RUDEF - Rural Development Education Fund

RUDEF - Rural Development Education Fund


On realizing that there was need to promote the rights of vulnerable children through education, something had to be done. Welcome

On realizing that there was need to promote the rights of the marginalized groups of children especially the disabled, orphans, girl child and children from very poor backgrounds or families through education in the rural areas, there was need to come up with a proposed plan that shall guide us in the organization to fit the formula RUDEF.



The generation of elites with many schools, Universities and technological advancements and as of most, whilist to His issues, for instance both the educated and non, none can identify Him on the great coverage of darkness on the surface with Satan in society, on the love to be praised, murder, etc, the devil promised and acknowledged to confuse, fool and divert you all from the Holy Bible at any given time possible, no matter even in the Church, it puts there its disciples in form of spies, in relation, above reasonable doubt on,

1 Corinthians 12 : 28.



Why rememorize ?

MATTHEW 13 : 10 - 17; 19 : 16 - 30;

ISAIAH 1 : 2 - 5, 1.



"Where there is flow of water, there is either a river or a lake".

Satanism is a belief in reverence for devils especially Satan. However, learners should not only be driven to attempt positive items towards God but also on this revelation and the Holy Course of Teaching, they should too need to understand the importance of such cruel mind in relation to Rudef issues and had these concepts of God and Satan if not understood in relation to life, they shall mix the likes of God and His dislikes (Satan).

Nevertheless, the following findings have been observed and encountered. Thus these include;

1. First of all, Satan has been the major sole cause to both innocent and vulnerable lives more so in the rural areas and anywhere else. Satan is characterized of killing, spyiing, poisoning, corrupt, rich, etc, which he/she uses them to cause the above subjects. This being a tool to help us in identification;

2. Satanic actions in a great number help us to see the Revelation of God in nature in Society on lack of kindness, love to harm more so killing the innocent people, rumors based on fictions than on scriptures, conspiracy, abuse of His Laws. etc;

3. Fault finders. In many ways a serious worker may easily get wrong at work, the counter part takes an advantage on fault findings or errors made, criticism against the better performance;

4. The strength of a prayer. Without Satan, one may not know that a prayer is valuable. Because now God helps to reveal you who is against or blessing your work;

5. Empty promises. Since, now and then, Satan does this obligation in society. He did too and doing the same to God that I will soon do good anytime but hardly reaches the commitment. These have led to the abuse of the scriptures and the Laws at Large, when tempting to do miracles;

6. The scam helps God to identify eliminate wickedness and cleans the Society against Sin by reaching out the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Scriptures and the use of the Ten Commandments;

7. The phenemen helps to identify and reveals both the false prophets and teachers, the society at large, for Him to punish and rebuke them a way from the society;

8. High levels of proficiency in adaulterous and polygamous tendencies in Society. This leads to loss of moral respect causing immorality and decadence;

9. The actions cause uncured diseases in society that do have no causes and difficult to diagnose on medical investigation with prolonged and everlasting pains, to only cured by death in most cases;

10. For Him to indentify and award those who do practice child sucrifice the likes of illuminate, etc, and get wealth and riches out of such. To punish them on the day of judgement and treat them as promised in the Book of Revelation, etc;

All in all, whatever the direction and reasoning that Satan takes, small or big sin, human beings can forgive but waits on His day. In the Books like Revelation, Malachi, and others, promised these punishments.

What is most believed from this wave of satanism, is that, it uses the power to corrupt any and adulterous on the counterpart, however, shall too sweep either it's children or grands, for the society will be Long with needy groups for ever and ever and unless otherwise. After the creation, Satan comes on board to destroy the done with its followers and then He too dismantles everything on evil and misrespecting the scriptures. And that they shall regret on the actions done in darkness on pain, etc.

Therefore the learners need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills of doing good to others, God, and elders who practice witches, etc, should too distance themselves away from children. Teach them how to respect for their friends, neighbors, elders, teachers, parents and all people in the image of God in society.



BORN ON; 04th . 02. 1937, and,

DIED ON; 19th. 07. 2006.



As our children get up, to their holiday, they are still able to work and so let us guide and guard them to both the wright and wrong materials towards the spiritual, leisure and studying issues. The home activities are too helpful to perfect them to working harder for their citizenship and the future at whole.

We are too reminded not to make them that they were the ancient Prophets of God when we have not understood the Biblical writings and the languages used. On Sin He changes now and then. For instance, the proberbility of one doing it is an eighth of one if we took a sampled space as ten or the results would score in negative direction of the expected scores, unless otherwise Mark 14:66-72; Jude 1:8-16, (17-23, 24-25), etc.

In His Book-Jesus and Rudef 's findings, one would hardly suggest that the 'Rock' was that, instead He meant Himself. And if at most, these were immediators between evil and justice Luke 16:15. Perhaps, one could say that;

Why was I made to write to you?

