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Farooq Kperogi on ASUU! A response!
By Joseph Akawu Ushie
In the opening paragraph to his contribution under the title referenced above, Prof Farooq Kperogi has referred to his support for the cause of ASUU since its 6-month-old strike till now.
I am among those who have read his contributions reasonably consistently in the course of this struggle, and I attest to the fact that he has been quite on the side of the survival of the nation’s university education system through his support for the patriotic and altruistic sacrifices of the union.
This is the one reason for my responding to his latest outing which, I strongly suspect, has sprung from his not having a full picture of the situation he is reacting to.
Let me add to Prof Kperogi’s credit that his interventions have regularly been conveyed with admirable clarity of thought and expression. I am proud of him as a Nigerian in the Diaspora who, unlike the dispensable arrogance displayed by some of his colleagues in the Diaspora who have been looking back at the hell of a country left with only scorn, has been reaching back to us with deep understanding of the harsh realities of our beleaguered land.
This is why I would rather talk back to his recent outing most mildly as I believe he is just a victim of under-information and or the misinformation by the Minister of Education.
I begin from his citation of Section 43 of the Trade Disputes Act which he maintains is “unequivocal in insisting that striking workers are not entitled to their habitual remunerations for the period that they cease to work”. It’s needless disputing the existence of such an act. Rather, let me point out that the so-called universal laws do have their local, place-specific and situational contexts.
When Kperogi states that the act is “almost universal, and it’s not unreasonable”, does he remember also that the realities that obtain in the different climes of our so-called one world can be radically different one from the other?
The relative liberalization of education in the West, Asia and even in some African countries which walk the talk of placing premium on education as the main muscle for national development cannot be the same as what obtains in Nigeria under a government whose attention is divided between western and non-western education as it is rumoured that some of the key actors in government are indeed sponsors and supporters of the anti-western education terrorists ready to destroy the nation.
This is not to say that these same suspected supporters of anti-western education terrorism do not appreciate the relevance of western education. They do, which is why they competitively send their own children and wards to the very best of universities in the West.
The situation in Nigeria is, therefore, too uniquely different in character and modus operandi to be placed on the same pedestal with what obtains elsewhere in the world. For instance, in which of these other countries of the world would academic staff of the nation’s universities need to waste precious time going from the executive arm to the legislature to the traditional rulers to the public and back to the executive begging just to be given attention to table the problems affecting the very institutions owned by the government and run with public funds?
In which of these other countries of the world would governments engage high profile public servants to negotiate conditions of service with the nation’s academics only for the same government to fail to honour the terms of the negotiation, let alone implement them?
In which of these countries of the world would governments sign tens of memoranda of understanding and memoranda of action with university staff and fail to honour them as it has been the case with us in Nigeria, government after government?
In which of these other countries would staff of the nation’s universities embark on warning strikes for four weeks, eight weeks, sixteen weeks, then gingered by a national labour protest before the government is stirred into doing some talking with them?
And in which of these other countries would government finally set up committees three different times to dialogue with the union on same issues only to cast into the dustbin the very outcome of the dialogue?
Yes, there may be laws and acts and regulations and all that regarding remuneration or the withholding of same for workers on strike. But, given that the strike was about matters that had been lingering since 2009, and which had been brought to some head in May 2021, did the government need up to one full month to engage with the lecturers towards resolving the issues if the government was truly concerned about the education of the young ones?
Yes, there may be the laws and acts and all that, but there is also a clear distinction between laws or what is legal and what is just and fair and in tandem with natural justice. Government’s reference to acts and laws, which Kperogi is supporting, may be a reality, but there is no justice or fair play in the application of such an act or law in the case of the present strike action which was entirely provoked and prolonged by government’s inaction and callous, irresponsible disdainful posturing.
For instance, while this strike was on, government’s political appointees abandoned their basic responsibilities, including paying attention to the strike, for months in pursuit of their personal presidential ambitions.
Thus, rather than suggesting so cynically that ASUU members now use strikes as a device to save money, the right observation should be that government actually promptly stopped the salaries and ignored the union for six months thereafter in order to appropriate the lecturers’ entitlements for the period through the weapon of an act such as you have cited. In this case, even if the labour act were to provide for non-payment of salaries during strike periods, the clear fact that government systematically precipitated the strike action in the first instance, and orchestrated its prolongation would be a gross act of inhumanity to the lecturers which should naturally burst or nullify the provisions of any extant laws.
Specifically, it means, in one sense, that the lecturers’ salaries would not be paid for the period those who should have talked with them abandoned their duty posts in pursuit of personal interets. Cases and situations such as this were what made the late English jurist, Lord Denning, to be considered one of the greatest legal luminaries of all time. In his characteristic manner, he always went after justice, not necessarily the law except where both the laws and justice converged or conflated or were on the same page. That was how he came to establish many principles in law all in pursuit of justice for humanity, the most celebrated being the High Trees case around which he established the principle of promissory estoppel. He was later to reverse himself in the subsequent carbolic snowball case, where he restored consideration as a basic feature of law which a side wind such as promissory estoppel should not destroy.
