🇬🇧 Our amazing music teacher plans the best activities for the babies. Music exercises the brain – when a baby listens to music or sings along with nursery rhymes, both sides of their brain are accessed at the same time.🦋 we have 2 spots left in nursery!
Book a visit with us! 📞
🇵🇹 A nossa fantástica professora de música planeia as melhores actividades para os bebés. A música exercita o cérebro - quando um bebé ouve música ou canta canções, ambos os lados do seu cérebro são acedidos ao mesmo tempo.🦋 apenas temos 2 vagas no berçário!
Marque a sua visita! 📞
Pretend play helps the child develop social and emotional skills, builds language skills and problems solving skills. 🦋
We had the pleasure of having Andre from come to school and teach us all about plants and planting🪴
Tivemos o prazer de ter o André da na escola para nos ensinar sobre as plantas da horta e sobre semear e plantar. 🪴
Building games develop problem solving skills, spatial awareness and increased attention span. 🦋
Hi everyone! The BLC is hiring now! Get in touch with us!
Exciting news coming your way very soon
Hi everyone! The BLC is going to start a new German playgroup in Jan 2024! Feel free to tag anyone who might be interested! Thank you in advance!