UPDATE: JUNE 4, 2024...I just checked the court records, my younger brother, Burke, who slashed a man's face in September 2022, the case has now moved to jury trial, again. Almost 2 years later. The criminal justice system in the USA is a complete joke.
OLDER message: TODAY JUNE 3 2024 MY LITTLE BROTHER BURKE WAS FINALLY CONVICTED OF SLASHING A MANS FACE WITH A KNIFE IN August 2022 . I have hated Facebook since 2014. That hatred has only gotten worse as my criminal felon little brother, BURKE RYAN BAILEY posted false information about me for the past 4 years. Facebook refused to remove this information. When I reported these posts to Facebook boards of directors on Facebook, Facebook would block me.
3rd brother: Burke... will be sentenced to up to the maximum 15 years in Idaho State Correctional Institution (ISCI), on June 3rd, 2024, because Travis intervened in the court case from here in Moscow, Russia in the fall of 2023. (BANNOCK COUNTY CRIMINAL CASE: CR03-22-0670). Burke is a fleeing felon from Washington County, Oklahoma and Cache Valley County/Salt Lake County Utah. He was arrested numerous times in all 3 of these states.
4th brother: Drew.... beat Travis on October 11, 2016, almost killing Travis. (Smithfield City v. Drew Bailey Docket #161000073) Drew only received a week in jail. Drew disappeared after his last arrest in Oregon, he is currently hiding in, Utah with the help of cousins who also have criminal records.
After Burke moved into the family home, On October 11, 2016, Drew visited the family. Drew had been in the US Military in Italy. He was dishonorably discharged after being hogtied for several days. When he returned to America from Italy, he had beaten his wife’s head into the steering wheel on August 29, 2016. His wife then divorced Drew and filed a protective order against Drew in Idaho. On October 11, 2016 Drew suddenly attacked Travis for no reason in the front yard. Drew put Travis in a special military wrestling hold and started beating Travis’s head into the lawn again and again. If Travis had been pushed down to the ground and his head landed 6 millimeters onto the pavement, Travis would be dead. As he was beating Travis, Drew stated he did not want to lose his special military clearance. Travis’s dog attacked Drew. Drew grab the dog, trying to kill it. Travis’s and Drew's mother, screamed at Drew to stop and Drew tried to hit his mother. The neighbors heard Travis scream and called the police. The police arrived. Travis went into the house and then went to the hospital. Because Travis was in the hospital and could not testify, Drew was only given 1 week of jail for nearly killing Travis (Smithfield City v. Drew Bailey Docket #161000073). That night, Drew had Travis and his father’s rifle in the trunk of his car, which was confiscated by the police. After Travis moved out of his parents house, Travis filed a protective order against Drew which was granted on January 5, 2017. Travis then attempted to file a protective order against Burke, but he had no time or money to file the complaint. He was working full time in Logan, then he received a new job in Ogden, Utah.
Drew was arrested again in Oregon,. He is currently hiding in Utah with his convicted criminal cousins.
Burke Ryan Bailey
In September 2002, Burke Ryan Bailey severely beat Travis Lee Bailey in Blackfoot, Idaho, while living with common law wife.
Burke Ryan Bailey 2 girlfriends who he has children with, both have protective orders against Burke.
Burke was arrested on July 26, 2010 for ASSAULT AND BATTERY WITH A DANGEROUS WEAPON and convicted in Washington County, Oklahoma on January 12, 2012 (STATE OF OKLAHOMA V. BURKE RYAN BAILEY No. CF-2010-00305 (Criminal Felony)). On July 10, 2015 Burke fled the state of Oklahoma to Idaho when a bench warrant was issued for his arrest for failure to appear in court. Since returning to Utah in 2016 Travis had tried to encourage Oklahoma state officials to issue a warrant for his arrest in coordination with the state of Utah, where he also resided with Travis and Burke’s deceased mother, for 4 months.
In 2015 Burke was convicted for breaking into a facility numerous times in Pocatello, Bonneville County, Idaho. (Johnson). The police put his photo on Facebook, and he was arrested and convicted.
From 2016-2018 Travis tried unsuccessfully for the Washington County, Oklahoma prosecutors to have Burke extradited back to Oklahoma from Utah. Burke had stabbed one of three men who caught him stealing car radios from his apartment complex. Burke was sentenced to prison and then while on parole, escaped to Idaho.