The concrete extenuating circumstances which have been clearly consciously authored and orchestrated by government should be necessary and sufficient to estop the enforcement of any such acts as mentioned here in the situation of this lecturers’ strike in the interest of equity and natural justice.
Now the key point possibly unknown to Prof Farooq Kperogi is that he does take line, hook and sinker the Minister of Education’s weird statement that everything else has been settled between the government and ASUU except the payment of the withheld salaries. Contrary to this position announced to the public by the minister, nothing has been concretely settled. While the Federal Government itself, through the same Minister of Education, set up the Nimi Briggs’ Committee to dialogue with the Union, the same Minister threw the report of that committee into the dustbin and simply awarded, without any scant recourse to the content of the Committee’s report, a salary schedule to the lecturers.
Going by this award, which contradicts the principle of collective bargaining, a professor at bar is to go home with a gross of about 750,000 naira monthly, which translates into a figure in the neighbourhood of $1000 at the current exchange rate of about NGN700 to one USD. When the system removes the feathers from this gross, what a professor at bar would take home would drop to below $1000 a month.
Prof Kperogi and other patriotic Nigerians both at home and in the Diaspora, would you describe this as such a globally competitive remuneration that can stop brain drain and attract both Diaspora Nigerians and other world scholars to the country?
Worse, even in Africa, such a salary would remain the lowest for a professor. This is the misery that has been inflicted on the nation’s academic staff by a government whose functionaries can dole out with ease the sum of NGN100,000,000 to buy a nomination form; a government whose accountant-general can loot over one hundred billion naira effortlessly; a government which can sign out four trillion naira as fuel subsidy within three days; and a government which can spend without tears over one billion naira on cars for a neighbouring country.
Still on the question of lecturers saving money through strikes, nothing can be more insulting and offending than this, Prof Kperogi. How does a professor at bar whose present monthly income is just a little over $500 save with all the galloping inflation in the country, let alone the junior colleagues?
If you knew how many lecturers who have died because of their inability to sustain purchase of their routine medications during this period, you would never insinuate this. If you knew how many have been evicted from their residences for failure to pay rents, you would not go near this suggestion. If you knew how many had to involve themselves in menial jobs, including hawking, in order to put food on the table for their families, you would regret suggesting this. If you knew how many have been indebted to persons who are even on more humble financial rungs than the lecturers, you would be sorry for saying this. If you knew how many insults some have received from neighbours for defaulting in paying community bills, you would feel bad that you said this.
If you knew how many have had marital challenges arising from the lecturer-spouse’s inability to fend for the family, you would not go near such a thought. That is why this suggestion that lecturers are using the strike to save money is terribly offending, insensitive and inhumane. Of course, the lords running the affairs of the country know all these pains that lecturers are going through, and whenever they are together they discuss our pains and laugh gleefully, mockingly and triumphantly at us. And you would say to the same group that they are using strikes to save money?
You, the same cerebral Prof Kperogi, who is in an environment in which scholarship and scholars are venerated? That’s why I believe you simply didn’t get the full picture.
Others of the lecturers’ demands have remained unresolved. Earned academic allowances, the payment platform, revitalization, the disquieting issue of proliferation of universities, the release of a white paper for each of the federal universities following the visitation panels to the institutions and a host of other matters have simply been mummified, or in the lingo of the day, have simply gone into voice mail even as detailed recommendations on each of these by the government’s own committee are cast into the dustbin, and Prof Keprogi would whip us back into the lecture rooms?
No. We would be big fools if government functionaries call us fools in their songs amidst drinking and wining, and we sheepishly echo along with them.
Ours is a peculiar situation, different from what obtains anywhere else in the civilized world. Ours has no name and, therefore, should not and does not really equitably come under any urbane laws or acts without hurting the delicate tissues of humanity irreparably.
We will not return to the classrooms on empty stomachs and wearing garments of debts to all manner of persons in the society. We have sacrificed for the nation and would always do; but we are not yet ready for martyrdom or collective hara-kiri.
We cannot accept this sort of martyrdom in the midst of plenty. We will not. Indeed, if I were deciding for ASUU, the union should now declare a full, comprehensive and indefinite strike. Whichever new government that would come in next year may then resolve the crisis while it will be fossilized in the memory of the nation this administration, in its eight years of disservice to the nation, successfully destroyed western education at the university level in a manner reminiscent of the Boko Haram ideology.
Finally, the current ASUU President, Prof Emmanuel Osodeke, as with all others before him, is one who is very passionate about the welfare of students. But you will praise his tranquility of speech if you were to understand the provocatively impossible situation in which government has placed him and the union.
Indeed, the members of the Union have been treated worse than slaves, worse than the very lowest of outcasts by the same country they believe they are labouring and dying for.
The ASUU President’s speech is the speech of one anguished by a world and system he has given his all to save and serve. He certainly couldn’t be showing insensitivity to the students when he has doggedly refused to drop from our demands the students’ welfare concerns.
His reference to the cancellation of the session was, hence, an outburst against a murderous, genocidal system and not at all against these innocent ones entrusted to us to look after as teachers in locus parentis.
I must not fail, however, to commend Prof Farooq Kperogi, once more, for his patriotic support to the cause of the nation’s university education system through the flank of ASUU before the Minister of Education happened to him through the Minister’s mis-education of the public regarding the settling of matters with the union.
Prof Joseph A. Ushie
University of Uyo, Uyo.


