Erasmus+ Rzeszów

Erasmus+ Rzeszów

EDU-IT company coordinates Erasmus+ projects as a host and sending organization.


EDU-IT company, together with the project partner SERGED Association from Turkey, is implementing a project titled: "Let's cooperate!", no. 2024-1-PL01-KA210-VET-000256641. The project is implemented under the Erasmus+ program, Small-Scale Partnerships in the Vocational Education and Training Sector. 🇵🇱 🇹🇷

The aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation between continuing education institutions and the labor market through joint implementation of the curriculum and teaching materials for a course dedicated to the needs of companies in the elevator industry. Developing and disseminating model cooperation solutions.

As part of the project, on November 28, 2024 a conference is organized entitled "Cooperation with employers and adapting the vocational education offer to the needs of the labor market." Project partners from Turkey, as well as representatives of local companies, educational institutions and continuing education organizations will be present during the conference.

The conference will be broadcast online on the YouTube/EDU-IT Rzeszów channel.

We invite you to watch!📌✏️📋

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 27/08/2024

🇵🇱 🇪🇸 🇵🇹
In this year's edition of foreign internships under the Erasmus+ program, we cooperated with 50 companies/institutions from Rzeszów, Lublin, Kraków and hosted over 80 students from Spain and Portugal. During the meeting with representatives of companies from Rzeszów, we met in Janiowe Wzgórze . It was a great opportunity to get to know each other and exchange experiences!
In this edition we cooperated with the following companies: Safiro Nutrition, Kruko, Elektro-Lift, Fundacja na Rzecz Dzieci, Młodzieży i Osób Niepełnosprawnych Parasol, Savio Europe, DSV - Global Transport and Logistics, JLM TRANS, Agencja Reklamowa Bogaczewicz, Dom Pomocy Społecznej im. Józefy Jaklińskiej w Rzeszowie, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie, Król & Knapik, Joker Barber Rzeszów, Janiowe Wzgórze, WR Sport - Centrum Sportu i Rozrywki, REX AUTO - Autoryzowany Dealer ŠKODA Rzeszów, Is Networks, TOP S.A., Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Rzeszowie,Spectre I.T. - serwis komputerowy, Wojewódzka Stacja Pogotowia Ratunkowego w Rzeszowie, APPAREO, Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej w Rzeszowie, MOPS Boguchwała, Okręgowa Stacja Chemiczno-Rolnicza w Rzeszowie, Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny im. F. Chopina w Rzeszowie, LISI AEROSPACE Poland, Ledolux Poland, Zelkon, SM Project - pompy ciepła i fotowoltaika, SL Transport, Instytut Żywności i Żywienia Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Laboratorium Hodowli Komórek i Tkanek, Katedra Technologii Produktów Kosmetycznych i Farmaceutycznych, DPS Babica, MPP Cyfrowa Foto, Dom Spokojnej Starości "Złote Liście", Strefa Zieleni - Projektowanie i zakładanie ogrodów, Heli-One Poland, IOD Performance, Derby ingredients, Vlosy - J. Foszcz, Riflessi Sui Capelli, Zielona Dolina Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych,, B&B HOTEL Rzeszów Centrum, GEORES Sp. z.o.o, Geo-Rad, Biuro Rozwoju Miasta Rzeszowa

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 16/07/2024

Photo report from the professional practices of our students from Spain, who completed their internship as part of the Erasmus+ program at the Wojewódzka Stacja Pogotowia Ratunkowego w Rzeszowie. 🚑🚑🚑

We know that they did great and understood the patients' needs (despite the language difference) 👍

Photos from Dom Spokojnej Starości "Złote Liście"'s post 02/07/2024

Today we said goodbye to another group of students, who finished their internship in Rzeszów. We hope to see you soon 🙌😍

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 27/06/2024

We would like to thank our partners, Polish companies and institutions for helping interns from Spain who were with us for 3 months to take their first professional steps 💪
Thanks to you, these young people were able to gain professional experience in their specializations 👌😍

We would like to especially thank our new partners:
Ledolux Poland Kruko wid meble Lisi Aerospace Janiowe Wzgórze Joker Barber Rzeszów Riflessi Sui Capelli Zielona Dolina Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych Spectre I.T. - serwis komputerowy DSV - Global Transport and Logistics - Oddział Rzeszów, WSIZ Kielnarowa- Laboratorium Hodowli Komórek i Tkanek oraz Centrum Badań i Usług Biomedycznych, Strefa Zieleni - Projektowanie i zakładanie ogrodów

