Travis Lee Bailey

Travis Lee Bailey


As an American, I have been teaching teenager & adults since 2000 in United States Peace Corps Ukraine Odessa. Online and in person.

A volunteer government organization. 24 years experience. General, Legal and Business English.

Operating as usual

RUSSIAMOVE 09/07/2024

Russia move

RUSSIAMOVE Move, live, invest and work in Russia - the last safehaven for Western conservatives.

Photos from Travis Lee Bailey's post 09/07/2024

Website: http://www.xn--2024-u4d6b7a9f1a.xn--p1ai/ The 2020 constitution made Russia arguably the most Christian constitution and Russia the most Christian country in Europe.
It replaced the 1993 constitution written by the American drunkard puppet Yeltsin.
(What Naomi Klein calls The Shock Doctorine)
I have met the American woman, a lawyer, who helped write the original constitution. She still teaches law here in Moscow.

The year 2024 in Russia is declared the Year of the Family.

Family is one of the most important and significant aspects of our lives. It is the foundation of society and the place where we are born, grow, and receive our first lessons about the world around us. Love is a feeling that arises between two people. It is manifested in care, respect, support, and understanding of each other. Fidelity is a choice, free and conscious. Fidelity is the willingness to be with a person in both sorrow and joy.

On July 8th, Russia celebrates the Day of Peter and Fevronia (also known as the Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity). Today's holiday reminds us of how important it is to cherish family values, respect, and support each other in difficult times.

May peace and harmony reign in your homes always! May each day be filled with harmony and the smiles of loved ones!

Happy holiday!
Happy Family, Love, and Fidelity Day🫶🏻

Photos from Travis Lee Bailey's post 08/07/2024

UPDATE: JUNE 4, 2024...I just checked the court records, my younger brother, Burke, who slashed a man's face in September 2022, the case has now moved to jury trial, again. Almost 2 years later. The criminal justice system in the USA is a complete joke.

OLDER message: TODAY JUNE 3 2024 MY LITTLE BROTHER BURKE WAS FINALLY CONVICTED OF SLASHING A MANS FACE WITH A KNIFE IN August 2022 . I have hated Facebook since 2014. That hatred has only gotten worse as my criminal felon little brother, BURKE RYAN BAILEY posted false information about me for the past 4 years. Facebook refused to remove this information. When I reported these posts to Facebook boards of directors on Facebook, Facebook would block me.
3rd brother: Burke... will be sentenced to up to the maximum 15 years in Idaho State Correctional Institution (ISCI), on June 3rd, 2024, because Travis intervened in the court case from here in Moscow, Russia in the fall of 2023. (BANNOCK COUNTY CRIMINAL CASE: CR03-22-0670). Burke is a fleeing felon from Washington County, Oklahoma and Cache Valley County/Salt Lake County Utah. He was arrested numerous times in all 3 of these states.

4th brother: Drew.... beat Travis on October 11, 2016, almost killing Travis. (Smithfield City v. Drew Bailey Docket #161000073) Drew only received a week in jail. Drew disappeared after his last arrest in Oregon, he is currently hiding in, Utah with the help of cousins who also have criminal records.
After Burke moved into the family home, On October 11, 2016, Drew visited the family. Drew had been in the US Military in Italy. He was dishonorably discharged after being hogtied for several days. When he returned to America from Italy, he had beaten his wife’s head into the steering wheel on August 29, 2016. His wife then divorced Drew and filed a protective order against Drew in Idaho. On October 11, 2016 Drew suddenly attacked Travis for no reason in the front yard. Drew put Travis in a special military wrestling hold and started beating Travis’s head into the lawn again and again. If Travis had been pushed down to the ground and his head landed 6 millimeters onto the pavement, Travis would be dead. As he was beating Travis, Drew stated he did not want to lose his special military clearance. Travis’s dog attacked Drew. Drew grab the dog, trying to kill it. Travis’s and Drew's mother, screamed at Drew to stop and Drew tried to hit his mother. The neighbors heard Travis scream and called the police. The police arrived. Travis went into the house and then went to the hospital. Because Travis was in the hospital and could not testify, Drew was only given 1 week of jail for nearly killing Travis (Smithfield City v. Drew Bailey Docket #161000073). That night, Drew had Travis and his father’s rifle in the trunk of his car, which was confiscated by the police. After Travis moved out of his parents house, Travis filed a protective order against Drew which was granted on January 5, 2017. Travis then attempted to file a protective order against Burke, but he had no time or money to file the complaint. He was working full time in Logan, then he received a new job in Ogden, Utah.
Drew was arrested again in Oregon,. He is currently hiding in Utah with his convicted criminal cousins.