Children in the UK finish secondary at 16/17. Children in the US and Canada finish secondary school at 17/18... a few of them 19.

The British children would still go ahead and graduate by 21/22. The Americans and Canadians will still go ahead and graduate at 22/23/24. Or a few years more for courses of more than 5 years.

In Nigeria, skipping classes is now the order of the day. Every parent claims their children are the genius and smartest and too intelligent to do all classes.

For the life of me; I don't understand what a child who is less than 16 is doing in a University or any tertiary institution for that matter. Where the hell are you rushing these children to?

And no! Those who skip classes are most often NOT among the most intelligent. In my primary school, I can remember that the best five students in our class did NOT skip any class. I know the top students in my primary school and we know that most of us did all our classes. Most of my primary school classmates who skipped classes were the class average students. So, stop deluding yourself that skipping a class is a sign of intelligence.... NOT in Nigeria.

In primary school, I found some of my subjects boring because I thought I was far ahead. My parents were primary and post primary education specialists/professionals. My father was also a professional in child developmental psychology and education guidance and counseling. When it comes to planning children's education and career, my parents were the professionals you could consult.
They told me that I was not going to skip any class. As a child, I was angry at my parents for not letting me skip classes, but now I understand and I'm grateful for their decision.

Some of those AVERAGE students who skipped those classes are on my Facebook list and they haven't achieved anything more than I have. I am more intellectually and emotionally grounded than most of them. They rushed, I caught up and overtook most of them. Career-wise, I'm ahead of most of them. So, what exactly was the aim of the rush?

A system of education is there for a reason. In planning a system of education, a lot of factors are put into consideration.
The Nigerian system is orginally designed for a child to graduate secondary school at 17/18. That's NOT too late. It means that such a child would graduate from a four year university program at 21/22; which is still perfectly ok.

Yes, I know there can be strike. But do you really think it's wise to rush your children just to make up for the possible strike? How about letting them go through the normal route? How about letting them develop emotionally?

In most developed countries, only the very few children who have demonstrated very high intelligence get to have their education fast-tracked. And this decision is not necessarily made by the parents. A person who specializes in child development and education must have assessed the child to be of extraordinary intelligence, plus the child must have the emotional capacity to handle academics far ahead of his age.

