Andrus Elementary PTA, Boise, ID Videos

Videos by Andrus Elementary PTA in Boise. To help the families of Andrus Elementary stay updated and informed.

Other Andrus Elementary PTA videos

Andrus Ambassadors Honor Choir performing at the Capital Tree Lighting, directed by @stevejones6462 The best way to kick...

Thank you Mr. Jones, 3rd Grade Teachers and the awesome 3rd grade students for a great first program of this year!

Bring a friend tonight!

Awesome door prizes, free pizza pie for pi day, and an amazing presentation about digital culture. Register today! In-pe...

$100 Prize - Final Drawing
The last drawing for March Madness!

The LAST Raffle Prize...
Who is winning a Nintendo Switch?

March 30th - Hot Air Balloon Ride
It's the next to last day of the raffle - who will win a flight for two with Idaho Balloon Adventures?

March Madness March 29th: Indoor Cycle
And the winner is...

March 26th - Brickyard!
This video is all about Boise Nice! Go visit The Brickyard (Boise, ID) for an amazing steak, the best Mac n Cheese, and ...

Day 25 March Madness Raffle - Pizza!!!!
Who wants a pizza this prize?

March 24th: Mandalorian Lego Raffle
And the winner is...

March Madness Raffle Day 23: Bogus Basin and Roaring Springs
Thanks to Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area and Roaring Springs Waterpark for providing two tickets each for a lucky ...

March 22: Krav Maga Raffle
Thank you to Boise Cities Krav Maga for providing a 1 month family membership to a lucky Andrus family tonight!

March 21 March Madness Raffle
$200 of relaxation and bliss at Organic Origins Spa!

March 20th: Raffle Winner!
Five car washes at Fast Eddy's!

March 19: March Madness Raffle
Get your morning off to a great start with Rush Bowls and Human Bean!

March 18th March Madness Raffle Winner
Thank you to Acme Bakeshop for sponsoring tonight's one of a kind prize! Please support this local company by picking up...

May the Luck of the Irish be on your side!
Today's prize is sponsored by our two favorite local toyshops! ToyTown - Meridian has everything you need for birthday a...