Burke Ryan Bailey
In September 2002, Burke Ryan Bailey severely beat Travis Lee Bailey in Blackfoot, Idaho, while living with common law wife.

Burke Ryan Bailey 2 girlfriends who he has children with, both have protective orders against Burke.

Burke was arrested on July 26, 2010 for ASSAULT AND BATTERY WITH A DANGEROUS WEAPON and convicted in Washington County, Oklahoma on January 12, 2012 (STATE OF OKLAHOMA V. BURKE RYAN BAILEY No. CF-2010-00305 (Criminal Felony)). On July 10, 2015 Burke fled the state of Oklahoma to Idaho when a bench warrant was issued for his arrest for failure to appear in court. Since returning to Utah in 2016 Travis had tried to encourage Oklahoma state officials to issue a warrant for his arrest in coordination with the state of Utah, where he also resided with Travis and Burke’s deceased mother, for 4 months.

In 2015 Burke was convicted for breaking into a facility numerous times in Pocatello, Bonneville County, Idaho. (Johnson). The police put his photo on Facebook, and he was arrested and convicted.

From 2016-2018 Travis tried unsuccessfully for the Washington County, Oklahoma prosecutors to have Burke extradited back to Oklahoma from Utah. Burke had stabbed one of three men who caught him stealing car radios from his apartment complex. Burke was sentenced to prison and then while on parole, escaped to Idaho.

In December 2016, Travis then moved from Cache County Utah, to Ogden, Utah, then to Salt Lake City, Utah. Travis tried to visit the family home in 2018. But Burke threatened to kill Travis if he went to the family home (this is all legally on audio tape). Travis’s mother was hospitalized for brain cancer that same night. Travis's mother had grown up in Southern Utah and was exposed to radiation from the nuclear fallout in Nevada. After her death in October 2018, the US government gave the 5 surviving children $10,000 each, which Travis spent in Moscow.

Travis moved back to Moscow in September 2018

On August 1, 2022 Burke was arrested for slashing a man’s face with a knife. (Hines)

In late 2023, Burke was about to be convicted in a plea agreement, with a reduced criminal sentence. Travis called and emailed the prosecuting attorney , defense attorney, and District Judge. Travis also contacted local media, Kalama Hines, In emails, Travis pleaded that Burke get the maximum sentence. In one of numerous media articles Travis initiated, the online newspaper published this statement from Travis on March 8, 2024: “My personal safety, my family’s personal safety, my extended family’s personal safety is at dire risk,” the email says. “In addition, I strongly urge Bannock County, Idaho, to contact Washington County, Oklahoma, to inquire if, once Burke completes his sentence in Idaho, he be transferred to Oklahoma to finish his felony sentence there.”


So. This is the state of the "legal" system in America 🇺🇸
Let's now discuss the legal system in Russia.

Так. Таково состояние "правовой" системы в Америке.
Давайте теперь обсудим правовую систему в России.