To identify those Prophets who too rebelled and turned out against God and the nature of those names would be too an issue into society against Him too in future and how He shall too punish them as the earliest Prophets on the abuse, misunderstanding and interpretation of the Holy Scriptures or that they shall learn on this Revelation - Isiah 46:3-4,5.

Note; The best, Scriptural and strongest relationship between Man and God in life is by giving your child's name that has or shows fear, love, praise, respect or serves Him Malachi 4:2, 1. Be creative enough to the use of the language you understand most or best.

Even one name either proverbial or idiomatic in Him is enough and great. After all what else do you need most as we are living? Because now a good name in Him is better than riches, Ecclessiastes 7:1. Its like using one stone to kill two birds that's to say investing in Him and full filling your agreement of praising Him as to why we were created not forgetting the Ten Commandments. However, your background is so important to the success of the motive at hand.

Similarly, the Churches, Nations, Learning Institutions with reference from the the Origin of Rudef and background, most of my schools, their Mottos were Biblical, etc, their Mottos, Missions, Anthems, all in Him. They have been instrumental in the Holy Course of Teaching to help the child in knowing God and the Society at Large .



** 1 Corinthians 12:28 and Matthew 23:39 are inversely proportional to ISAIAH 46:3-5, 1-13 and vice versa, when other verses are kept constant with their respective chapters like Genesis 17:19; Colossians 2:11; Job 28:28; e.t.c, at large....A m e n.**

Photos from RUDEF - Rural Development Education Fund's post 29/11/2021

Deuteronomy 12:28

Biblically, Genesis 1: 1; 26 -27; 6: 7-13; Meanwhile, the disobedience of man to God has given him security to distance himself away from God since and from the ancient times to date. For instance, when Adam, Eve and the Snake disobeyed against God’s command (Genesis 3:7), it promoted God to curse all of them (Genesis 3:1-24) and other creation.

The same fate further went in the times of Noah were he was requested to build an Ark (Genesis 6:5-22) that upon Him, He further found out that the people of that time were too disobedient to Him, He therefore Genesis 7:1. The burn and destruction of the two beautiful two cities of Sodoma and Gomorrah on the accusation of moral misconduct, it was upon the disobedience of the people with God, at that time, Israel was cursed Hosea 4:6-7; 9:7, 10 and will be blessed in the name of her. Likewise your country could have been done on either moral misconduct, undermining of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) or else to disrespect God’s leaders; as she was and is, etc, will be elsewhere, thus no matter the cities have acquired the modern names, God knew them for their sins made and as that.
The role of Satan has played a big work of making people to act wrongly, disobeying and misconducting against His Laws. The Lord I know, made me to learn the Laws, teach others to learn practise and understood the content in 1 Corinthians 12:1-31, He has given both of us knowledge but He is very calm, tough, jealousy and meaningful in His command like the corruptible Law teachers and politicians who have helped to extend and promoted theft in societies Genesis 6:11, like if the better religious preachers from the Urban/City Churches were to cross to the Rural, with needy and higher levels of vulnerability to provide them with counseling, etc. services during Holy days, etc, so as they could share with them, It would have been a good idea. Once upon a time, there lived a farmer who had a good harvest of cassava –root- food crop, he had his neighbour who had no garden, poor and weak in performance. During the time of famine outbreak, he- the neighbour, who had nothing to eat at all and suffered the consequences of the catastrophe.
He would have been kind at least to him or before but he- the farmer again claimed cases of weakness, etc, against the giant. Now the preacher would have helped the farmer well to know the work of the church to the needy as He explains the good work to a better Christian. He too promised to come back (Revelation 22:12-13) of which none knows the time (Matthew 24:36). By obedience, the work of attending to those groups of children in their location would have began earlier than yesterday but on the selfishness interests, self contentment and the following factors are thought further to have hindered and built more disobedience towards godly work to kick off, like;

a) Shortage of the interpretation of 1 Corinthians Chapter 14; different cultural beliefs; traditions and religious differences on Earth, amongst societies which all bring a weaker bonding with Him- God;

b) Revelation 21:8, 22:15, which are characterized of political issues and other ideologies like witches in man ,etc, have done a lot to the theme;

