Alternative Learning System, Gandara II

Alternative Learning System, Gandara II

Sa ALS may PAG ASA! ��

Photos from Alternative Learning System, Gandara II's post 22/04/2022

Every one of us can LEARN...
Just not on the same day or in the same way. 😊

3rd Quarter Portfolio Day! ❤️
@ Gandara II CES

Photos from Alternative Learning System, Gandara II's post 09/04/2022

Learning Action Cell

Development of Contextualized Learning Activity Sheet

April 8, 2022

Photos from Alternative Learning System, Gandara II's post 22/03/2022

ALS joins the District Monitoring and Evaluation (DsMEA) in the District Office.

Thank you Madam Whilma Orbeta 👏
Thank you so much Madam Rowena Roma Delabajan for always acknowledging/including ALS 👏

Mae-ann Barocaboc Aliman
Novejane Lim Rocha
Marvin B. Macalalad

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