And the Mormon church in Russia

While living in the family home from September to December 2016, Travis wrote a letter and mailed a letter to every person in the Mormon church congregation that travis parents attended warning them about Burke.
Travis then returned to Moscow Russia is September 2018 to earn a 5th diploma.
In mid 2020 Burke began contacting Russian officials and posting on Facebook about Travis with false allegations.
The Russian security services began to monitor and actively befriend Travis. One was a career criminal attending the Mormon church also.
The Mormon church in Russia believed this criminal because he was Russian and Travis was American. This Russian criminal then tried to extort 15,000 dollars from Travis in a fake charity. Everyone in the church knew this criminal Russian lawyer was a criminal and posted this to Travis, but as is common in Russia, the Mormon church did not want to get involved because they are scared of those above them. Travis wrote an official letter to the Russian lawyer criminals work, and the letter was denied. This lawyer criminal then took over all of Travis networks of lawyers etc. The Russians would belive this Russian lawyer over the American.
The fake charity is still operating in Moscow. This Russian lawyer worked with other criminals to threaten Travis. One was a drunk Russian American who Travis met in 2019. This alcoholic Russian American created a website to mock Travis's injuries he had received by being beaten twice in Moscow. These 2 criminals then tried to hijack all of Travis's contacts on Facebook and

Facebook regularly removes information that the Federal Bureau of Investigations tells the company too. Facebook is run by the FBI. CEO Zuckerberg admitted this in an interview with Joe Rogan on August 25, 2022. The FBI explained to NBC News: “The FBI routinely notifies U.S. private sector entities, including social media providers, of potential threat information, so that they can decide how to better defend against threats.” The US Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the State Department are among the many federal agencies that routinely monitor social platforms.

Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934, enacted as part of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, provides limited federal immunity to providers and users of interactive computer services. This means that anyone on Facebook can post terrible things about other people and Facebook doesn't have to legally remove these messages.

Facebook controls what news you see and makes you angrier.

The Washington Post explained: In testimony to U.S. Congress and abroad, whistleblower Frances Haugen has pointed to the algorithm as central to the social network’s problems, arguing that it systematically amplifies and rewards hateful, divisive, misleading and sometimes outright false content by putting it at the top of users’ feeds. Previously reported internal documents, which Haugen provided to regulators and media outlets have shown how Facebook crafts its ranking system to keep users hooked, sometimes at the cost of angering or misinforming them.

Mark Zuckerberg Answers to Facebook's Moderation of Controversial Content
2022 August 25

FBI responds to Mark Zuckerberg claims in Joe Rogan show

Zuckerberg told Rogan that Facebook limited the exposure of a story ahead of the 2020 election after the FBI warned him to beware of polarizing content. August 27, 2022.

The US Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the State Department are among the many federal agencies that routinely monitor social platforms, for purposes ranging from conducting investigations to identifying threats to screening travelers and immigrants. January 7, 2022

Why Facebook won’t let you control your own news feed

November 11 2013



Today I suggest learning how Russian names can be changed! I’ve chosen one of the most famous Russians with the name Лев (Lev). 🦁

The full name of a Russian person consists of the first name and patronymic - Лев Николаевич (Lev Nikolaevich). Usually the full name is used in formal situations, when addressing an older person or boss, etc.

Besides, first names have a variety of diminutive forms. For example, in case of Лев the diminutive forms are Лёва (Lyova) or the more affectionate Лёвушка (Lyovushka), Лёвонька (Lyovonka) and others. Usually they are used to address friends, relatives, children, or teenagers.

And, by the way, the patronymic name from the name Лев is Львович (Lvovich) for male and Львовна (Lvovna) for female.

❓What’s the surname of Lev Nickolaevich? 😉

📷: Государственный музей Л. Н. Толстого; Public domain

🔔 Russia Beyond telegram channel


What you need to know about Catherine the Great's Chinese Palace

This palace is probably the most luxurious in the Oranienbaum palace and park ensemble in the town of Lomonosov near St. Petersburg.

It looks like a box with a secret: behind the laconic facade hides a regal splendor - halls decorated in the Chinese style. Art historian Alexandre Benois called Catherine II's personal residence a graceful, elegant trinket that one could not help but admire.