In the real sense, only less than 0.5% of the world's population have such high intelligence or "near-genuis" IQ level. But in Nigeria, once a child scores above 90% in maths and says one intelligent thing, the child is automatically assumed a genius too intelligent to go through the designed line of education. They start "jumping" classes. Some of them jump and break their legs in the process. 😑

None of my children will go into University before the age of 16. If you like be a genius. My children will be allowed to be children. If they get into University at 16 and graduate at 20, that's still very much early enough. We are not in a hurry to overtake the planet.

My 11 year old child will NOT be cracking Quantum Physics and Navier Stokes Equation while her mates are still watching cartoons. You can only be a child once... adulthood is a long stressful journey. My children will have their childhoods before they start cracking their brains with adulting.

In my early 20s, I was in Engineering school cracking Navier Stokes Equation and a bit of Quantum Physics, and that thing gave me headache, sleepless nights and almost HBP. I won't put my 11 year old through that just because he or she happens to be of high IQ.

Every Nigerian parent claims their children is too intelligent to do all classes. So, tell me, with all these "class jumping geniuses" we've got, what have they invented over the years?

No one told you this. I know this might hurt but someone has got to say it anyway...:

Most of those your children who you think are too intelligent to do all classes are just intelligent enough to be at the top 25% of the class. Not too intelligent to have their education fast-tracked and normal childhood development disrupted


*Silent Tears in the Classroom*

Anytime it's school time I *get sad*.
Yes I mean sad not because I don't like school but because *I feel I don't belong there*.

My teachers say everyone is better than me because they get better grades in tests and exams.

*My teachers* always compare me with others but how can I dare tell them that am different from them.

*My teachers* always say I don't do well even though they teach me well but how can I tell them that the *teaching method* they use *doesn't favour me* even though it favours the majority.

How can I tell my teachers that *I just need motivation* not *condemnation*.

I wish I can be bold to tell my teachers that I have to be *understood not to be compared*.

My maths teacher says i am *good for nothing* because am not good in calculations.

My science teacher says *I am useless* because I always get low grades.

My English teachers say *I have no future* because I can't express myself fluently *in the white man's language*.

They seem to have forgotten that I am the one that *led the school soccer team to win that trophy*.

I am the same student that *always play those drums* to the admiration of all.

Sometimes when I ask *why they don't consider what I do as important* they tell me *WAEC doesn't ask those in examinations*.

*Tears* always fill me but I can't pour them because no one understands me.

*My parents* can't even understand me because *my teachers* make them believe *I'm good for nothing*.

I thought my parents will tell them that *I repair all the electrical appliances in the house without any training*.

*Who will hear me now* because *i and many* who are like me *are being destroyed*

*Who will help tell them* that even though we might *not be able to get the certificate*, we have *great talents?*.

Who will help tell teachers that they should not force their dreams on us but *guide us to nurture our God given talents*?

*Who will hear our cry?*

I am one of the voices of the *many silent voices in the class*.

Copied and felt it should be an eye opener for parents, teachers, administrators and all lovers of growth and development of our future leaders with different and rare talents.
We should not limit growth to certificate qualification alone.

Stop comparing your
kids with others, because they are all unique in their own way!!


RAHAF School 03/10/2021


Testimonial from a parent

Dear Parent.


A graduate of Computer Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. (who had first class.)wrote this:

*"I remember when I was in Primary school. There was this girl that sat for the First School Leaving Certificate (Primary 6) exam while at Primary 4. She passed, so she “jumped” two years and went from Primary 4 to JSS 1*.

Even though I performed better and was academically smarter than this girl, my parents insisted that none of their children will skip an academic class.

*Some of my classmates also went from Primary 5. Well, I did my Primary 6*.

*So, many of my Primary school classmates were 1,2,3 years ahead of me because my parents insisted that none of their children will “jump” a class*.

*When I was in SSS-1, the girl who skipped a class started writing WAEC in SSS-3. She failed twice, so I caught up and we did the WAEC same year again; my first attempt, her third attempt*.
She passed enough to merge results. I got all my papers in one sitting, and in flying colours, with my head, not from any special centre.

*Well, we went into University same year, and I graduated a year before her, in a more highly ranked University - Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)*

My parents are both academics. They aren’t just teachers, they both have experience in Academic and Career Guidance and Counselling.