c) The verification and validity of the Quadratic Formula has the other factors silently. Therefore, since the time of Adam, Lot, Noah, Moses, etc, Sin has not been learnt of its effects by the people of God. For instance, it was God only and the people in the respective Nations like Egypt, Israel, etc, that knew well the problems facing them on the Laws of God. Take an example, do you notice that there are some Statesmen who are taking an advantage of this Artificial Corona Virus out break or COVID-2019, in some Countries of the World, to benefit wealth, politicking, etc, intentions, from the solicited funds or during the scourge, as a way of claiming to help the needy and the situation to go away, as an effect of Sin again to create Sin. Notably; Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I have stood amongst you writing to you for a long time, the logic has been too that even those cities that were destroyed that is Sodoma and Gomorrah, the errors or Sins that were made by the Sinners to date, they could not know that God was and is amongst them and watching, He sends the messengers into them as He did, but the strength of Satan fails them to change and repent to God for the good, and after a time, He reveals them to the rest of the World as done to explain His Laws.
And any other places would and shall be chosen on the amount of Sins, if learnt and failed to change or repented earlier. The statement 1 Corinthians 12:28, has a lot of God’s representatives, some would be kind, etc. The Apostles and Prophets are honored for the work done for having laid the foundation of arresting Satan away from Society, I have too played my role as a teacher and the rest is upon Him, just as some of us we have families but Satan, etc, has no right to make decisions for us in our homes, God made His agenda of advocates from the statement above Reference from the Holy Bible. Thanks. But initially, God loved and blessed them with good leaders, teachers and other people to serve Him. It is however a blessing from Him but on the other hand, It’s a curse after being revealed on the amount of Sins committed and the other Sinners to learn a lesson. This however, sounds a warning to the institutions that are using godly statements for defense, for instance and use them to misuse His Laws by misinterpreting them against the led. These serves as lessons to understand those, that at any one time on the failure to follow the Laws, they shall too dance to the tune as the above or upon Himself, He would wish to reveal where from.

Similarly, many preachers have taught about the Ten Commandments from Churches, Schools, Medias, etc; Nonetheless, nobody or else has reached, although, the deepest effects of the Laws. For instance, Exodus 20:15, after one -the thief has stolen an item, the stolen shall also be stolen or taken away by God who knows the negative side of the Laws and again the victim shall be a warded with a punishment for breaking the Law when he/she knew how to practise it correctly, etc, Laws. However, human courts of Laws on Earth are characterized of favor to the Sinners, Corruptible to both the accuser and accused, teaching theft in society, etc, and finally, abuse the Laws of God, Matthew 23:14-36.
The outside part is said and that what is taught is that there are Ten Commandments that God gave Moses on Mountain Sinai. Never the less, the victims to the circumstances will stand for their actions or guilt on the day of Judgment Revelation 20:11-15. Otherwise, God would have not only rescued the families of Lot, Noah, etc, or else if we are to discuss.

Prior to the Greatest conclusion of this Long-kind-moved Journey of I AM THAT I AM of the Principal witness being God, Holy spirit and the Holy Bible. It is also well done when one brought up the statement that God the Father; God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, when such a distance is covered because without God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit or The three gods, I doubt that such work would have been completed. The World had its beginning in creation but the work ended after Six days, the construction of the Ark by Noah and the pouring of water or rain were all done and reached an end, the experiences I too got from childhood to date have been well revealed including the nasty ones I had when starting to become a teacher, they prepared me for the future lessons, not forgetting the discussed ones during Rudef’s birth into society, have been all taught about them and proved contrary to the Ten Commandments. This story could be understood well by an Army Officer who has ever been on a battle field from a foreign land and came back, would imagine this. The only difference with their fight is only that for theirs much involves in the use of bullets, guns, gun powder and that even some times for a good one –fight, it involves the manufacturing of viruses, etc, the Jihadists who too use the above, then that they are fighting a Holy war, this is due to the failure to understand and interpret the Biblical writings but that is all the work of Satan Exodus 20:13, who loves killing than life and having been defeated on the good or truth. This has helped us to explain as to why many States have injected in a lot of funds in their budgets to support the buying and manufacturing of fire arms than making the Holy Bibles , preach more about God or support the needy people. No wonder, the Great, skillful, tough killers, etc, 1 Samuel 17: 47, none of these have been used to attach the Virus out broke in 2019- COVID, that has made All the States of the World to kneel down and sought for God’s Mercy. Thus when the Holy Spirit gave me the courage, etc, to start this John 14:8-11, 26, is as I have got the strength to stop all such writings. Remember that there is a Great difference between God and Satan. Genesis 1:1; Revelation 20:11-15; 22:13, etc. The Basoga people part of the Bantu Ethnic group who speak Lusoga language from Eastern part of Uganda-East Africa, whose Origin may be established by tomorrow, they have a slogan that is said that; “ How much times a fool is folded and pounded in a mortar (locally made out of wood with a pistle), it will never understand why the action is done.” Likewise, how ever much a candidate class is taught using coloured chalkboards, examples, teachers from East, West, etc, with a weaker back ground, etc. towards examinations, they would hardly pass it, etc. The dear interpretation from the above is that, one verse to a wise is enough Job 28:28. It is even shameful as earlier said in one presentation, to stress that the proportionality to the growth and development of Sin in society to the children/ learners that people fear more of death than the Love for God and His Commandments John 14:26. Not until the learners are told that you will have a test or an examination that they will become more serious to understand the taught work. Likewise, the Holy Bible has been taught for a long time and many people have not learnt that Sin has grown, when the Holy Spirit comes to direct you, you will understand how to use it on the amount of the subject revealed in the society and the World at large.