In December 2016, Travis then moved from Cache County Utah, to Ogden, Utah, then to Salt Lake City, Utah. Travis tried to visit the family home in 2018. But Burke threatened to kill Travis if he went to the family home (this is all legally on audio tape). Travis’s mother was hospitalized for brain cancer that same night. Travis's mother had grown up in Southern Utah and was exposed to radiation from the nuclear fallout in Nevada. After her death in October 2018, the US government gave the 5 surviving children $10,000 each, which Travis spent in Moscow.
Travis moved back to Moscow in September 2018
On August 1, 2022 Burke was arrested for slashing a man’s face with a knife. (Hines)
In late 2023, Burke was about to be convicted in a plea agreement, with a reduced criminal sentence. Travis called and emailed the prosecuting attorney , defense attorney, and District Judge. Travis also contacted local media, Kalama Hines, www.EastIdahoNews.com. In emails, Travis pleaded that Burke get the maximum sentence. In one of numerous media articles Travis initiated, the online newspaper published this statement from Travis on March 8, 2024: “My personal safety, my family’s personal safety, my extended family’s personal safety is at dire risk,” the email says. “In addition, I strongly urge Bannock County, Idaho, to contact Washington County, Oklahoma, to inquire if, once Burke completes his sentence in Idaho, he be transferred to Oklahoma to finish his felony sentence there.”
So. This is the state of the "legal" system in America 🇺🇸
Let's now discuss the legal system in Russia.
Так. Таково состояние "правовой" системы в Америке.
Давайте теперь обсудим правовую систему в России.
And the Mormon church in Russia
While living in the family home from September to December 2016, Travis wrote a letter and mailed a letter to every person in the Mormon church congregation that travis parents attended warning them about Burke.
Travis then returned to Moscow Russia is September 2018 to earn a 5th diploma.
In mid 2020 Burke began contacting Russian officials and posting on Facebook about Travis with false allegations.
The Russian security services began to monitor and actively befriend Travis. One was a career criminal attending the Mormon church also.
The Mormon church in Russia believed this criminal because he was Russian and Travis was American. This Russian criminal then tried to extort 15,000 dollars from Travis in a fake charity. Everyone in the church knew this criminal Russian lawyer was a criminal and posted this to Travis, but as is common in Russia, the Mormon church did not want to get involved because they are scared of those above them. Travis wrote an official letter to the Russian lawyer criminals work, and the letter was denied. This lawyer criminal then took over all of Travis networks of lawyers etc. The Russians would belive this Russian lawyer over the American.
The fake charity is still operating in Moscow. This Russian lawyer worked with other criminals to threaten Travis. One was a drunk Russian American who Travis met in 2019. This alcoholic Russian American created a website to mock Travis's injuries he had received by being beaten twice in Moscow. These 2 criminals then tried to hijack all of Travis's contacts on Facebook and Vk.com.
Facebook regularly removes information that the Federal Bureau of Investigations tells the company too. Facebook is run by the FBI. CEO Zuckerberg admitted this in an interview with Joe Rogan on August 25, 2022. The FBI explained to NBC News: “The FBI routinely notifies U.S. private sector entities, including social media providers, of potential threat information, so that they can decide how to better defend against threats.” The US Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the State Department are among the many federal agencies that routinely monitor social platforms.
Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934, enacted as part of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, provides limited federal immunity to providers and users of interactive computer services. This means that anyone on Facebook can post terrible things about other people and Facebook doesn't have to legally remove these messages.
Facebook controls what news you see and makes you angrier.
The Washington Post explained: In testimony to U.S. Congress and abroad, whistleblower Frances Haugen has pointed to the algorithm as central to the social network’s problems, arguing that it systematically amplifies and rewards hateful, divisive, misleading and sometimes outright false content by putting it at the top of users’ feeds. Previously reported internal documents, which Haugen provided to regulators and media outlets have shown how Facebook crafts its ranking system to keep users hooked, sometimes at the cost of angering or misinforming them.
Mark Zuckerberg Answers to Facebook's Moderation of Controversial Content
2022 August 25
FBI responds to Mark Zuckerberg claims in Joe Rogan show
Zuckerberg told Rogan that Facebook limited the exposure of a story ahead of the 2020 election after the FBI warned him to beware of polarizing content. August 27, 2022.
The US Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the State Department are among the many federal agencies that routinely monitor social platforms, for purposes ranging from conducting investigations to identifying threats to screening travelers and immigrants. January 7, 2022
Why Facebook won’t let you control your own news feed
November 11 2013 https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/11/13/facebook-news-feed-algorithm-how-to-turn-it-off