The Reflecting Engineer

The Reflecting Engineer

The Reflecting Engineer (TRE) aims at giving students opportunities to discuss and reflect upon questions related to technology, sustainability and ethics.

Chalmers Students for Sustainability in association with Engineers without Borders present the lecture series "The Reflecting Engineer". The Reflecting Engineer is a nationwide collaboration between environmentalist student organizations and Ingenjörer utan gränser at Chalmers, KTH, LTH, Linköping University and Uppsala University. This page is an information source for the series at Chalmers. If

Operating as usual

Timeline photos 01/04/2016

In a season of sequals, we can't be left behind much, can we?

Reflecting Engineer Season 6 - Coming Soon!

Interested to be a part of the organizing team? Join the next team meeting on April 7th, between 12PM and 1PM at the Chalmers Studentkår building.


Hello everyone! So if you want to be part of the new organizing team for TRE in the fall, come to Chalmers Students for Sustainability next monthly meeting on May 27th at GMV at 17:30 and we can start the process or if this is not possible, just send us a message here at the page and we can organize a meeting the first week of June before summer starts!

Timeline photos 13/05/2015

So that's it with The Reflecting Engineer (TRE) lecture series for Spring '15!! We the organizers had immense fun in bringing you these lectures and hope all of you have reflected on some of the radical thoughts put on show. Thanks to everyone who participated and we shall meet you again for the next TRE series, starting in autumn. Send us a message if you would like to be part of the organizing committee for the autumn series.

Have a great summer everybody!! Vi ses!!

Photos from The Reflecting Engineer's post 13/05/2015

In today's final TRE lecture for Spring '15, we had Anna, Helene & Isabel describing how and what it takes for students to be change agents through research and education!


Roasting is a key challenge in the transition to sustainability in the coffee industry, great opportunity to students at Chalmers Students for Sustainability ;)


What is the cost of producing 1kg of coffee if all costs are included?


At the remaining lectures we'll serve food from arguably the best falafel place in town - Sunset Falafel. Also, 100% vegan.

Sign up for Plantagon membership 03/03/2015

Thanks to everyone for coming to todays lecture!

As was said during the lecture, Chalmers Students for Sustainability will pay for a number of Plantagon memberships for those CSS members who are interested. Just sign up in the form below if you're interested, and if we get more applications than we can handle, we'll make a small lottery for them.

See you next time!
/The TRE-team

Sign up for Plantagon membership


Only one hour to our first lecture of the year! You can't miss it!

Mobile uploads 12/02/2015

The Reflecting Engineer season 5 is coming!

Timeline photos 26/11/2014

We are happy and thankful to announce that Göteborgs miljövetenskapliga centrum (GMV) is again sponsoring our event!

Timeline photos 20/05/2014

Tomorrow is the LAST TRE lunch lecture of 2014! Join us for an interesting presentation about Mistra Urban Futures :)

Timeline photos 16/05/2014

Thank you all for joining us today!
Hope some of you got convinced to explore your ideas :)

Timeline photos 15/05/2014

Tomorrow we have a special treat for you: Tomas Halberstad from phonebloks (the company working together with Google on a modular phone) will talk about how a mere idea can bring a change!


Don't miss our lecture today about gender equality in engineering with Alice Marshall from AddGender. 12.00 at HA1 :)

Terra Institute_Future of business 12/05/2014

For everyone who missed the lecture with Emma Petersson from Terra Institute and those that want to have a more detailed look at the slides, you can check them out here :)

Terra Institute_Future of business Future of business Emma Petersson, Terra Institute presented business trends at Chalmers, Gothenburg technical university.

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