Note: That 19th of August every year is Rudef Day Celebrations are always made in the late Balabye Valerian’s home at Kitanaaba Village in Kagoma County- Jinja District. And as a human, I am sorry to those who have been hurt in one way or the other in the due course, as persons, religious denominations or States but on 1 Corinthians 12:28, it was inevitable, only those who are against my relationship with God, I wish you well Revelation 20:11-15; Malachi 4:1.

He said, you with such thoughts and reasons, the innocent grandchildren of the dragon, and that if God wanted to reveal Himself from the son of him and with his faith, could He be able to do it in the ; Adventists, Buddhism, Jihadists –Islam, Protestantism, or else, could it be on you? No, it could only come from that one of his faith which is none other than from Catholicism Exodus 20:12. In addition, who of you could be asked by his son to give him a fish or meat and you give him a snake or bone respectively. And supposing that you asked him and gave you from the counterparts, would you think that you have a brighter or sensible child?
When Jesus was spreading the seed of God, one of the members around Him alerted to Him that your relatives are here calling you outside. But because He knew the meaning of these two statements in Revelation 21:8; 22:15, He was all reasoning in God and that some relatives, have been invested in their lives with the spirits of the devil. “Anyone who loves me outside should be in too with the word of God.” He knew, He could be denied by some at any time but God would be there for Him either in good or in danger, upon the devil’s power. As earlier said about the curses to the World from the beginning after sin Genesis 3:1-24, Satan had occupied in the families of people of God. But who is Satan? These are people with bad image about God and His Ten Commandments. Likewise, in Jesus’ time the Spirit of glory had taught Jesus the effects of Satan in society.

Many families / homes both the wed locked, civil and even those of the scientific ones are facing with the problems which Jesus also suffered from, upon Satan’s out break into the family of Mary and Joseph.Thence forth, brothers and sisters, I do believe that when Satan would be identified and worked on, the people with such images, etc, about God, then the divorced wives / husbands, would be able to come back as some have done like it shall be on the different religions coming together, may be such curses would be stopped from society. However, since that time and to date, Satan has created the following consequences both in families and the society at large.

For instance, on the side of families; It has led to misunderstanding amongst family members, disunity, domestic violence, child sacrifice, early marriages, disobedience, mistrust, division- family outbreak, poor love relationship between the wife and husband, Satan has also caused the false Angels to tempt Abraham’s family to give birth to Ishmael which has further led to the birth of Jihadists Genesis 16:7-12; 2 Peter 2:4, as earlier said in the writing “ Learners trust in God Exodus 20:1-17.” Poor relationship with the neighbours, fights between family members, child neglect, lack of trust and confidence in God, on Satan’s outstanding in the families.

In society, Satan has created a class or group of weaker performers working in working places who are always against the stronger or harder workers in any departments, many best performing learners have suffered with devil spirits and powers that at times disrupt with their studies, food and drink poisoning attitudes in society, fights and quarrels that are as a result of false rumor mongering, gender based violence issues, corruption, theft and cheating, killing of one another, the spirit and power to use illuminists, Abortion, hacker eyed, Alcoholism with its effects, Satan has further, most driven the minds of people and led them to divert from the Original church and faith of Mary and Joseph to form new sects on economic grounds including the formation of the occultism , cultism, etc, in society while spoiling the importance and practise of the Laws (Exodus 20:3-17), adulterous, jealousy and envy, and lastly but not least, Satan has too created the spirit of war living way of life in society which some have been named as Holy Wars- Jihads, internal, external, and World wars .
These have been a result and need for the love for power struggle or leadership 1 Corinthians 12:28, and these have led to misery, displacement and lose of lives of people from zero to infinity.

In relation, before I get to organize my Exodus towards this evil spirit of the devil, dragon, Satan at large, this at no steady point has led to the lose and death of both the richest, poorest, dearest, oldest, youngest, smallest, biggest, etc, of which none of them would have loved to leave the World at such an age.
As earlier said above, that the fate has mostly affected the families/homes and the society at large. Through the mentioned ways, the areas that have been affected most, mean while, one would wish to learn and know that; Why has the study of Satan would be of an interest in one’s life? Who are the representatives of this life of Satan, dragon or the devil?

Scriptures say before this life, people used to live more than 100 years, 205, 500, 430, 403, 209 etc, Genesis 11:10-32, 5:1-32, etc, this was because man had good and strong relationship with God, thus Satan had little supporters at that time unlike of today. And besides that God would not have had the interest to see His people dying young or he would have had no interest to Create man Genesis 1:26-27.

Considering the two areas as have been our basis that is families and society, research and findings have been able to identify different groups of interest in the acts above, bearing the spirit of evil both scriptural, civil and scientific have been responsible for the engineering for the lose of many lives in the World at large. These spirits have been circumnavigated around man and his activities, these include:-

Intimate relations; These may include, that of closest relations like a brother or sister like that of Cain and Abel Genesis 4:8-14, any relative can cause the spirit of death of your life; a husband or wife, etc, at the work place Matthew 26:14-16, your most friends, the people around you or who know your birth place, etc, findings have proved cases of death through the above either due to conspiracy, poisoning, killing, etc, on the devils wish.

