Zoom primary and secondry school, Afgoye Videos

Videos by Zoom primary and secondry school in Afgoye. Adiguna cayaar iyo caajis aad lajiiftaa Ana Dugsi caan ahoo aqoontiisa wacantahay Zoom aan Aadaa

Radio Zoom primary and secondry school

Wariye Suhayb xasan

Other Zoom primary and secondry school videos

Radio Zoom primary and secondry school Wariye Suhayb xasan

Misbaax ifaysaatihiineeJumca jamiil Dhamaadka sanad dugsiyeedka 2022/2023

Sagootinta Taabuurka Dugsiga hoose dhexe Sare Ee Zoom

Hees waxbarasho Zoom primary and secondry school