LPIS Project W A T C H

LPIS Project W A T C H


LPIS has been an advocate for W.A.T.C.H. movement to strengthen the value of punctuality, honesty an

Operating as usual

Photos from LPIS Project W A T C H's post 22/08/2022

Welcoming our early birds for first day of School.


Let's put together some backpacks full of needed school supplies for children who couldn't afford them.

Project V.I.R.T.U.E.S. is a school program designed in giving time for charity, donation and act of volunteerism that provides school supplies, reading materials, and grocery packs for the least fortunate family in the remote areas. For our annual school supplies drive we are encouraging everyone to show support and share their kindness for this charity event.

Please follow the details on the given flyers or message our fb page for more information.

"Volunteering your time, money, or energy to help others doesn't just make the world better- It also makes you better"

Thank You and Godbless 🙏♥️

Photos from LPIS Project W A T C H's post 19/07/2022

Well done to our Most Punctual Teachers of the year Mrs. Richel A. Belmonte (Elementary) and Jocelyn D. Corpuz (Secondary). May you continue to bring the culture of punctuality and time consciousness in our working environment and in the whole LPIS community. 🎉


Please watch

Photos from Lala Proper Integrated School's post 02/07/2022

Congratulations to our JH Class Valedictorian, thanks JCI Philippines


June is a Project W.A.T.C.H. month with this year's theme: " Working Towards Culture of Integrity Through Honesty and Time Consciousness". Let's keep pushing forward and strengthen the values of honesty and punctuality beyond limits! ⌚

Photos from LPIS Project W A T C H's post 29/05/2022

Our project W.A.T.C.H. brochure for this year! ⌚

Photos from LPIS Project W A T C H's post 25/05/2022

We continue to cultivate the art of punctuality and honesty in school and in the workplace to have a better community and a better future. ⌚


Please WATCH


Project W.A.T.C.H. 2021 Programs and Activities! Thank You so much Everyone

Photos from LPIS Project W A T C H's post 09/11/2021

Time for helping, sharing, and caring: Giving of school supplies with inspirational qoutes on time and honesty to our students in the coastal area.

Photos from LPIS Project W A T C H's post 08/11/2021

A daily dose of Time and Honesty! Have a great day Everyone ⌚

Photos from LPIS Project W A T C H's post 08/11/2021

Giving of WATCH Brochures on time management and fighting tardiness to the faculty and staff! ⌚

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Project W.A.T.C.H. 2021 Programs and Activities! Thank You so much Everyone