Civil issues also may include; The acts of murder, shooting people, witchcraft issues either done directly or sending spirits to cause harm to an individual, they have been heard in society to lack evidence and disease cause, Holy books to curse and doom an individual, group or society to cause death; For instance, when God knew the origin of Hagar who was given to help in the family of Abraham, that she was from Pharaoh’s society which was characterized of witch craft practices Revelation 21: 8. Now to the citizens who are still using needles to eat beans, you need to learn from to date that the major causes or sources of issues into the society that are making the innocent brothers and sisters to suffer Biblically are from; The false angel that tempted Abraham 2 Peter 2:4, and the son that was out of the false angel to Abraham into society Genesis 16:12.These two organisms have made God annoyed to their effects into the society. This is a lesson to the servants whose responsibility is wrongly done in society, will too face the same consequences as the angel falsely acted.* It is further to the family owners that do service more than what the creation states, either males or females, that you have too caused, too much problems into regions and your judgments will range as Matthew 24:36-51, on to your disobedience.

Another study was made from one Regional Referral Hospital from the Eastern part of Uganda- Jinja from 30th June-06th July, 2020, where research was made on one of the Wards and in particular Ward Five, where it was found from the Victims who were tested and proved positive of Tuberculosis cases and other infections, amongst eight patients, from the male wing in the days above, who were later admitted. Meanwhile it was found out that six of them were Muslims, one Catholic and another protestant.
What does this mean in our lives? It shows further that, the curses said to the son Genesis 16:12 are working amongst the grand children of Ishmael. Further investigations within, were found out that in the name of the child as name sake, from them, that two of them, they have been sleeping with more than and had five wives, upon their attendants and as well as relatives to them, were able to disclose their strength or weakness and on the other hand, of them (six minus two, now four) had no definite wives. On a sad note however, one died shortly before my brother Joseph, a talented footballer, whose numbers were eight, nine, ten and died as a civil referee at village level
,on that note, before we get to receive the comprehensive conclusion, one scripturualist would conclude Joseph has been in the Holy courses of God both in the past and present lives. Thus the Bible is the only Holy that has the truth of God, on addition, and May their Souls Rest in Eternal Peace….A m e n.

In the same way, they have helped to teach other people in society o how to ignore, abuse, fail and disrespect, to their existence and importance of the Ten Commandments more especially the Sixth, Seventh and the Tenth Laws that is Exodus 20: 13, 14 and 17 verses, respectively; even a mere being a neighbor or engaging with them in marriage, etc, none believers fear them most as earlier discussions said.

Brothers and sisters of this better modern generation of sciences that is political and social knowledge. You will believe in me that, it is this faith which has all along been confusing the name (s) from the Original- Biblical writings and formed other ‘Holy books’, in which, for instance, Moses was changed to Musa, Abraham to Ibrahim, Joseph to Yusuf, Mary to Mariam, Jesus to Isa, Eve to Hawa, Adam to Adam, etc, Exodus 20:3. I am at stand bye to hear mine – three used in this course also to be changed upon the greater thinkers. Their writings have too done to the children / pupils, that the end of their books used at work are seen as the beginning, now how can the child be taught that when you are counting for instance from 0 – 10, you first pronounce, for instance that ten (10) comes before the zero (0), in the counting numbers; likewise, how do you teach a child of junior two, to learn how to use a wall clock following the Anti clockwise than the clockwise and how will you put him or her right who is used to going back home at 1:00pm for lunch using the above methodology. And also, how do you advise one to celebrate his or her death date before death than the one he or she was born?If you were to teach Ten Laws, how would you teach the children the worst to be the best in the Sixth Law first than the goodness in the first Law Exodus 20:3, last.

Then on that, the next day, you will teach the children of how to pray to God by either sleeping facing upwards, downwards on earth or back to back, etc, praying than kneeling or standing upright humbly. From that above, it’s like teaching a child that when you are going to Church or School you go backward steps/strides than forward and coming back from Church or school, to home to follow the opposite direction, respectively. You may ask the women in the faith as that; where and why do they seat separately when praying? Now that you trusted the Angels more than me the creator, was it them – the Angels, who founded Sarah to marry Abraham or Abraham to Sarah or God? Similarly, were they the Angels who made me to create the rest, I or I created them? Galatians 6:7. After tempting Abraham to Hagar, you were too soon to do it to Adam, on addition to Eve, as you are the second god to God, verse three of the Laws. If you changed Moses’ name to Musa, do you follow my Laws Exodus 20:1-17; Colossians 2:11, etc, scriptures. Participating in the actions above, are these from the mind of God or Satan? Who of them loves His people to live more than to die?

