Adamson University, Manila Videos

Videos by Adamson University in Manila. A Catholic Vincentian educational institution, a recognized leading center for quality education.

Lighting of AdU Christmas Tree

Other Adamson University videos

Lighting of AdU Christmas Tree

BAKIT AdU? "Klasmeyt, if you want to be work-ready in financial management… Dito ka na sa AdU!" Watch the entire Kuwent...

Teachers And Employees' Day CelebrationOctober 7, 2022 l Friday ST Quadrangle

Novena to St. Vincent de Paul (8th Day)
Let us ask for the intercession of St. Vincent in this Eucharistic celebration.

Novena to St. Vincent De Paul (2nd Day)
Let us ask for the intercession of St. Vincent in this Eucharistic celebration.

LPU vs ADU#FilOilEcoOil15thPreseasonCup