*But at the point when they made some decisions about our education (our: My siblings and I), I wasn’t happy.* *To me, it was all about competing with my friends about who will finish Secondary school first and gain admission first. But I now know better.*

*A system of education is in place for a reason.* *The Nigerian system is 6-3-3-4*.


I know some children are smarter and have the intellectual capacity to go faster than others.

*What other developed countries with more regulated systems of education do is NOT make the children skip some curriculum. They make the gifted children cover the curriculum faster.*

For instance; regular students might need 6 regular academic years to cover the high school curriculum. The talented ones are put in a separate class where the cover the whole 6-year curriculum in 5 or 4 years, or even less. They don’t usually skip these curricula.

I know the UK and US have some of such schools and classes for gifted children.

*The thing I noticed in Nigeria is that it’s usually even the parents of AVERAGE or BELOW AVERAGE students that want their children to “jump” classes*.

*The prestige is in telling everyone that your child finished secondary school at 12*. It doesn’t matter whether your child’s brain is completely empty, or whether your child wrote his or her WAEC and JAMB exams at special centres. *You are just in a competition*.

I was just having a random thought a few minutes ago, and I realized that *NONE of those my Primary or secondary school classmates who tried to skip classes were better or ended up more academically grounded and privileged than I am. So, *what exactly was the hurry all about?*

*It’s not just about your child finishing Primary school at 7 and Secondary at 12*.
The question is
*“Is he/she well academically grounded”?*
*Can they defend those pieces of paper certificate (they were so in a rush to acquire) anywhere in the world?*

*What is the point producing an air-headed graduates at 18?*

I would rather have my children spend more years in school and graduate well-grounded academically, than to graduate and still be too dumb to write application letters or simple essays.

Besides, *I want my children to have a fun childhood.*

Except any of my children demonstrates obvious signs of being academically gifted and smart (In which case I would find them a good school for gifted children), they will all finish secondary school NOT before 16, and they will all graduate NOT before the age of 20.

We are not running anywhere. We are not in a hurry to be mediocre. Anything worth doing is worth devoting sufficient time to do it well."

Now, here are contributions from different quarters:

1. *Kiddies Palace Academy, Minna*

I agree totally to the above piece.The writer is 100% right. We all know what we face with graduated University students of nowadays. Somebody sometimes said: "Nigeria University Graduate are Unemployable." Most of them are not emotionally stable atimes. It is not about academics alone, a child needs stability on all sides.

2. Dideolu Adekogbe: a public analyst
This is apt and we need to post this on our school platforms so that our parents can read it.

As owners and leaders of schools, I know we need to increase the population but not at the detriment of the future our children. We will not be at the future workplace when they will be struggling or not even get a job.

*Our children in the Pre- school now will be in the labour market by the year 2040*.

How grounded are they?

*How will they be able to cope emotionally, academically, and socially?*

*How well are we positioning them to collaborate and network in the future?*

The need to be academically and emotionally grounded can not be overemphasized.

*When parents come with the idea of skipping class, please let's discourage it*.

*If all schools are on the same page, they will reason and abide by our counsel and follow the education policy.*

*Quality is better than speed*

*These children carry the logo/link of our schools for life and if their performances are questionable then our brand is questionable*

*Points to note*

Now is a good time to start the change process because this is the season for fresh admissions and transfers. Let parents know that the school is guided by policies.

✓Let's insist that Age 6 is for primary 1, the children need to enjoy childhood.

✓Write the age bracket on the classroom doors for all to see.

✓No declaration of age for children. Birth Certificate admits.

✓No use of a year ahead textbooks. This is destroying our children's foundation.

*The responsibility is on us as Educators and Parents to help build the future that our children will live in by the decisions we make now*.Pasted as copied:


*Testimonial from a parent*

Dear Parent.


A graduate of Computer Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. (who had first class.)wrote this:

*"I remember when I was in Primary school. There was this girl that sat for the First School Leaving Certificate (Primary 6) exam while at Primary 4. She passed, so she “jumped” two years and went from Primary 4 to JSS 1*.

Even though I performed better and was academically smarter than this girl, my parents insisted that none of their children will skip an academic class.

*Some of my classmates also went from Primary 5. Well, I did my Primary 6*.