The Chinese palace was built by architect Antonio Rinaldi. The rooms were decorated in the then fashionable ‘chinoiserie’ style: a lot of gilding and stucco, smooth curves of frames, porcelain from the East and Europe, mirrors, Chinese and Japanese lacquer furniture. In order to decorate the empress'personal summer house, a trade caravan traveled to China several times. Catherine entertained her first guests there in 1768.

The main pearl of the palace is considered to be the Glass Bead Cabinet: its walls are decorated with a dozen panels embroidered with silk thread and glass beads. Butterflies and birds flutter across the sparkling background and the gilded frames resemble tree trunks. It’s as if one finds oneself not in a room, but in a magical forest. Catherine II loved the study for its "exuberant appearance" and met withhigh-ranking guests in it.

📷 Alexey Danichev/Sputnik

🔔 russia beyond telegram channel


7 best SUMMER paintings in Russian art

The relatively short summer in Russia is especially long-awaited and artists have always been inspired by the abundance of green spaces, unique sunlight and endless blooming meadows. Below, we’ve picked out some of the most beautiful paintings with summer themes from the collections of the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum and other art collections about this time of year! Enjoy!

1. Alexei Venetsianov. ‘Harvesting. Summer’, Mid-1820s (c) Tretyakov Gallery
2. Konstantin Korovin. 'At the tea table', 1888 (c) Vasily Polenov Museum-Reserve
3. Kirill Lemokh. ‘Summer (Сongratulations)’, 1890 (c) Russian Museum
4. Sergei Vinogradov. ‘In the Summer’, 1909 (c) Russian Museum
5. Alexander Deineka. ‘Expanse’, 1944 (c) Russian Museum
6. Yuri Podlyasky. ‘In the Summer’, 1949 (c) Russian Museum
7. Arkady Plastov. ‘Noon’, 1961 (c) Russian Museum

💥 russia beyond telegram channel

The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees 07/07/2024

If 12 British men can end slavery throughout the world in 1787, we can end war in 2024.
The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees. By Adam Hochschild
Jan. 25, 2005

Every Briton knows that the Magna Carta, which placed some of the first limits on the absolute power of kings, was signed in 1215 by a reluctant King John and his barons in a meadow at Runnymede, beside the Thames. Every American knows that the Declaration of Independence was adopted in Philadelphia in 1776, in the building later known as Independence Hall. But another such milestone, equally worth celebrating, too few people remember.

The document involved is merely the minutes of a meeting. And if you go today to the spot where the meeting took place, 2 George Yard, a small courtyard in London’s financial district, you will find no monument, no plaque, no troops of schoolchildren -- only the service entrance to an office building.

Yet the reverberations from what happened on this spot, on the late afternoon of May 22, 1787, eventually caught the attention of millions of people around the world, including the first and greatest student of what today we call civil society. The result of the series of events begun that afternoon in London, wrote Alexis de Tocqueville decades later, was “absolutely without precedent.... If you pore over the histories of all peoples, I doubt that you will find anything more extraordinary.” The building that once stood at 2 George Yard was a bookstore and printing shop. The proprietor was James Phillips, publisher and printer for Britain’s small community of Quakers. On that May afternoon, after the pressmen and typesetters had gone home for the day, 12 men filed through his doors. They formed themselves into a committee with what seemed to their fellow Londoners a hopelessly idealistic and impractical aim: ending first the slave trade and then slavery itself in the most powerful empire on Earth. The interests they were taking on were entrenched and influential. Britain dominated the Atlantic slave trade. Roughly half the slaves taken across the ocean to its lucrative West Indian sugar islands, to the United States and to other European colonies were transported in British ships. Starting an anti-slavery movement in Britain in 1787 was like starting a renewable energy movement in Saudi Arabia today.