The conclusion to the matter is that, you have failed to recognize and respected me as your only God verses 1-3 of the Laws and all my Ten Commandments verses 3 -17, Exodus Twenty.
Like the States that live entirely both in and work on the power of Satan, as many believers urge me that these Laws were for the ancient believers. I tell you surely, that is No; they are both for them and the modern people, and forever, as earlier reveled that, I will never leave them in any of my journeys like a teacher with a Red Pen at work. It shall be the basis for your judgment John 8:31-33.
Therefore, unless you baptized yourself to avoid such curses from the name (s) and now be in those, from the grandchildren of Abraham under the twelve clans of Jacob, you will be feared and identified as being wild, etc, forever and ever on Earth. Secondary, when you changed your codes of dressing to the normal and also left the human circumcision as per your ideologies, Colossians 2:11-12, you will now be seen, respected and recognized as not as being for instance wild, slaves, feared, aggressive, bloody believed society, etc, as earlier reported. Finally, I will never come back for you to re-address or else, these concerns anymore that have kept Satan behaviors in society from generation to generation Jeremiah 1:4 -10.

Otherwise, He could not like anybody from it-the family of Pharaoh, to live together with Abraham’ family, He could instead curse them the worst, on addition to the other factors as earlier said above. From this, one could say that Charity begins at home. Given the fact that she was of the habit, even her grand children to date would not escape this, and as long as there is a relation to the off springs of her, God will not get tired to send more plagues as done to Pharaoh as punishments, as earlier said in the writing that; Learners trust in God Exodus 20:1-17, than to have no respect for the Laws, otherwise people would be living for a long time or else.

Neighborhood curse like being adulterous in people’s homes Exodus 20:14, land issues, differences in wealth, etc, may cause the evil spirit of death to one side being over whelmed with issues like poverty, stress, alcoholism, low self esteem, etc.

Accidents like snake bites, over drinking to cause wrong driving of vehicles, falling from one truck to another, etc. Much of these have the spirit of Satan in their happenings to cause life short, the spirit has also been extended in a scientific way, take an example of the scientists in the writing above, Sir. Richard J. Roberts, who talked of the technicians, they are happy to manufacture a disease that can claim many lives of people than the cure for it.
Many diseases that lack Biblical origin but to be were predicted in the ancient days to be futured have been born. A lot have been made from many years and to date that have killed and claiming many people, these are either air borne, bacterial, virus, etc. these are either made through insects, animals, birds, etc, either domestic, wild, and even through people, upon the dynamics of Satan, whose interests is to kill than life, otherwise you would be having a chance to look at, and share with your grandmother/father with 900 years or your grandchildren even, yourself but because Satan has cut across your life and age, even, it is too late that you are living to date.

Soils. Today the soils have been changed from the soil or land that was there before science and its components. Much forms of fertilizer have been introduced that are to boost their fertility and production. A lot of artificial-scientific fertilizers have been manufactured. The many fertilizers introduced have spoilt instead the soils from what God created. When Adam, Eve and the Snake sinned, He cursed all the things, the soil inclusive through them or even the innocent. The natural fertilizers like the wastes of human and animals, birds, decayed plants, etc, would be better.

The science in agriculture has further played a big role in helping to reduce on the life expectancy of people in the World. The original both food and cash crops including spices of fruits have all been modified to get new breeds. The original food crops used to be stronger when eaten but on the spirit of Satan, has been done and now they lead to low life expectancy when used that they lost their natural potentiality.

The industrial revolution. The industrial technology had been as earlier as in the 18th and 19th Centuries. These have done much to destroy the life expectancy of people in the World. This has affected lives of people both directly and indirectly for instance some packed food stuffs when eaten, are manufactured in chemicals and a lot of fats which would not be good to the health, while other are sold out dated into society. Besides, the solid, the beverages too, to be taken or drunk some are a threat to life functioning.

Smoke production. This has played a big role towards the life of people for instance some smoke when breathed they cause suffocation of lungs of people when oxygen is lost, this makes the respiratory system difficult in its work hence forth causing death.
Destruction of the Ozone layer. This is the layer that protects the earth from the sun’s heat. This in the long run it deforms the rain formation; this causes desertification which leads to food shortage and finally famine in society to cause death.

The other pollutants include; water pollution were waste products are poured into water bodies that could destroy water for drinking and the growth of fish and other organisms in water causing low level of multiplication for them; Noise pollution which is made by these factories and shouting guns are also dangerous to people especially to the softer body parts like the ears, pregnant women can be influenced to cause still births, etc, the heart to cause heart attack diseases can lead to death of people, etc; Polythens which can cause land pollution to fail the growth of plants well in the soil and in the long run leading to low production and other vegetation growth to fail that can be a factor for rain formation, to lead to food shortage and famine outbreak in society, etc.

Production of killing weapons in society. It is this Science, Technology and Innovation which have given courage to the more existence of Satan in society and are blamed for the root cause. Both strong and small weapons are all made from these departments. It produces gun powder, bullets, guns and all much forms of fighting machines have been a result of this science.

