Metsamor Archaeological Mission

Metsamor Archaeological Mission


Metsamor Archaeological Mission In his book, titled Airarat, he mentions the remains of cyclopean walls atop mound Mets Blur. Cand.

The Armenian-Polish Archaeological Mission in Metsamor was established in June 2013 during the visit of Armenian scholars led by Prof Ashot Piliposyan in Warsaw. This visit resulted in an agreement signed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia “Service for the Protection of Historical Environment and Cultural Museum-Reservations”, and the Center of Ethno-Cultural Observation Studies

Operating as usual


📙 Check out the new article on Urartian by our PCMA colleague Dr. Mateusz Iskra and the Metsamor Archaeological Mission team.
🔜 make sure you download it soon to get free access

🔸 M. Iskra, B. Woronko, K. Zalewska, A. Hovhannisyan, G. Kaproń, T.M. Kossowski, M. Sobczak, A. Piliposyan, K. Jakubiak (2024). Urartian Red Burnished Ware in local context: An archaeometric study of the assemblage from Metsamor (Armenia, South Caucasus), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 53,
💡 Highlights:
• Urartian Red Burnished Ware were imported to .
• Urartian Red Burnished Ware have different chemical composition than local pottery.
• Urartian pottery could not have been produced in the pottery workshops producing local ware.

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 10/09/2023

After another week of hard work, expedition went on a trip to Dilijan and Lake Sevan.


The end of the working week in the local climate ... and with a splash 🌊

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 01/09/2023

First week of excavation and we already have reason to celebrate!! Guess what it is...

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 31/08/2023

How many people does it take to cover the sun? 🧐


It's cleaning time 🤠

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 27/08/2023

We are back‼️And that's how we roll 😎


Już od dziesięciu lat archeolodzy z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego pracują w Armenii. na temat armeńsko-polskich wykopalisk w 🔸 Metsamor w Dolinie Ararackiej rozpoczęła się 25 listopada w Muzeum Historii Armenii w Erywaniu.
👇 (czytaj więcej - link w komentarzach)
For ten years now, archaeologists from the University of Warsaw have been working in . An on the Armenian-Polish excavations in 🔸Metsamor in the Ararat Valley began on November 25th at the History Museum of Armenia in Yerevan.
👇 (read more - link in comments below)

«Մեծամոր» պատմահնագիտական արգելոց-թանգարան/Metsamor Museum
Սարդարապատի հուշահամալիր, Հայոց ազգագրության թանգարան
Հայաստանի պատմության թանգարան/History Museum of Armenia
Ambasada RP w Erywaniu
Metsamor Archaeological Mission
Wydział Archeologii Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 29/09/2021

Some photos from recently finished season


Do you like 3D puzzle?


Beautiful (the vase, of course)❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 26/08/2021

Our very first day in Metsamor! This how it started! It was almost 8 years ago! Not only our site has changed during this time!

Mateusz Iskra Joanna Dzik

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 25/08/2021

Despite sweltering heat the fieldwork is in progress 🌞🌞🌞 We opened a new area and continue to work in a room found during the last season. After 7 days, the results exceeded our wildest expectations!!! We can't wait to see what's next!

Joanna Dzik Mateusz Iskra Janeta Mkrtchyan Maciej Es Olga Puszkarewicz Karolina Warecka Kinga Baj Patryk Okrajek Ewa Kwiatusińska

Fot. Kuba Perkowski, Joanna Dzik


YOU SHALL NOT PASS! 🛡⚔ Our guards will protect us!

Photos from Metsamor Archaeological Mission's post 20/08/2021

🏺⛏⛏The first week of excavations is almost over. We are happy to be able to go back to work after two years gap! We missed our colleagues and our site


We are back !!!

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Videos (show all)

The end of the working week in the local climate ... and with a splash 🌊