Mairehau Primary Home & School

Mairehau Primary Home & School


The Home & School Committee is a group of Mairehau Primary School parents who are passionate about our school community.

Home & School's main goal is to raise money to give our students experiences and resources they might not have otherwise. We help pay for things like buses for swim week, sports and cultural events; sports uniforms; classroom resources; and, playground equipment. We also value holding events that bring us together as a school community, such as movie night and the community carols. We meet once a

Operating as usual

Photos from Mairehau Primary Home & School's post 20/11/2024

Thank you to everyone who ordered Sushi for today’s fundraiser lunch. There were lots of happy faces enjoying their sushi out in the sunshine.
All sushi was ordered from Saka Sushi, the new shop next to the school. Thank you Saka Sushi for supporting our school and helping us organising this fundraiser.


We are hosting a Sushi Lunch Fundraiser on Wednesday 20th November. Sushi can now be ordered through the MyKindo app, orders will close at 4.00pm on Monday 18th and no further orders will be able to be processed after this time.
All orders will be delivered to the classrooms on Wednesday 20th November.
Thank you to Saka Sushi for helping us organise this fundraiser for the school 🍣

Photos from Mairehau Primary Home & School's post 04/11/2024

Cantab Gourmet Chicken has offered us a fantastic deal to support our amazing school community. For every purchase you make in-store, Cantab Gourmet Chicken will give 5% cash back of the sale to our school!!!!

Make sure to check out their great specials heading into the summer festive season 🤩

All you need to do is go in-store and purchase some of their premium quality chicken options and show their business logo with our school code MPS2024, found at the top of your Feed within the school Hero app, at checkout and as easy as that you are supporting our school and local business community.

Cantab Gourmet Chicken is located at 347 Hills Road on the corner of Westminster and Hills Road.


Remember that Cantab Gourmet Chicken has offered us a fantastic deal to support our amazing school community. For every purchase you make in-store, Cantab Gourmet Chicken will give 5% cash back of the sale to our school!!!!

All you need to do is go in-store and purchase some of their premium quality chicken options and show their business logo with our school code MPS2024, found at the top of your Feed within the school Hero app, at checkout and as easy as that you are supporting our school and local business community.

Cantab Gourmet Chicken is located at 347 Hills Road on the corner of Westminster and Hills Road, so make sure to support local and go in-store today!


Cantab Gourmet Chicken has offered us a fantastic deal to support our amazing school community. For every purchase you make in-store, Cantab Gourmet Chicken will give 5% cash back of the sale to our school!!!!

All you need to do is go in-store and purchase some of their premium quality chicken options and show their business logo with our school code MPS2024, found at the top of your Feed within the school Hero app, at checkout and as easy as that you are supporting our school and local business community.

Cantab Gourmet Chicken is located at 347 Hills Road on the corner of Westminster and Hills Road, so make sure to support local and go in-store today!


The Home and School Committee hosted a free Sausage Sizzle today for all the tamariki and teachers as a big thank you from us for all your help and support. It was a cold afternoon so it was a good day for a delicious warm sausage!

Thank you Hellers Sausages for Schools for supporting us by supplying the sausages.


Midwinter Quizmas
Thank you to everyone who came along to join us out our Midwinter Quizmas. It was a fantastic evening with a lovey turnout and we were able to raise $853.00 for the school community. Thank you again to Cara and Caleb of Ray White for kindly sponsoring the winning prizes as well as Domino’s Shirley for kindly donating 3 spot prizes towards the evening.

Midwinter Quizmas Raffle
Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets for our Midwinter Quizmas Raffles, we had 13 amazing prizes to give away and all winners have now been contacted to pick up their winnings. We were able to raise approximately $1,500 and could not have done this without your support.

We are in desperate need of new members to help us continue to provide these awesome fundraisers and raise funds to help our fantastic school. If you would like an opportunity to be actively involved in your child’s school life, please consider joining us. Please email [email protected] for more information.

