Kadosh, you reign you ancient Zion King House of Noohra worship
Spreading the gospel and making the word of God alive in our spirit
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Kadosh, you reign you ancient Zion King House of Noohra worship
Elohim adonai thy kingdom come thy will be done By Confidence Vincent Erhaighewu
Human Effort doesn't make you a better Christian, God Spirit in you does this through knowledge. Him. (Phil. 3:1-15)
Dont fear him that can destroy the body & not the soul Covid19 can destroy the body and soul,fear him.Accept Jesus and live
He that dwell in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. in Jesus Christ.
There is no Hope in Hell Fire.No matter the disease that plague Human race,we are hopeful for cure or Vaccines.But no hope in Hell
If it is not patient, then it is not love. is patient.
Where Sin abounds, Grace Abounds more. to Jesus and live.
Love does not envy.
Never forget what God has done for you. is the Key to victory and success in life.
When you focus on the hurt and pain, you hinder your healing and peace. happy Acts26:2.
Jesus Christ represent the believer before his father in heaven, So represent him on earth. 2ndCor5:20.
Trying times are inevitable for men, but do not make it worse for them. Math 18:6-7. Don't complicate peoples life.
The bullet you can't shoot with a gun, don't shoot with your mouth. your words rightly. James 3:2.
You harm yourself, When you worship Idol( placing anything above God). Jer 7:6
You can dwell in the past and mistakes or you can choose to move forward. the later.Phil 3:13 God still has so much for you
The blood of Christ is powerful enough to cleans you and take away that feeling of guilt. Saves.
Sometimes it get really hard, it seams everything is walking against you. Just wait on God, you are not alone. :31
What you don't have today you can have it tomorrow. patient and keep working.
Look to Jesus and live.
There is more to you than you think. just believe and let the holy spirit guide you. are Gods hand work.
The Lord is good and the will of the Lord is good.
Never allow jealousy stop you from becoming all God has planned for you. are not in competition with anyone. (Pro14vs30).
Somebody knows all the effort you are making, the sleepless night,everything knows. He will crown ur effort wit testimonies
Bible teacher, speaker, music minister and coordinator House of Noohra
The lord spoke to the fish and he vomited Jonah. can speak to anything and get result in Christ Name.
To live is Christ. To die is gain. are never at disadvantage with Jesus Christ.
And he prayed if its possible let this cup pass me by, but not my will, but your will be done. think he didnt feel the pains