Chubby Cheeks Daycare and Activity Centre

Chubby Cheeks Daycare and Activity Centre


DayCare for Babies and Toddles Ages 3mths-3yrs and After-School Lessons and Holiday Club Arts & Activities for ages 3+ - 9yrs

Chubby Cheeks established in 2002 in Freetown, Sierra Leone providing....

What the Daycare Nursery Offers:
Care for 3months to 3 years
Teaching: UK Early Years Foundation Stage [EYFS] covering the 7 key areas of learning & development for babies and toddlers
Qualified Nurses to care for babies and experienced nursery staff
Daily Activity report for parents
Playtime and Activities
Food – breakfa

Operating as usual

Photos from Chubby Cheeks Daycare and Activity Centre's post 14/02/2023

Happy Valentines Day !!! Making Valentine cards


For safety,.reliability and progress.

I have mentioned before and it bears mentioning again: I know that I struggle with connecting with my children (that I’m the mom of) in several ways, and I’m not perfect, but one thing that I am proud of is that I intentionally make sure they see my face light up when I see them at the end of the day. I want them to remember that I was delighted they were there, because everybody deserves to feel like someone is delighted when they’re there.

For some of our children, that’s *not* going to be their parents. But it can be us. We can be delighted that they’re there, and these are some lovely, wonderfully concrete ways to show it.

What would you add to this list?

[Image description: A salmon/orange background with white text over it that reads:
5 Sentences That Can Change A Student’s Day

I’m so happy you’re here!
I was hoping you’d be in today!
Come on in, it’s so nice to see you!
Don’t think I haven’t noticed ___
You should be so proud of ____

The image was made by The Unteachables. End description.]


Nurse Kamara one of the nurses who care for our babies.


We learn through play. Another satisfied day!

Photos from Chubby Cheeks Daycare and Activity Centre's post 07/01/2023

On 21st December 2022, Chubby Cheeks Daycare celebrated our 20th anniversary of service to children and their parents. We have cultivated an environment of learning, understanding and growth. We strive to ensure that children are equipped for their upcoming school career in a safe and loving environment. We thank all our parents who have trusted us over these 20 years as we continue to improve the service we deliver to our babies and toddlers.

Shown below are pictures taken from the celebration on 21st. Thank you to all who came and celebrated with us including past students, parents, staff and the first pupil of Chubby Cheeks. Special thanks to Mrs Asmaa James and Reverend Janette Davies. Thank you also to the press who came out and covered the event. Finally, we would also like to thank our proprietoress Mrs. Sarah Thompson and all the staff that have been with us throughout this time. All the support throughout the years has been amazing to receive.

Photos from Chubby Cheeks Daycare and Activity Centre's post 07/01/2023

20th anniversary celebration of Chubby Cheeks

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00