The minutes of that historic meeting, preserved in a leather-bound volume at the British Library, are only a single page long, in the clear, flowing handwriting of the committee’s firebrand organizer, Thomas Clarkson.

They begin simply: “At a Meeting held for the Purpose of taking the Slave Trade into consideration, it was resolved that the said Trade was both impolitick and unjust.” Throughout history, of course, slaves and other oppressed people have periodically staged uprisings. Given the conditions under which they lived, that was only to be expected. But what made the movement that grew out of the George Yard meeting so unprecedented was this: It was the first time that a large number of people in one country became outraged -- and stayed outraged for many years -- over the plight of other people, of another color, in other parts of the world.

The movement took off immediately, in a way that earlier scattered abolitionist efforts, in both Britain and North America, never had. Petitions flooded Parliament, which the following year took the timid first step of regulating conditions on the slave ships. Slavery became the prime topic of the London debating societies. Anti-slavery books and posters flooded the country. In a seven-year period, Clarkson rode 35,000 miles by horseback through England, Scotland and Wales, setting up local anti-slavery committees.

No one was more astonished than the powerful slave owners’ lobby, which previously had only concerned itself with sugar tariffs and the like. “The Press teems with pamphlets upon this subject, and my table is covered with them,” Stephen Fuller, London agent for the Jamaican planters, reported in despair to his employers. “The stream of popularity runs against us.”

The outpouring, moreover, defied economic self-interest. From Sheffield, famous for making knives, scissors, razors and the like, 769 metalworkers petitioned Parliament against the slave trade, saying that even though their wares had routinely been purchased by slave-ship captains and then traded to buy slaves in Africa, they nonetheless “consider the case of the nations of Africa as their own.” Fuller was amazed that the petitions pouring into Parliament were “stating no grievance or injury of any kind or sort, affecting the Petitioners themselves.”

It took the movement more than 50 years from that first meeting to end slavery in the British empire. That goal was finally reached in 1838, a full quarter of a century before slavery died in the United States. No more chained slaves cross the Atlantic today, but the spirit that crystallized at George Yard is with us in a different way. In the idea that those who suffer “no grievance or injury” have the obligation to speak up for those who have suffered them lies the birth of the vision that human rights are universal.

In this very unequal world of ours, where decisions made in our own country -- on subjects including military intervention, the sanctioning of torture and the complex economics of globalization -- connect us morally to the farthest corners of the Earth, this is an idea that seems more relevant than ever. In that sense, the process born on that long-ago afternoon in 1787 is not only incomplete, it has barely begun.

The Idea That Brought Slavery to Its Knees In 1787, British abolitionists saw a link among all humankind.


How a nuclear war would kill you — and almost everyone else.

In a full nuclear war, 90 - 95% of people in the Northern hemisphere will die.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

For the past 2 years, the doomsday clock has stood at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest to Nuclear War ever.

Fellow Americans - take back your country.
Since 1991, and the fall of the Soviet Union, internationally the United States is the most violent country in the world.
"Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or "disappeared", at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame." -- Amnesty International, 1996

Since the end of World War 2, the world has been run by intelligence agencies. Therefore, our greatest hope as a species is whistleblowers in the organization Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. (VIPS)

What You Can Do To Turn Back The Doomsday Clock

How a nuclear war would kill you — and almost everyone else.


Post World War 2, 1940s US intelligence documents: We must lie and manipulate

The invention of the atomic bomb will cause a shift in the balance between ‘peaceful’ and ‘warlike’ methods of exerting international pressure. And we must expect a very marked increase in the importance of ‘peaceful’ methods. Our enemies will be even freer than [ever] to propagandize, subvert, sabotage and exert . . . pressures upon us, and we ourselves shall be more willing to bear these affronts and ourselves to indulge in such methods—in our eagerness to avoid at all costs the tragedy of open war; ‘peaceful’ techniques will become more vital in times of pre-war softening up, actual overt war, and in times of post-war manipulation.”