Drug dependence. Upon the scientist; Sir Richard J. Roberts, that now having set such kinds of incurable diseases in society, the Pharmaceutical industry comes from behind to make the matters worse to ensure that the thought plans must be accomplished. One day, I moved around my working place where the local alcohol is made from, called “ enguri” which is also good for making sanitizer when mixed with other elements or substances, where I had a conversation with one of the brewers, whom I met to have knowledge about how the things are done in the area. Her in respect, a lot was reached at, but most of which she disclosed to me that, she makes like others do, but she fears to drink it, and a few of them that have the courage to drink this wine. This is because having learnt the worst side effects of the medicine and the enguri, when taken. Therefore, for the factors of commerce and trade, have made man to love money on the spirit of Satan to find ways of killing one another both indirectly and directly.

Family planning and its outcomes. Science and Technology have done more harm than good. Many people have put in use this system, through the various methods. However, the system has various negative impacts which are facing the users. On demographic study, in Africa for instance, because of the high fertility rate in women, about 97%, of them are able to conceive and produce the young ones, given chance at room temperature, and what cuts them from, to join the system, It is observed that, It is the high levels of poverty, It has further given them courage to use the system. However, this does not mean that it is the Continent with the highest population in the World. But many of them have complained of the various outcomes from the system and its methods; These include cancer diseases, low apatite / libido or natural desire for s*x, that children produced have deformations on their bodies, over bleeding in some women, etc, when used any of the system through the various methods. However, Logicians to the system have said that, it was brought to help those societies which are good at over producing children or with high births to stop and have few people in society. Besides that, when used the system with its negative effects as above and else, they could measure you not to go above a hundred years of age, etc. Even when you tried to interrogate the lay scientists, they do not have proper explanations to dress the masses well in society. Many things have been introduced in society to care and help you to reduce your life expectancy upon Satan. But if you knew that the population would be much or else you would have requested the creator to do want you want than disrespecting and abusing the Laws made Exodus 20: 3-17.

The innovation further have made some societies even to manufacture living eggs in society that are being laid by hens or other birds, and now it is the methodology to do so. What nature of eggs is of these scientists and technologists? And when eaten what food values are you to get from such eggs? This is therefore, to help you to stress to the learners that unless you put yourself on to God- Exodus 20-1:17, Satan has surrounded on you and me or us in a variety of ways. Could be not too late for them, that they are going to make a human being out of their science, etc, we are waiting the Great thinkers to see as He did. Indeed science is in our society is being enjoyed by the workers and innovators of it, but at one time you will accept that it is so, which could have led to your death. Because today, science is the governing principle in our lives, right from home to our work place. God punished Pharaoh upon such sciences which had no respect for His Laws and remember that we still have the elements of his life in this society.

Schools / Education.
And as we get to lock up with these areas, personalities and activities down by them that influence the success of Satan, remember before the Lord- Jesus talked of the false Angels in the New Testament, that drove Abraham to produce Ishmael 2 Peter 2:4, (Genesis 16:7-12) and made God to curse him Genesis 16:12, He also said first the false teachers and prophets 2 peter 2:1-3.
These have helped to build the strength and confidence of the existence if Satan and other people verse five second Peter Chapter two, in the whole World. Take a research today, if there is any Country without a school in the World. Yes there are schools and they are needed but what do they teach to God? Many of them- Schools, Colleges, Universities, etc, have taken up well and a warded with excellence for their performance but they have left the interesting disciplines to both the children and their God.
Subjects like Fine Art, Technical drawing, Music that would train them to praise their God, dance and drama, and Religious Education to learn about their God and His needs are all left and are termed as useless and other vocational courses like carpentry and joinery, brick making and construction, etc, they have both life to Him and children other than instead of teaching seriously Sciences which are causing to the decay of the World. Another major third cause for your suffering today.
There is no serious Country in the World in the department of Education which has risen the teaching of God or the Holy Bible first if not besides those institutions with godly mottoes, it’s for their influence and attraction of many customers in their Business. Even the Science which is taught is causing the Scientists to kill themselves as Jesus mentioned that Satan will end up killing himself or how many Scientist are living with or dying at the age of 150 years old?.The Doctors help us in treating our bodies but the greatest part in our lives is controlled by God most and Satan is along the way to confuse and later kills Exodus 20:13. That is why He gets many ways to make us die.

Now to what extent is the teaching of Science an essential component to God’s creation if the Scientists themselves are also dying of the issues in society on their knowledge? Try to investigate in your Country, as that how many Doctors have died of the infectious diseases or out breaks like Pandemics? But surely and on Biblical ground, on which day did God create such infections of now and then? So the teachings of Science than the above have and are causing the end to the World.
For instance if all institutions with godly mottoes were putting God first, even in our works we would have been doing that, but now you say “THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM –‘ Magezi’ ” Job 28:28; by obedience, of which if your actions were negative to God, now, how can an Institution, Country, etc, has her Motto as “ FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY” and even the Major taught disciplines within, there is no Religious Education, etc, characterized of Science than the practice for God most, and how will other societies, institutions, persons, etc, learn from you, but do they need to be told if they now their creation? Now from which angle that God would be able to work in you, any society or to an individual positively?