Next meeting: Monday 26th August at 7pm venue Pātiti Hub (Room C)


We are looking for new members to join our team, are you able to help? We need new members to join our committee so we can offer a wider variety of fundraisers in order to keep giving back to our tamariki and supporting our school community. All profits from our fundraisers go directly back into the school. For example, we have signed off on $5,000 towards classroom sensory resources to help both students and teachers within the classroom. If you would like an opportunity to be actively involved in your child’s school life, please consider joining us. Please email [email protected] for more information.


We're looking for helpers... if you aren't able to commit to being a H&S member, please consider becoming a "H&S Helping Hand". You'll be added to an email list, so we can contact you if/when we need extra help, with things like our Matariki BBQ evening or pizza lunch fundraiser.
If you would like to sign up to being a helping hand, please email us your contact details to [email protected].

Photos from Mairehau Primary Home & School's post 28/07/2024

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Midwinter Quizmas last night, it was another fun evening and a great chance to relax. We hope to see you all again next year 🤩🙏 Thanks to your support of the quiz we raised $853.00 that will go directly back into the school community.

Another massive thank you to Caleb and Cara of Ray White for their generous donation that allowed us to offer the top 3 teams to take home 6x $20 vouchers each.

Thank you to Domino's Shirley who kindly donated 3x Pizza Meal Vouchers that we used as spot prizes throughout the evening.

Thank you to all the businesses and families who very kindly donated prizes towards our raffle, we absolutely cannot provide these fundraisers without your help and support and it is hugely appreciated! 🤩🙏

And finally, thank you to all the friends and families who kindly bought tickets to our Midwinter Quizmas Raffle. Thanks to all your kind efforts, we raised $1,563 that will be used to help support your tamariki both in and outside of the classroom.

The winners from the raffle were drawn last night at the quiz and all winners have been contacted directly via the phone numbers they provided.


We want to say a really special thank you to Domino's Shirley for all their support of our school fundraisers!! Domino's has very kindly donated 3x meal combo vouchers for us to use as spot prizes at our Midwinter Quizmas on Sunday. Thank you to the team at Dominos Shirley for supporting our school! 🤩🙏

If you haven't got your table yet, you still have time. Email us at [email protected] and we will get you set up with a table so you can come along and join us there!!


Thank you to Carebnb for kindly donating this luxury pack full of cleaning products to our Midwinter Quizmas Raffle!!! We really appreciate your support of our school community 🥰
Do you have friends or family visiting Christchurch and looking for a place to stay, check out Carebnb for the perfect accommodation for their holiday.

Photos from Mairehau Primary Home & School's post 25/07/2024

Thank you again to all the amazing companies and families that have donated prizes towards our Midwinter Quizmas Raffle. We cannot do these fundraisers without you and we really appreciate your support of our school community 🤩🙏🥰
Nails by Tomo
Vivo Hair Salon & Skin Clinic
He Puna Taimoana
Ang Pewhairangi
The Good Home Pegasus

Please remember to return all raffle sheets to the school office by 3.00pm today, Friday 26th July to ensure you are in the draw to win one of these amazing prizes!! 🤞

Photos from Mairehau Primary Home & School's post 25/07/2024

Thank you to a wonderful Mairehau Primary School family for kindly donating some amazing fragrances and product towards our Midwinter Quizmas Raffle!! Each product is worth over $130. We really appreciate your support 🤩🙏
All raffle sheets are due back to the school office tomorrow, Friday 25th July by 3.00pm and winners will be drawn on Sunday 28th July. Make sure to get your sheets back to ensure you're included in the draw to win one of these amazing prizes!

Photos from Mairehau Primary Home & School's post 25/07/2024

We still have tables remaining for our Midwinter Quizmas on Sunday. Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to book a table 🤩


Please remember to return all raffle sheets to the school office by 3.00pm on Friday 26th July.
The winners will be drawn at our Midwinter Quizmas on Sunday 28th July and all winners will be contacted directly by phone on Monday 29th July.

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43 Mahars Road, Mairehau