Communists have a “strong position in Europe, so immensely superior to our own . . . through unabashed and skillful use of lies. They have fought us with unreality, with irrationalism. Can we combat this unreality successfully with rationalism, with truth, with honest, well-meant economic assistance?" No, America needed to embrace a new era of covert warfare to advance her democratic objectives against Soviet deceit. -- George Kennan, 1947.

The Cultural Cold War The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters Frances Stonor Saunders

Gregory Bateson, Research & Analysis, OSS, to General Donovan, August 18, 1945 (CIA.HSC/RG263/NARA)

George Kennan, National War College Address, December 1947, quoted in International Herald Tribune, May 28, 1997.

Putin in North Korea & Vietnam, driving collective west crazy 05/07/2024

Alexander Mercouris the next Noam Chomsky. North Korea - Vietnam - Cuba China - Russia - Iran alliance. Mercouris states in his private channel that Russia will start to give weapons to guerilla organizations against the United States. Putin in North Korea & Vietnam, driving collective west crazy THE DURAN June 20, 2024

ALEX Christoforou (0:00)
All right Alexander let's talk about Putin's visit to North Korea. which has wrapped up and let's then talk about Putin's visit to Vietnam. interesting itinerary first North Korea then Vietnam. the collective West is freaking what are your thoughts?

Alexander Mercouris (0:27)
The trip to North Korea is is extremely important it fits in with a series of important diplomatic moves that the Russians have been making over the last few months. What they together signalis that the Russians have finally concluded that the post Cold War period is over. Even the Détente period of late Cold War period era is also over.

That there's now Russia rebuilding Cold War alliances, straightforward confrontation between the West and Russia and that that isn't going to change anymore. So the result is that the Russians are now reconstructing some of their Cold War alliances and they're doing that with North Korea.

They're doing that with Vietnam. Now remember in the 1960s the Soviet Union two of its key allies at that time in Asia were North Korea and North Vietnam. Both of which of course were divided countries at that time. North Korea - South Korea facing off against each other North Vietnam - South Vietnam facing off against each other. North Korea and North Vietnam in the 1960s had excellent relations and North Korea and Vietnam also have excellent relations. The relations never cooled between these countries.

So the Russians rebuilding those relationships those old Cold War alliances.

The Russians are sending their fleet to Cuba and carrying out exercises off the coast of Florida. Fairly provocative but moderate by comparison with what the West has been doing in Europe. But clearly the fact that they sent their Fleet to Cuba. It's a show of force. it's a show support for Cuba. it's a sign that they're going to reestablish relations with Cuba again. Almost certainly there'll be a military dimension to this as well as an economic one.

Taliban in Afghanistan
This has not attracted so much attention Russia has basically rehabilitated the Taliban in Afghanistan. They're now forging economic and political links with the Taliban. Also they're looking like they're preparing to establish diplomatic relations with the Taliban. They're providing economic assistance to Afghanistan. They seem to be moving steadily towards an improvement of relations with Afghanistan too.

These are countries that are Western adversaries. Iran with which the Russians also have close relations, is an adversary as well. The Russians let these alliances wither during the Gorbachov-Yeltsin era. Now they've decided sacrificing all these alliances achieves nothing. The West took advantage, it didn't really result in any permanent rapprochement between Russia and the West. So the moment has come for Russia to reestablish all these alliances. Go ahead and form military political economomic links with these genuinely friendly countries.

Vietnam is an economic giant, a rapidly growing economy its major trading partner is China with which its trade is $200 billion in turnover every year. The second is the United States $100 billion turn over every year.