Thank you!
EDU-IT Team 🙌

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 25/06/2024

A new group of students came to us 💪 from the regions of Catalonia and Castilla y Leon, they will stay with us until the end of July. We wish you successful internships 👌😊


We recently said goodbye 🙌 to a group of students from Spain who had a 3-month internship . It was a very good time for the students 😊 we hope to see you again in the future 😍


Our Erasmus Group from Spain at a barbecue🥰
There was good humor, good fun and relaxed conversations🤩

Thank you to the restaurant Los Amigos Rzeszów for helping us prepare the barbecue🙂

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 09/05/2024

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Juwenalia festival in Rzeszów!!!
It is one of the biggest student holidays organized in most universities in Poland.🤩🥳

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 09/05/2024

Students from Las Palmas, studying in the field of Administration and Finance, are gradually completing their professional internships in Krakow as part of the Erasmus+ program.
Ana, Selena, Joel, Joan, Iriome, and Bryan, we hope that this has been a wonderful professional adventure for you, filled with valuable lessons, inspiring challenges, and unforgettable moments that will stay with you forever!😍👌🙌

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 02/05/2024

Students from the Slovakia are doing their internships in Cracow for dwo weeks whit Erasmus+ 😊
We organized internships for chefs and confectioners 👌
We hope that this stay for them will be very inspiring for further work in the profession 😍

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 26/03/2024

In period 18-22.03.2024 four vocational teachers from CIFP BIDEBIETA LHII from Basauri, Basque Country, Spain developed their job shadowing teachers training in EDU-IT.
Within this training teachers visited VET schools and Training Centres cooperate with our organisation:
1. Zesół Szkół Energetycznych w Rzeszowie , website:
2. Powiatowe Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego w Łańcucie, website:
3. Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych w Rzeszowie, website:
4. Centrum Kształcenia praktycznego w Rzeszowie, website:

During visits spanish teachers have possibilities to get familiar with polish VET system, schools equipment’s, learning methods, teaching materials and teachers documentation.
They also have observed VET lessons, spoke with teachers and schools management.

In order to get know about polish schools and labour market cooperation Spanish teachers visited also two companies related with electronics and automatics:
1. Fibrain, website:
2. Bester sklejki, website:

We hope that that experience would affect teachers development and be inspiring for future cooperation between organisations in both countries.

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 19/03/2024

Martim and Rodrigo, students from Escola Profissional de Ciências Geográficas in Lisboa, were doing professional internship at Rzeszów City Development Office, (Biuro Rozwoju Miasta Rzeszowa), with the Erasmus+VET.
Good luck on your further career path 👌

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 19/03/2024

Daniel is a Car Mechanic from Spain to do his intership in Skoda Rzeszów with the Erasmus+VET:
"I encourage everybody to get to know
the awesome polish cultura and
Make sure to know the polish party
during the winter nights".


Good luck and have a good work experience with wid meble! 🔥🇪🇸

Dzięki współpracy z Erasmus+ Rzeszów mamy przyjemność zostać częścią projektu Erasmus+🔥
Już w tym tygodniu jako pierwszy praktyki w naszej firmie zaczyna Eimar mieszkający na co dzień w Bilbao🇪🇸 Jesteśmy przekonani, że najbliższe miesiące będą dla obu stron ciekawym i wiele wnoszącym doświadczeniem💪

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 08/03/2024

Students from the Pais Vasco, Spain, are doing their internships for three months whit Erasmus+VET.
His jobs are: Higher Technician in Industrial Mechatronics,
Senior Technician in Multiplatform Application Development,
Higher Technician in Industrial Automation and Robotics,
Higher Technician in Renewable Energies,
Technician in Electrical and Automatic Installations,
Higher Technician in Social Integration,
Higher Technician in Administration and Finance,
Higher Technician in 3D Animations, Games and Interactive Environments,
Higher Technician in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory,
Senior Technician in Radiotherapy and Dosimetry,
Motor Vehicle Electromechanics Technician and
Auxiliary Child Care Expert.
Welcome and enjoy this experience!

Photos from Erasmus+ Rzeszów's post 07/03/2024

Our Erasmus students specialized in Geographic Information Systems Technicians are going to do internships for four weeks with Erasmus+VET.
We hope you enjoy this experience very much!!

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