Butterflies Empowering Education

Butterflies Empowering Education


Escola bilíngue / Bilingual School
Creche, pré-escolar e primeiro ciclo
4 months to 10 years

Operating as usual

Photos from Butterflies Empowering Education's post 01/02/2025

🇬🇧 Our amazing music teacher plans the best activities for the babies. Music exercises the brain – when a baby listens to music or sings along with nursery rhymes, both sides of their brain are accessed at the same time.🦋 we have 2 spots left in nursery!

Book a visit with us! 📞

🇵🇹 A nossa fantástica professora de música planeia as melhores actividades para os bebés. A música exercita o cérebro - quando um bebé ouve música ou canta canções, ambos os lados do seu cérebro são acedidos ao mesmo tempo.🦋 apenas temos 2 vagas no berçário!

Marque a sua visita! 📞

Photos from Butterflies Empowering Education's post 18/12/2024

Pretend play helps the child develop social and emotional skills, builds language skills and problems solving skills. 🦋

Photos from Butterflies Empowering Education's post 21/11/2024

We had the pleasure of having Andre from come to school and teach us all about plants and planting🪴

Tivemos o prazer de ter o André da na escola para nos ensinar sobre as plantas da horta e sobre semear e plantar. 🪴


Building games develop problem solving skills, spatial awareness and increased attention span. 🦋


Hi everyone! The BLC is hiring now! Get in touch with us!


Exciting news coming your way very soon


Hi everyone! The BLC is going to start a new German playgroup in Jan 2024! Feel free to tag anyone who might be interested! Thank you in advance!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Videos (show all)

Happy New Year 🎈 •We are open and ready to receive new students to our school 🦋 we have limited spaces left in creche. •...
Enjoy these 40 seconds of pure happiness!•Our newest member of the Savannah (nursery) family. ••••#butterflieschool #sch...
Enjoy these 40 seconds of pure happiness!•Our newest member of the Savannah (nursery) family. ••••#butterflieschool #col...
This is how we celebrated food day 🍪•Foi assim que celebramos o dia da alimentação 🍪 •••#butterflieschool #schoolinsintr...
The tree room is complete! 🌳🦋•A sala da árvore está completa 🌳🦋•••••#butterflieschool #schoolinsintra #sintra #colegiobi...
Movement class for babies is a fantastic way to promote physical development, cognitive development and encourages socia...
Our new dolls house brought so much excitement! 🎀•A nova casa de bonecas trouxe muita alegria🩰••••#butterflieschool #sch...
Show me something CUTER!🥹 I’ll wait… 😋•••••#butterflieschool #sintra #butterflies #quintadabeloura #schoolinsintra #cole...
Look at what we did in our arts class! 🎨 we used sponges to make fun shapes…•Vejam o que fizemos na aula de arte! 🎨 Usám...
Last few days of summer ☀️•Últimos dias de verão ☀️•••#butterflieschool #butterflies #sintra #quintadabeloura #colegiobi...
Today we went on a treasure hunt. We even saw some ducks 🦆 •Hoje fizemos uma caça ao tesouro. Até vimos uns patinhos 🦆••...


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00