Sport & Exercise Science Institute

Sport & Exercise Science Institute


Sport & Exercise Science Institute (SESI) is a research based educational organization. The objectives of SESI are:

The Sport & Exercise Science Institute (SESI) provide the most forward-thinking Fitness & Sports Certification courses and professional development programs in Pakistan. We have one mission: to help personal trainers, fitness instructors and sports trainers to become better coaches. And we make that happen by focusing on the practical application of sound knowledge. The aims of SESI are to facilit

Operating as usual

Photos from Sports Board Punjab's post 29/04/2024

Eid Mabrook!

To All the Muslims around the Globe.


Observing a healthy and balanced diet during Ramadan can be challenging, but with the right approach, it’s entirely achievable. By following these tips, you can maintain a nutritious diet during Ramadan, support your health and energy levels, and make the most of this sacred month. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian if you have specific dietary concerns or medical conditions.


The Level-1 Coaching Certification Course concluded at Institute of Sports Sciences Punjab (ISSP) at Punjab Stadium. Director General Sports Punjab Dr Asif Tufail congratulates all the coaches for completing Level-1 Coaching Certification Course successfully.


سپورٹس اینڈ یوتھ افیئرز ڈیپارٹمنٹ پنجاب کے زیر اہتمام انسٹیٹیوٹ آف سپورٹس سائنسز پنجاب کے تحت لیول ون کوچز کے تربیتی کورس کے فیز 2کے دوسرے روز ماسٹر ٹرینر طارق سدھو، ڈاکٹر نصیب اللہ اور ماہر غذائیت سارہ فاروقی نے کھلاڑیوں کو نیوٹریشن اورایکسرسائز کی اہمیت بارے اہم تربیتی لیکچر زدیے ہیں، لیول ون کوچز کے دوسرے مرحلے میں پنجاب بھر سے 35کوچز شریک ہیں ماہر غذائیت سارہ فاروقی نے لیکچر دیتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ہر گیمز کی ایکسر سائز دوسری گیمز سے مختلف ہوتی ہے اسی طرح خوراک میں بھی فرق ہے کیونکہ کبڈی،رسہ کشی ریسلنگ اور پھر بیڈمنٹن،ٹیبل ٹینس اورسکواش کے کھلاڑی کی خوراک ایک دوسرے سے مختلف ہوتی ہے، کوچز کو خوراک کو بھی مدنظر رکھنا ہے،کوچز نے ماہر غذائیت سارہ فاروقی سے سوالات بھی کیے، جبکہ ماسٹر ٹرینر طارق سدھو اور ڈاکٹر نصیب اللہ نے ایکسرسائز کی اہمیت بارے اہم تربیتی لیکچر زدیے ہیں تربیتی لیکچر کے دوسرے روز پرنسپل چاند پروین، چیف انسرکٹر محمد حفیظ بھٹی، انسٹرکٹرز شائستہ قیصراور ساجد علی بھی موجود تھے۔


Elevate your coaching career with our 6-day Sports & Exercise Science Course! 🎓
Course Highlights:
1️⃣ Introduction to Human Anatomy & Kinesiology
2️⃣ Nutrition & Performance Essentials
3️⃣ Training Program Design Mastery
4️⃣ Conducting Physiological Assessments
5️⃣ Communication Skills in Sports
6️⃣ Hands-on Practical Sessions & Real-world Case Studies
🗓️ Duration: 6 Days
Level 1 Registration Open! Secure your spot now and take the first step towards building a successful coaching career.

📞 For more information, contact us at 042-99230670

📥 Download the registration form:


The 6-day Level-1 Coaching Course concluded with a closing ceremony here at the Institute of Sports Sciences Punjab (ISSP), Punjab Stadium.

Photos from Pakistan MuayThai Federation's post 21/05/2021
Photos from Sport & Exercise Science Institute's post 21/05/2021

Please follow the scientific guidelines regarding gyms. Gyms have low risk of community spread of COVID-19.

Health benefits outweigh the risks.



4 Female trainers required for GOLD's Gym UAE.

Pregnancy, Weight management and Exercise 30/05/2020


Very informative for trainers who train clients before, during and after pregnancy.

Pregnancy, Weight management and Exercise Tayyaba Niaz (A qualified phyiotherapist) explains the guidelines of exercise and weight loss during and after Pregnancy.


International Certified Fitness Trainers Required URGENTLY (1 Male and 1 Female ) for a company in Lahore. Good salary package.

Requirements (MALE TRAINER):
1- Male Trainer will work full time with CEO and will travel with him according to his schedules.
2- International Certified personal trainer
3- Experienced in working with people having health conditions.
4- It is a full time job.

Requirements (FEMALE TRAINER):
1- Female trainer will be required for 1 hour only.
2- Iternationsl certification
3- Yoga Expertise

send your CV 's urgently on:
[email protected]


A well known religious personality require a personal trainer, who will accompany him within the country and overseas.

Internationally Certified Trainer will be preferred. Kindly send us your resume along with original scanned documents at : [email protected]

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00