*So, many of my Primary school classmates were 1,2,3 years ahead of me because my parents insisted that none of their children will “jump” a class*.

*When I was in SSS-1, the girl who skipped a class started writing WAEC in SSS-3. She failed twice, so I caught up and we did the WAEC same year again; my first attempt, her third attempt*.
She passed enough to merge results. I got all my papers in one sitting, and in flying colours, with my head, not from any special centre.

*Well, we went into University same year, and I graduated a year before her, in a more highly ranked University - Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)*

My parents are both academics. They aren’t just teachers, they both have experience in Academic and Career Guidance and Counselling.

*But at the point when they made some decisions about our education (our: My siblings and I), I wasn’t happy.* *To me, it was all about competing with my friends about who will finish Secondary school first and gain admission first. But I now know better.*

*A system of education is in place for a reason.* *The Nigerian system is 6-3-3-4*.


I know some children are smarter and have the intellectual capacity to go faster than others.

*What other developed countries with more regulated systems of education do is NOT make the children skip some curriculum. They make the gifted children cover the curriculum faster.*

For instance; regular students might need 6 regular academic years to cover the high school curriculum. The talented ones are put in a separate class where the cover the whole 6-year curriculum in 5 or 4 years, or even less. They don’t usually skip these curricula.

I know the UK and US have some of such schools and classes for gifted children.

*The thing I noticed in Nigeria is that it’s usually even the parents of AVERAGE or BELOW AVERAGE students that want their children to “jump” classes*.

*The prestige is in telling everyone that your child finished secondary school at 12*. It doesn’t matter whether your child’s brain is completely empty, or whether your child wrote his or her WAEC and JAMB exams at special centres. *You are just in a competition*.

I was just having a random thought a few minutes ago, and I realized that *NONE of those my Primary or secondary school classmates who tried to skip classes were better or ended up more academically grounded and privileged than I am. So, *what exactly was the hurry all about?*

*It’s not just about your child finishing Primary school at 7 and Secondary at 12*.
The question is
*“Is he/she well academically grounded”?*
*Can they defend those pieces of paper certificate (they were so in a rush to acquire) anywhere in the world?*

*What is the point producing an air-headed graduates at 18?*

I would rather have my children spend more years in school and graduate well-grounded academically, than to graduate and still be too dumb to write application letters or simple essays.

Besides, *I want my children to have a fun childhood.*

Except any of my children demonstrates obvious signs of being academically gifted and smart (In which case I would find them a good school for gifted children), they will all finish secondary school NOT before 16, and they will all graduate NOT before the age of 20.

We are not running anywhere. We are not in a hurry to be mediocre. Anything worth doing is worth devoting sufficient time to do it well."

Now, here are contributions from different quarters:

1. *Kiddies Palace Academy, Minna*

I agree totally to the above piece.The writer is 100% right. We all know what we face with graduated University students of nowadays. Somebody sometimes said: "Nigeria University Graduate are Unemployable." Most of them are not emotionally stable atimes. It is not about academics alone, a child needs stability on all sides.

2. Dideolu Adekogbe: a public analyst
This is apt and we need to post this on our school platforms so that our parents can read it.

As owners and leaders of schools, I know we need to increase the population but not at the detriment of the future our children. We will not be at the future workplace when they will be struggling or not even get a job.

*Our children in the Pre- school now will be in the labour market by the year 2040*.

How grounded are they?

*How will they be able to cope emotionally, academically, and socially?*

*How well are we positioning them to collaborate and network in the future?*

The need to be academically and emotionally grounded can not be overemphasized.

*When parents come with the idea of skipping class, please let's discourage it*.

*If all schools are on the same page, they will reason and abide by our counsel and follow the education policy.*

*Quality is better than speed*

*These children carry the logo/link of our schools for life and if their performances are questionable then our brand is questionable*

*Points to note*

Now is a good time to start the change process because this is the season for fresh admissions and transfers. Let parents know that the school is guided by policies.

✓Let's insist that Age 6 is for primary 1, the children need to enjoy childhood.

✓Write the age bracket on the classroom doors for all to see.

✓No declaration of age for children. Birth Certificate admits.

✓No use of a year ahead textbooks. This is destroying our children's foundation.

*The responsibility is on us as Educators and Parents to help build the future that our children will live in by the decisions we make now*.

RAHAF School Education

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