Enrolling now! With more than 70 academic and over 40 technical programs, HutchCC is your choice for an outstanding education! Take classes in Hutchinson, McPherson, Newton or on-line. You’ll love the small class sizes! Plus they’re affordable, convenient and flexible!
Learn more at https://www.hutchcc.edu/request-info
Salina Tech has more summer classes than ever, and many are online, so you can learn around your other summer plans.
Classes include Public Speaking, Principles of Early Childhood Education, College Algebra, Calculus I, Police Science 101, and more!
Get a few credits out of the way before the fall semester starts, or make up a class before falling behind!
What a special treat to have Senator Jerry Moran stop by for a visit today! Moran arranges to have American flags flown over the nation's capital in honor of graduation day for students who lead the Pledge of Allegiance. He replied to our flag request this year saying he'd like to stop by and meet some of these remarkable seniors we were boasting about. Four seniors did a great job giving a tour and talking about what it's like to be a young Kansan. You would have been really proud, Abilene community! of both your young people, and a state leader. It was a special hour of people listening to people. A real treat!
Our Summer Tech Camp has a few spots left in different programs, and we don't want you to miss out on all the fun and learning. Registration closes Monday, May 13 at 8:00 AM.
Register here: https://fs30.formsite.com/SalinaTech/2024CampTech/index
Registration fee includes a t-shirt, water, and snacks during camp.
Summer camp website: https://www.salinatech.edu/summer-camp/
Open to students age 14+
Free to attend!
Register at : https://slate.to/TXmBQ7uU
Last, but certainly not least, the winners of The Ellis Foundation Scholarship!
Congratulations Darby, Adin, Mia, Carson, Adam, and Sydney!!
Congratulations to Ava winning the Dickinson County Democrats Scholarship and the MKC Scholarship!!!
Congratulations to our local scholarship winners!
Congratulations to the recipients of the Margaret Wardrop Memorial Scholarship!!
Zoey, Joe, Marissa, Maddison, Rylee, Lana, Abram, and Levi!!!
Congratulations to our Endowment Scholarship Winners!
Congratulations on winning the ACT Excellence Award Judah, Lana, Drew and Carson!!!!
Congratulations to our Brown Memorial Scholarship Winners!!!
Congratulations to Jentree for being name the Kansas Department of Education CTE Scholar!!!!!
Congratulations to our CTE Pathway Completers!!
The United States Marine Corps gives awards every year to students that meet certain requirements.
Distinguished Athlete Awards:
1. Be a member of a Varsity Team.
2. Be a high school junior or senior.
3. Be an outstanding young citizen.
Congratulations Judah and Claire!!!
Scholastic Excellence Awards:
1. Be recognized as an academic scholar.
2. Be a high school junior or senior.
3. Be a leader among his/her peers.
4. Be an outstanding young citizen.
Congratulations to Carson and Lana!!!
Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence Award:
1. First chair position or recognized as an outstanding performer.
2. Be a high school junior or senior.
3. Be a leader among his/her peers.
4. Be an outstanding young citizen.
Congratulations Adam, Jacobi, and Levi!!
Congratulations to Jaycie M and Lana G for being awarded the Kansas Seal of Biliteracy!!
NCKL Academic Athletic Awards!!!
Congratulations seniors!
The Class of 2024 Achievement Night!
Let's celebrate these seniors!
Academic Awards- Last Names L-Z!
The Class of 2024 Achievement Night!
Let's celebrate these seniors!!
Academic Awards- Last names A-K!
Congratulations Rylee J!!!!
Emmanuel Church would like to honor this year’s graduating seniors with a brunch. We will have a yummy breakfast, a fun through-the-years video and even nice gifts. If you have a senior who will be attending, For all seniors and their families, please RSVP for all family members through the church office by May 1, 2024.
The Salina Police Department and Salina Tech are hosting the Junior Police Academy program June 3rd-7th. This year, we will be having two classes per day one from 8AM-12PM and one from 1PM-5PM. Applications will be accepted now through May 3rd. There will be a mix of classroom and practical hands-on lessons designed to educate students on law enforcement. The application can be completed and submitted through the link below or by scanning the QR code attached. Applications can also be mailed or hand delivered to the Salina Police Department, 255 N 10th St. Attn: Captain Rachel Larson. Applications received after May 3rd will not be considered. Space is limited to 20 students, so please submit your application as soon as possible! Contact Captain Rachel Larson with questions at [email protected]
DK Lawns, founded by Parker Farr from Abilene High School, provides reliable and versatile lawn services including lawn mowing, bush trimming, landscaping, and other customer projects. DK Lawns is committed to growing its service offerings and deepening community ties through exceptional work!
Visit with Parker about options on how to beautify your outdoor spaces at this year's Trade Show in Herington on May 1st or in Abilene on May 6th from 6:00-7:30 pm. You can also reach out to Parker online at DKlawns Farr!
Established in 2021, The "More Than You Think" Scholarship recognizes and honors students in North Central Kansas from Saline, Ottawa, Cloud, Republic, Jewell, Mitchell, Lincoln, Ellsworth, or Dickinson Counties, who have a disability and are looking to further their education by enrolling in some type of post-secondary learning opportunity (college, university, community college, vocational school, cosmetology school, etc) Any type of credentialed program will be considered.
Instructions on how to apply can be found at https://occk.com/scholarships/ Multiple winners may be selected in amounts up to $1,000.
If you have any questions, you can visit the website or contact Janae Cramer at [email protected] or 785-827-9383.
We have a new class coming to Abilene High School!!! Be sure to get more information if you are interested in the Fashion Design class!!!
K-State will be offering an ACT Prep Class over the summer! Information and how to register can be found at the link below!
ACT Test Prep Class @ Kansas State University — Power Prep
COST: $80 (Sale price expires on 05/05/24) WHEN: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 8:30am - 2:10pm CT (40-minute lunch break in the class. Lunch is not included.) WHERE: KSU Alumni Center1720 Anderson Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502