provide evidence of student achievement of the PLOs.

Link Here:


The Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo takes place on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

In the ENVSTD 121 class led by Mari Rice, students provide direct service to a number of environmentally focused initiatives in the valley from sustainable gardening at BUGS to environmental education with Bogus Basin.

Join us to learn how Boise State students in Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects are making an impact tackling complex challenges in the community and beyond.

Visit this link to learn more:


Have you made pedagogical changes to your teaching or course design and collected data to measure potential improvements? Great! You’re on the road to a Scholarship of Teaching of Learning (SoTL) publication! Worcester State University's open-access, peer-reviewed journal Currents in Teaching and Learning is inviting submissions for its upcoming Volume 17.

Read more in our most recent blog post:


The Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects Fall Expo takes place on December 4th, from 4-6 PM!

Join us to learn how Boise State students in Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects are making an impact tackling complex challenges in the community and beyond.

Visit this link to learn more:


Alternative Grading Frameworks (11/11 and 11/13)
Many of us grade using the same grading systems that were in place when we were students. In this workshop, we’ll begin by considering our own beliefs about grading before looking at several alternative grading frameworks. You will be introduced to specifications grading, mastery (or standards) based grading, contract grading, and ungrading. Boise State faculty will share how they use these different grading systems and you get the chance to develop a plan for how to incorporate some of these new ideas into your teaching.

Links Here:
(11/11 - In-Person)

(11/13) - Virtual)

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1910 W University Drive
Boise, ID