Russia is far behind. Just 5 billion but it's growing very fast. The Russians will want to improve and accelerate economic relations with Vietnam with which they used to have very close economic ties. Beyond that what the Russians want to do Russia Vietnam they've always had very friendly political relations with Vietnam. They want to ensure that Vietnam aligns with them and ultimately China not with the United States. Vietnam looks like it's going to apply to join the BRICS and the Russians want to consolidate that. They want Vietnam to commit itself once again to the Eurasian system. They will do it. Putin is being extremely well received in Vietnam. I suspect there'll be an arms deal. The Vietnamese traditionally have sourced their weapons from Russia. But there'll be economic links. But the most important part of it will be Vietnam joining the BRICS. Participating in the construction of the economic and financial architecture that the BRICS now seems to be primarily about.

The North Korea visit has attracted the most attention. North Korea is a country which is not just an adversary of the west but straightforwardly an enemy of the West. The way people in the west write and talk about North Korea you can see that. It is also however a significant industrial power much more so than people are willing to acknowledge. It's become militarily a very powerful country with its own nuclear nuclear weapons.

Putin has now concluded what is in effect a military alliance with North Korea. The treaty the comprehensive partnership agreement which has now been published. three of the Clauses have military dimensions they commit Russia to defending North Korea if it is attacked. North Korea has taken on similar commitments with respect to Russia.

There's clearly going to be military technical exchanges as well so the Russians will be helping the North Koreans develop their military even further. Russia will be getting lots of weapons from the North Koreans.

This is now going to be formalized. There's reports the Russians have received 5 million shells from North Korea this year. Which is a staggering number. Russians are said to be producing 4 and a half million shells themselves so it's a huge number of shells from North Korea. But all sort of other weapons. Economic surge as well. It's an outright alliance with what is now a powerful nuclear country. There is another Factor as well.


The Russian economy is currently undergoing an economic surge. The single biggest problem that Russia faces is labor shortages. North Korea has an abundance of well-trained workers. What we're going to start to North Koreans coming to Russia. More North Koreans will be coming to Russia to work there. This is already happening. In the Far East the Russians have lifted restrictions on North Koreans coming to work in the Vladivostok area. This will happen on an much bigger scale with North Korean factories being rebuilt with machine tools, and fulfilling orders for the Russian consumer and heavy industry markets. Major economic dimension over and above the strategic and Military one. It's a major step.

For North Korea it means that the siege which the country has been under ever since the Soviet Union collapsed in the late 80s early 90s has now been lifted. The sanctions have effectively been nullified. The treaty it talks about things like food security. A very important issue for the North Koreans. Russia is the world's biggest food producer. Russia can easily supply North Korea with food with raw materials with energy. Russia can also Supply North Korea with technology. What the US has been trying to prevent North Korea accessing, it's now going to get. (10:45)

A great achievement for the United States and it's foreign policy. (laugh)

The United States been trying to engineer regime change in North Korea. The US has been trying to reengineer regime change in Russia. It's waged sanctions and economic Wars against both and the result is that it's brought these two countries together. It's made them each more formidable than they would have been. In North Korea's case significantly more powerful than it was before.

ALEX Christoforou (11:15)

The big winner from Project Ukraine is North Korea

The biggest winner

ALEX Christoforou (11:20)
The Wall Street Journal put out an article and they said that US Intel and White House officials are shocked. They're absolutely shocked at the fact that that Russia is creating all of these partnerships with China with North Korea with Vietnam with Iran. The Biden administration can't believe this. The Wall Street Journal reported US Intel and Biden White House officials and all the the brainiacs at the think tanks. They can't believe that this is happening. They they never saw this coming. what can you say? (laughter)

Alexander Mercouris
They should they should they should have asked our advice.

They could have asked the advice of a three-year-old and they would have said you know maybe, maybe if you sanction Russia 60,000 times they may partner up with North Korea.


It means that not only that the sanctions war is over. North Korea is coming in from the cold. Russians would not have done this with North Korea unless the Chinese had also greenlighted it. There's some people who are trying to argue otherwise, but Putin was in China and Beijing just a few weeks ago. He would have discussed all of this with Xi. The Chinese also have a commitment to defend North Korea. This goes all the way back to the 1950s.