From the studies, if all of us we were living a Philosophical life, we would have agreed that Schools with their false Science teachers, etc, have led to the wider spread of Satan and its activities and if there were no Schools in society or if they were and put God first as the major subject (Bible teaching), I doubt that other ways would be coming as a result or life would be better when no such issues.
Even this may be the worst Generation in relation to the ancient ones where people used to live longer than today Genesis 5:1-32, etc, because of the high levels of teaching and practicing of the characters of Satan in society. The teachers at work may not believe 2 Peter 2:1-3, until 1 told you of a story of a group of them - teachers who were all the time teaching against and about me, etc, and the school’s performance declined for a longer good period of time struggling between 2014-19, but of no good results till one day I decided to get up to place a Holy bible in the school having preached about the devil activities in the school, even when it was done, it was and in the process to be snatched away by the dishonest ones by observation. Meanwhile, life started coming back in the area and the most characters were transferred elsewhere to provide their services, although.
However, since the society has little understanding about God, none or a few of them could have accepted the truth. Therefore, to any society that thinks in Education without God and disrespecting in His Ten Commandment, there is no life in that Society. And all in all, if one cannot manage to act positively and religiously as a teacher 2 Peter 2:1-3, Prophet, Law, Church Revelation 21:8, etc, it’s high time you surrendered or gave up on a serious note, you are advised on Biblical grounds.

In His book, Chapter Nine, What Jesus said about ; The Devil? Pages 115-131; The Recovery of Belief, written in the closing years of His life, C.E.M. Joad the Philosopher, he said that from the Genesis story of Eden we read that in reality the World and all that was in it was “very good: but then a dark shadow which has never been lifted moved over the earth. This shadow the Bible calls it “Sin”, philosophy calls it “the problem of evil”. This is entrance of evil into human history came through the active participation of great personality disloyal to God, one of the higher order of beings whom the Bible calls “angles” this being did not come out of the open, but worked behind the scenes in disguise as a serpent ( Genesis 3:1).

According to the scriptural story, evil did not originate here in this earth, but came as an importation from a higher World, even from heaven itself. This is what exactly Jesus said. “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”. Luke 10:18. And again, “he was a murderer from the beginning, and a bode not in that truth, because there is no truth in him when he speaketh of a lie, he speaketh of his own, for his a liar, and the father of it.”John 8:44. Our Lord Jesus Christ He believed that there is the devil destroys the works of the devil”. 1 John 3:8. Too destroy the devil himself. (Hebrews 2:14.) Where and Satan’s revolt began, we learn indirectly from two Old Testament prophets, Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-19. Let us turn briefly to the last book of the Bible and see what it has to say about the devil, since the book of Revelation is “the Revelation of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:1), it is clear that whatever is recorded there is really the teaching of Jesus. His Word on this subject is found in Revelation12, beginning with verse seven: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought his angles”. The dragon of course, is “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan”. Verse 9. The result of this conflict was that Satan, or Lucifer, “was cast out into the earth, and his angles were cast out with him verse 9.
The Joy of the un fallen angles at the expulsion of the rebels is revealed in verse twelve: “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhibiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time”.
Because of his pride and rebellion, Lucifer, the bright and shining angel, was transformed into Satan, the adversary, the devil. God, who knew his heart, then acted to deliver his heaven from his presence, Satan and the angels that followed him in rebellion, God charged with folly (Job 4:18.) Not only was he cast down to his earth but eventually he will be destroyed. “I will cast the….out….I will destroy thee”.
These fallen angles God delivered into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto Judgment”. (2 Peter 2:4.) The sentence against them will be carried out when the results and consequences of Satan’ rebellion are fully manifest and the possibility of another rebellion forever excluded (Nahum 1:9); etc.
Briefly, following a list of Bible texts which reveal the personality of the devil. It includes, Matthew 4:3; 12:24; 13:19, 38; John 8:44; 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 6:15; 11:3; Ephesians 2:2; 6:12; Colossians 1:13; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 9:11; 12:10; 20:2.

These thus helps us to remind the general society, that any one part of these groups or one of them, it’s high time you stopped to avoid further curses and to cause the end of the World on the Satanist in society.

Therefore, to this revelation on the views above, expressions from the time I started to such an end, to be Guided by the given Strategies, the Content in the formula above in Matthew, may further bear the characteristics of a Quadrant on the disobedience of man and what is seen and done in the Societies today.
This is because the Earth has been revealed to Sin since and before this enormous conclusion which are both contradictory once again, to the Holy writings from the Holy Bible and the Laws of God Exodus 20:1-17.

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