


Investoshala is a financial education and investment advisory company that aims to empower individual

Operating as usual

Supply 06/03/2024

Supply Supply is a fundamental concept in economics that plays a pivotal role in determining prices, production levels, and market dynamics. In simple terms, supply refers to the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to offer for sale at various prices during a given period. Und...

Asset 06/03/2024

Asset An asset is something of value that an individual, company, or organization owns or controls and can be used to generate future economic benefits. Assets can take various forms and are typically classified into two main categories: tangible and intangible.

Follow-on Public Offer (FPO) 28/02/2024

Follow-on Public Offer (FPO) A follow-on public offer (FPO) is the issuance of shares to investors by a company listed on a stock exchange. A follow-on offering is an issuance of additional shares made by a company after an initial public offering (IPO).

What is COGS? 25/02/2024

What is COGS? Cost of goods sold (COGS) refers to the direct costs of producing the goods sold by a company. This amount includes the cost of the materials and labor directly used to create the good. It excludes indirect expenses, such as distribution costs and sales force costs.


Dividend Declaration of SNLI Fiscal Year: 2079-2080 Cash Dividend: 1.2526% Bonus Shares: 23.8% Right Shares: 27%

Dividend 28/08/2023

Dividend A dividend is a portion of a company's earnings that is distributed to its shareholders as a way to share profits and provide them with a return on their investment. Dividends are typically paid out regularly, often on a quarterly basis, and can be in the form of cash, additional shares of stock, or...

Stock 27/08/2023

Stock A stock, also known as a share or equity, represents a unit of ownership in a company. When you buy a stock, you become a partial owner of the company and are entitled to a portion of its assets, earnings, and voting rights, depending on the type of stock you own. Stocks are bought and sold in finan...

Common Terms Used in Stock Market 27/08/2023

Common Terms Used in Stock Market Market Value: The market value of a company’s shares is the current price at which they are traded in the market. It reflects the overall market conditions as well as the demand for the company’s shares.

A Deep Dive into the Initial Public Offering (IPO) Process 27/08/2023

A Deep Dive into the Initial Public Offering (IPO) Process The Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a significant milestone in the corporate world that transforms private companies into publicly traded entities. It's a process that combines financial acumen, strategic planning, regulatory compliance, and market dynamics to open the doors of ownership to a broad...

Right Share Adjustment 27/08/2023

Right Share Adjustment A rights issue is when a company issues its existing shareholders a right to buy additional shares in the company. The company will offer the shareholder a specific number of shares at a specific price. The company will also set a time limit for the shareholder to buy the shares. In context of Nepal...


Right Share Adjustment Formula


Bonus Share Adjustment Formula

Bonus Share Adjustment 19/08/2023

Bonus Share Adjustment Bonus Shares are additional shares given to the current shareholders without any additional cost,based upon the number of shares that a shareholder owns. When a company issues bonus shares, existing shareholders receive additional shares in proportion to their current holdings. For instance ,if Inve...


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NepServestutor is online educational platform where a student can get educational video tutorial related to class 1-12,bachelor ,engineering ,techonology and many more.

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Atomic Size and their reactivity
Velocity and time#learnsimply
learn about domain ,range ,function


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