Body Mind Spirit PreLaw Optimization

Body Mind Spirit PreLaw Optimization


Preventing depression, despair, and anxiety for law students.


Law school and legal practice mean having a BUSY life. Everyday can feel like another race against the clock. Stopping and doing something intentional that brings you joy, just for a few minutes, can help with feeling grounded, optimistic, and generally make life more enjoyable. One really easy thing I do: listen to music that inspires me, makes me feel understood and connected. If I take five minutes in the morning and listen to a song without doing anything else, it can put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I'm more patient, less restless, and get more work done! Do you have any particular songs that can totally change your day?

23/11/2015 is offering a pilot law school prep course focused on emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health! Enrollment is VERY limited and there is 1 spot available as a funded spot, one spot at 80% off and 3 spots at 50% off!

Get Optimized! Prepare Your Body, Mind, and Spirit for Law School - For lawyers in Canada and the states su***de accounts for 10.8% of lawyer deaths and is the 3rd leading cause of death among lawyers

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