Stoneybrook Training

Stoneybrook Training


New Zealand Aviation Theory One Stop Shop. Our courses provide all the necessary subject material without the unnecessary bells and whistles.

Private, Commercial and ATPL online theory courses available 24/7
We have the knowledge and know how to impart it to you - our clients at very affordable prices. Our Mission Statement is to make the theory components of pilot training accessible and affordable to all pilots, no matter where you live or what stage you are at in your flying career. We take pride in developing superior Pilot Training

Operating as usual


We have reached the ½ way point in the development of this course. Keep an eye out for its launch.
This is another extensive course and we will be very proud to have this under our belts.


Advisory #: 2024/122
Issued: 11 MAY 2024 19:12 UTC
Issuing Centre: ACFJ Consortium
DTG: 20240511/1910Z
ADVISORY NR: 2024/122
OBS SWX: 11/1852Z HNH MNH EQN E000 - E120
FCST SWX +12 HR: 12/0700Z NO SWX EXP
FCST SWX +18 HR: 12/1300Z NO SWX EXP
FCST SWX +24 HR: 12/1900Z NO SWX EXP


We are almost finished with this course. This is our last CPL Helicopter course. We are currently peer reviewing the content and creating questions. Watch this space for when it is launched.



Defy Gravity with Stoneybrook Training Training Online Theory Courses!
Calling all aspiring pilots! Take your dreams to new heights with our comprehensive Online Pilot Theory Package.
Whether you're aiming for a New Zealand Private Pilot Licence, Commercial Pilot Licence, Airline Transport Pilot Licence, or even specialising in Helicopter PPL and CPL, we've got you covered with NZCAA syllabus content.
We also offer Aviation Industry Courses tailored for:
- Flight Crew
- Cabin Crew
- Maintenance Staff
- Ground Staff
..Across New Zealand, Australia & the South Pacific.
Our online courses provide an accessible, convenient, and affordable pathway to equip you with the knowledge and skills essential for advancing your pilot training and aviation career 🛬



Stoneybrook Training, in collaboration with Ardmore Flying School, acquires Contract Aircrew Training web-based Aviation Industry Courses.

Stoneybrook Training ( and Ardmore Flying School ( are pleased to announce their acquisition of Contract Aircrew Training Ltd industry training courses. This strategic move ensures the continuing provision of learning opportunities for the aviation industry - from individual staff, training schools, to charter operators, scheduled airlines and freight operations. Stoneybrook Training and Ardmore Flying School, will leverage Contract Aircrew Training’s expertise to strengthen its position as a leader in aviation education.


We have an announcement coming next week

keep an eye on our website and our socials


Keep an eye out on our website and socials for some very exciting news about to launch. We expect the press release to be issued in a few days.

We have been working behind the scenes to bring this development to our clients.

This will greatly enhance our services to the New Zealand aviation community.


We are now working on the last CPL Helicopter course - Principles of Flight and Aircraft Performance.

Keep an eye out for this new course coming soon.


We have been very busy over the holidays - CPL Helicopter Tech is now live on our website

One more CPL Subject to go then we will have a complete CPL Helicopter specific course available.


Yes we are working over the break. We have finished writing the CPL Helicopter Tech questions and are peer reviewing them now. Watch out for the launch soon


Happy New year everyone.

A wet night spent with family and friends.

Watch out for CPL Heli tech about to be peer reviewed.

Photos from Stoneybrook Training's post 07/12/2023

I know I said in my previous post that we would be taking a break over Christmas. Due to popular demand we will now work on our remaining CPL Helicopter Courses during this period.

Keep an eye out for when they launch early next year.


We are very pleased to announce the launch of our ATPL Navigation course. It has been peer reviewed and extensively checked to confirm with the current AC.

We are taking a break over Christmas and will commence the last two ATPL courses in the new year.

Why are our courses so cheap? because: "Our goal is to make the theory components of pilot training accessible and affordable to all pilots, no matter where you live or what stage you are at in your flying career."


Changes occurring to various CAR as of 30 November 2023

Our courses have been updated already - has your book been updated???

Part 1 General definitions

The definition of Contaminated is revoked and replaced with the following definition:

Contaminated, in relation to a runway, means a significant portion of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the length and width being used is covered by one or more of the substances listed in the runway surface condition descriptors as contained in the NZAIP:

The definition of Dry is revoked and replaced with the following definition:

Dry, in relation to a runway, means a runway surface is free of visible moisture and not contaminated within the area intended to be used:

The new definition of Standing water is inserted after the definition of Standard part:

Standing water means water of depth greater than 3mm and includes running water of depth greater than 3mm:

The new definition of Slippery wet runway is inserted after the definition of Single-pilot aircraft:

Slippery wet runway means a wet runway where the surface friction characteristics of a significant portion of the runway has been determined to be degraded: The definition of

TALPAprocedures is revoked: T ALP A procedures - Revoked

The definition of Wet runway is revoked and replaced with the following definition:

Wet, in relation to a runway, means a runway surface is covered by any visible dampness or water up to and including 3 mm deep within the area intended to be used:

The new definition of Wet ice is inserted after the definition of Wet:

Wet ice means ice with water on top of it or ice that is melting; which can cause the surface to become very slippery and is to be reported appropriately as reduced braking action in line with procedures in the PAN-Aerodromes (Doc 9981):

1.3 Abbreviations The abbreviation of TALPA is revoked: TALP A - Revoked

Part 121 Air Operations - Large Aeroplanes

Rule 121.221 is revoked and replaced with the following rule:

121.221 Landing distance - runways
(a) A holder of an air operator certificate must ensure that, for each aeroplane it operates, the landing weight for the estimated time of landing will not exceed the landing weight specified in the aeroplane flight manual.
(b) A holder of an air operator certificate must use the following procedures for calculating the landing distance for an aeroplane on a runway:
(1) that have been approved under paragraph (c); or
(2) as provided in Appendix D.
(c) The Director may, after taking account of the following matters, approve an application by a holder of an air operator certificate for procedures if satisfied-
(1) whether or not the aeroplane proposed has performance data issued by the manufacturer supporting the procedures that is available for use by the pilot or flight crew members; and
(2) whether the operator has reliable access to either -
(i) accurate reporting on runway conditions that is appropriate for the procedures to be used; or
(ii) data that enables the operator to identify equivalent conditions; and
(3) the margin of error that should be applied when calculating landing distance using the procedures which must take into account:
(i) the implications of pilot technique on landing distance;
(ii) the implications of unexpected environmental conditions at the destination aerodrome;
(iii) whether the calculation is being undertaken at the dispatch stage or en-route;
(iv) whether the margin of error is supported by the reporting of the runway conditions; and
(4) whether all personnel involved in the reporting of runway conditions, calculation of data and operation of the flight have had appropriate training in the use of the procedures.

Appendix D - Landing Distance Assessments for Runways Appendix D.3 is revoked: D.3 TALPA procedures - Revoked

Part 125 - Medium Aeroplanes

Subpart D - Performance Rule 125.233 is revoked and replaced with the following rule:

125.233 Landing distance - runways
(a) A holder of an air operator certificate must ensure that, for each aeroplane it operates, the landing weight for the estimated time of landing will not exceed the landing weight specified in the aeroplane flight manual.
(b) A holder of an air operator certificate must use the following procedures for calculating the landing distance for an aeroplane on a runway-
(1) that have been approved under paragraph (c); or
(2) as provided in Appendix D.
(c) The Director may approve an application by a holder of an air operator certificate for procedures referred to in paragraph (b )(1) if satisfied of the following matters -
(1) whether or not the aeroplane proposed has performance data issued by the manufacturer supporting the procedures that is available for use by the pilot or flight crew members; and
(2) whether the operator has reliable access to either -
(i) accurate reporting on runway conditions that is appropriate for the procedures to be used; or
(ii) data that enables the operator to identify equivalent conditions; and
(3) the margin of error that should be applied when calculating landing distance using the procedures which must take into account the following -
(i) the implications of pilot technique on landing distance;
(ii) the implications of unexpected environmental conditions at the destination aerodrome;
(iii) whether the calculation is being undertaken at the dispatch stage or en-route;
(iv) whether the margin of error is supported by the reporting of the runway conditions; and
(4) whether all personnel involved in the reporting of runway conditions, calculation of data and operation of the flight have had appropriate training in the use of the procedures.

Appendix D - Landing Distance Assessments for Runways Appendix D.3 is revoked: D.3 TALPA procedures - Revoked

Part 135 Air Operations - Helicopters and Small Aeroplanes Subpart D -

Performance Rule 135.233 is revoked and replaced with the following rule:

135.233 Landing distance - runways
(a) A holder of an air operator certificate must ensure that, for each aeroplane it operates, the landing weight for the estimated time of landing will not exceed the landing weight specified in the aeroplane flight manual.
(b) A holder of an air operator certificate must use the following procedures for calculating the landing distance for an aeroplane on a runway-
(1) that have been approved under paragraph ( c ); or
(2) as provided in Appendix D.
(c) The Director may approve an application by a holder of an air operator certificate for procedures referred to in paragraph (b )(1) if satisfied of the following matters -
(1) whether or not the aeroplane proposed has performance data issued by the manufacturer supporting the procedures that is available for use by the pilot or flight crew members; and
(2) whether the operator has reliable access to either -
(i) accurate reporting on runway conditions that is appropriate for the permitted procedures to be used; or
(ii) data that enables the operator to identify equivalent conditions; and
(3) the margin of error that should be applied when calculating landing distance using the permitted procedures which must take into account the following -
(i) the implications of pilot technique on landing distance;
(ii) the implications of unexpected environmental conditions at the destination aerodrome;
(iii) whether the calculation is being undertaken at the dispatch stage or en-route;
(iv) whether the margin of error is supported by the reporting of the runway conditions; and
(4) whether all personnel involved in the reporting of runway conditions, calculation of data and operation of the flight have had appropriate training in the use of the procedures.