The Chinese media has been recently reminding people that agreement between North Korea exists. It is still live. It's not just fallen by the wayside. All of these pieces were always there, they were always going to be moved. US policy should have been to keep all of these countries divided from each other. Instead, it's bringing them all together and it's doing this at accelerating speed.

The strategic partnership document it's quite straightforward. They're talking about the multi-polar world. North Korea is going to be a part of that. It's all centered on creating alternatives to the US lead system.

North Korea of all countries, the Hermit Kingdom, as people call it, the most isolated country, is being invited in. Not just by the Russians but by the Chinese too, and will be a full participant.

It will mean Adaptations to North Korea ideology. The North Koreans have always talked about complete self-reliance. If they're going to participate in a multi-polar system then to some extent they'll have to adapt themselves to that. They can. Kim Jong Un shows every intention of doing just that.

Bidens foreign policy (14:50)

ALEX Christoforou

It's so bad for the United States. This project Ukraine policy is so bad that Kim Jong Un is giving a speech and talking about the multipolar world. It amazes me how how bad the foreign policy of the Biden White House is. Four years ago Trump was meeting with Kim Jong Un. Whatever you may think of Trump. Like him, don't like him. Doesn't matter he was actually meeting with Kim Jong Un. Of course Bolton sabotage the whole thing. But from that point to four or five years later where we're getting Kim Jong Un saying that he is entering the multi-polar world with China and Russia at his back.

Alexander Mercouris (15:55)

This is what happens when you don't conduct diplomacy. When you pursue policies of conflict and War. when you want to sanction everybody. I mean the sanctions are getting completely out of control. It leads you into a cul de sac. Eventually people start working around you. Which is what then now increasingly doing. it was all completely predictable. They also again said that the unilateral sanctions are illegal. They also said that the misuse of international courts to pursue political objectives is wrong also. North Korea committing itself to fighting climate change.

ALEX Christoforou (16:55)
maybe they're trolling. (laughter)

Alexander Mercouris (17:05):
This has been a disastrous week for US foreign policy. We had that conference in Switzerland. It was a complete debacle. We're seeing a crisis in the Middle East which is not under control. It's getting worse. Now we've seen all of these further diplomatic moves by the Russians, to anybody who took a step back and thought about the state of the world ought to have been fully predictable. But the Geniuses in Washington apparently didn't predict it. They didn't predict that China and Russia would come together.

ALEX Christoforou (18:05):
That one's an easy one that one that one's even easier than China North Korea. (laughter)

Alexander Mercouris (17:05):
So now it has. Everything else is now falling into place exactly as a three-year-old might have predicted.

ALEX Christoforou:
this is not hard stuff. It makes you wonder where are all of those hundreds of billions in the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (MIC) and at the think tanks and the policy that surrounds the Pentagon and the state department. What is that money being being put towards if you're getting these types of results? I mean these aren't bad results these are these are catastrophically bad, incompetent, almost dumb results that they're actually achieving. You have to actually work to to achieve the week that the United States just had in foreign policy.

Alexander Mercouris (19:20):
I completely agree you have to work very hard. What does happen in the think tanks and in the NONGOVERMENT ORGANIZATIONS (NGOS), a person has to read what these people write to understand how completely disconnected from reality they are. How unified they are in what they think. They spend all their time talking to each other and working each other up. They don't really follow properly the currents of what is happening in The wider world.

Bismark one of the most successful practitioners of foreign policy, great practitioner of real politic, he said the most important thing in conducting foreign policy, is to know how to read the constellations. how you to look up look at what's going on in the world get a feeling of what is happening get the sense of what countries are thinking and leaders are thinking. if you do that if you are able to read it well then you will shape your policy in a right way. well these people don't do that. They don't try to read the constellations. They talk to each other. they're very ideological. they still believe that their power is limitless, and of course as a result they get the results we see.

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