John McKeever Elementary, Alamo, TX Videos

Videos by John McKeever Elementary in Alamo. This is the official page for John McKeever Elementary in Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD (PSJA).

JME Summer Enrichment THURSDAY-last day of WOLFTASTIC fun with moon jumps & hands on activities to enrich our student’s hearts and minds...

Huge Shout Out to the Pharr Police & Fire Department Officers and Volunteers, they provided our students with Moon Jumps and the visit of the Justice League Officers for the End of Enrichment Day Brain Breaks.

Way to Go! Chief and Fire Marshal of Pharr, an AWESOME JOB to represent Sustainable Goal #17 Partnership for the Goals!

Summer is here but the learning continues at JME!
We Are JME Proud!

#PSJAFamily #PSJACares #Pharrpolicedepartment #Pharrfiredepartment

Other John McKeever Elementary videos

JME Summer Enrichment THURSDAY-last day of WOLFTASTIC fun with moon jumps & hands on activities to enrich our student’s ...

JME Splashes into our S1 Enrichment Alpaca Ranch Field Trip!Huge Shout Out to Owners of The Alpaca Ranch on SharyRd for ...

JME Community, we proudly introduce to you our 2024-2025 McKeever Lil' Dazzlers👯‍♂️Congratulations McKeever Lil’ Dazzler...

JME Spatters into our 2nd Week of Enrichment with WOLFTASTIC fun Academic Activities from our AMAZING Teachers. Our bri...

JME Splashes into the End of the 1st Week of Enrichment with WOLFTASTIC fun Activities & Presentation from our Teachers ...

JME Celebrates their All-Year Perfect Attendance Students with a McDonalds Platter Breakfast, a Movie, and Raffles durin...

Our PreK & Kinder Bash was wolf-tastic! 🐾 Thank you to our amazing PreK & Kinder teachers and instructional aides for co...

JME is extremely thankful for The Pharr Police Department Justice League Team! We are sending a HUGE Thank you to Office...

Congratulations JME 5th Grade Class of 23-24 School Year!You have worked hard and have done well in your studies. You a...

Congratulations to all the JME Pre-K 3 & 4 grade students! We are so proud of your hard work and accomplishments this ye...

Congratulations to all the JME First grade students and Mrs. Trejo’s 1st-5th grade students! We are so proud of your ha...

JME Parents, we are honor to present to you:Mrs. Vasquez's Kinder Graduating class of 2024.JME Kinder parents, you are w...

JME Parents, we are honor to present to you:Mr. Reyes' Kinder Graduating class of 2024.JME Kinder parents, you are welco...

JME Parents, we are honor to present to you:Mrs. Rivera's Kinder Graduating class of 2024.JME Kinder parents, you are we...

JME Parents, we are honor to present to you:Ms. Hernandez's Kinder Graduating class of 2024.JME kinder parent, you are w...

JME Parents, we are honor to present to you:Mrs. Martinez's Kinder Graduating class of 2024.JME Kinder parent, you are w...

JME cheer, dance, & athletic students were showcased and celebrated through our 1st annual collaborative banquet. 💚 Stud...

🌊🐟 A huge shout out to our very own 3rd Grade teacher, Lynneth Garza, and Mr. Rene Soza from PSJA’s Buell Central! 🎉✨ Th...

Thank You JME parents and family for coming out to support our talented wolfpack as they showcased their musical talents...

Today some of our wolf-tastic 1st grade, ECSE, & LS students had a special presentation from the Pharr EMS team.Students...