Appendix D - Landing Distance Assessments for Runways Appendix D.3 is revoked: D.3 TALPA procedures - Revoked


We see New Zealand PPL Ground courses advertised from some of our competitors for $1799.00 for a two week full time course and $5268.00 for an eight week full time course. Yes these are classroom courses. But if you are a self starter or are unable to attend an eight week course. we have a better alternative.

Even online some competitors courses advertised from $385.00 per subject!!

Why are our PPL courses so much more competitive?

We charge $350 + GST for the COMPLETE PPL course or $70 + GST for a single PPL subject.

Stoneybrook Training challenge you to find a more competitive, complete and always up to date PPL Theory course in NZ?

It doesn't matter where you are training - our courses are available to everyone.

Ask your instructor if a Stoneybrook course is right for you?


Back on Track with
Keep an eye out for our latest ATPL Nav course. Just having it peer reviewed


Yes you have a choice on where you do your theory training. Not every course or book out there is current with the latest NZCAA Part 61 changes.

We challenge you to find a better value for money course that is available in New Zealand that is maintained by professional pilots who have been in the industry for more than 30 years.


We all love the dancing.

We are working on ATPL Navigation at the moment.

As you can imagine - it's a marathon effort.


Our GNSS courses (Now PBN - Performance Based Navigation) are 100% up to date with the new NZCAA syllabus. Our costs are the most competitive in NZ.

We also offer a NDB/ADF course.

These courses replace the old GNSS courses.

Check them out on our website


The beauty of having an ONLINE course rather than a published book is that we are able to integrate any changes and current course users will have the latest content available to them.
Our GNSS courses are 100% up to date with the NZCAA updates. Our costs are the most competitive in NZ.

Photos from South Canterbury Aero Club's post 23/07/2023

Have you completed one of our courses yet?


We monitor the NZCAA Advisory Circulars to ensure your courses are 100% up to date. Rest assured that the course you are undertaking is current.


Here is a snapshot of the users of our pilot theory website. Just hoping we get some from South America soon. NZ users were cut off because the aspect ratio wasn't correct for social media. But rest assured that is where the vast majority are from.


Another one completed this week. ATPL Instruments and Navaids is now live with almost 400 questions to test your knowledge.
Our team has been extremely busy these last few weeks updating the new IFR subjects and question database.
We have only three ATPL Airplane subjects left until we have a complete course available.
Our next subject will by ATPL Navigation which our team has already started.


We are ready now. Substantial changes have been done to this syllabus and our job is complete.

Below is a summary of what the has promulgated.

This is a notification that the following information has been added to the CAA website,

AC61-17, Revision 14, Pilot Licences and Ratings—Instrument Rating

This AC has been updated, superseding Revision 13, which dated from 24 August 2021. Revision 14 is a substantive revision which:

Inserts a revised Subject 52-IR Air Law, Subject 54-Flight Navigation IFR and Subject 56-Instruments and Navigation Aids syllabi.
Inserts a new syllabus Subject 53-IR Operational Knowledge specifically for PPL holders only.
Removes references to technically enhanced (TEA) and replaces with electronic flight instrument systems (EFIS) and defines competency requirements.
Defines the requirements for single-pilot and multi-pilot privileges.
Introduces training requirements for navigation specifications including a new training syllabus in Appendix III.
Introduces 2D and 3D approach terminology and clarifies the approach procedures required for initial issue and competency demonstrations.
Outlines the conditions in which FMS ratings can be recognised as GNSS endorsements for licence issue.
Updates the requirements for GNSS receiver competency demonstration.
Clarifies what is determined as similar navigation systems.
Updates Appendix II, Instrument Rating Flight Test Syllabus – Incorporates ‘accuracy for all aircraft’ section into the ‘In flight’ section.
Adds new Appendix III, PBN Pilot Knowledge and Training Syllabus.
Adds Appendix IV, ADF/NDB Theory Course Syllabus.
Moves Appendix III, GNSS Theory Course Syllabus to Appendix V for transitional requirements.

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Videos (show all)

Aviation Industry Courses are proving to be very popular at Stoneybrook Training. check them out at www.stoneybrook.trai...
Just Landed at Stoneybrook Training. Our aviation industry courses have been a huge hit. Visit our website today to star...
We are moving forward and issuing certificates for most of our new Aviation Industry courses.#aviationindustrycourses #A...
We have an announcement coming next week keep an eye on our website and our socials  #PilotTraining #pilottrainingschool...
Keep an eye out on our website and socials for some very exciting news about to launch. We expect the press release to b...
Yes we are working over the break. We have finished writing the CPL Helicopter Tech questions and are peer reviewing the...
Back on Track with an eye out for our latest ATPL Nav course. Just having it peer reviewed  #N...
Yes you have a choice on where you do your theory training. Not every course or book out there is current with the lates...
We all love the dancing.We are working on ATPL Navigation at the moment. As you can imagine - it's a marathon effort. #n...
Our GNSS courses (Now PBN - Performance Based Navigation) are 100% up to date with the new NZCAA syllabus. Our costs are...
The beauty of having an ONLINE course rather than a published book is that we are able to integrate any changes and curr...
Have you completed one of our courses yet? #pilottheorynz #NZCAA #onlinetraining #IFRcourse #nzcaa #nzpilottraining #avi...
