Today I will release my desires and surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting that when things don't seem to go my way, there is a reason ; and cosmic plan has designs for me much grander than even those that I have conceived.
Win-Win Strategy Alliance 双赢策略联盟
We are a educational platform for all the consumers to gather together to gain the bargain power and
Operating as usual
Once you have decided to become rich , only one person can help you.. It's yourself
Rich people associate with positive, successful people
Rich people have their money work hard for them.
It doesn't matter where you coming from;
is where you are going .
Positive people constantly learn and grow.Poor people think they already know
Positive people focus on opportunities.
Negative people focus on obstacles
The reason most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want.
Kalau anda ingin dapat kejayaan baru, anda perlu tinggalkan cara permikiran yang Lama.
Bukan kita kekurangan ilmu yang menyebabkan kita tidak berjaya.
If our subconscious "financial blueprint" is not "set" for success, nothing we learn, nothing we know, and nothing we do will make much of a difference.
If You think You can;
Sure You can !
Kalau hanya berimpian tanpa bergerak , ia tidak akan berbuah atau membawa rezeki

"便宜有好料 拍卖屋寻宝"
【要买拍卖屋吗?(中篇)】拍卖6次降了价 90万新屋跌幅高达46% | 系列专题 拍卖屋都是陈旧、破烂,闹鬼,甚至随时被泼红漆而不值得买吗?未必,近年来也有不少新屋被拍卖。举例,吉隆坡有间刚建成不久的豪华公寓单位在首次以90万令吉市价拍卖不成后,经过6次拍卖,价格已跌至49万令吉,跌幅高....

👍MRT 站旁
👍私人电梯, 高楼泳池,KL night view
👍免律師费, 免印花税
⚠️最后 3 间unit❗️❗️❗️ booking before July 15 ⚠️❗️
若有兴趣了解更多请 PM 下方,或 发消息按钮

KL property Below Market 20%👇( Condo & Office )
Private Auction Case
1)Tmn Gembira, Kuchai Brem Park Condominium KL
Built-Up: 1,593 sq.ft
Market Price: Rm 480K
Force Selling Price: Rm 410K
2)Setapak, Heritage Condominium KL
Built-Up: 1,195 sq.ft
Market Price: Rm 350K
Force Selling Price: Rm 300K
3)JLN Pinang, Wisma UOA KL ( Office Unit )
Built-Up: 1,690 sq.ft
Market Price: Rm 1.7M
Force Selling Price: Rm 1.35M
*10 Min walk to KLCC

2019 上网登记一个大马人民房屋 (PR1MA) FAQ Pr1ma 房屋计划包括北马、中马、南马、东海岸及东马: Penang, Seremban Utara, Bukit Bintang, Cheras, Ampang Jaya, Wangsa Maju, Kajang, Seremban 2, Rasah 及 Senawang 等等。

马来西亚连续第二年成为Airbnb在东南亚区域增长最快的市场。-【星洲国内】 Airbnb表示,在2018年为大马经济贡献了30亿令吉,大马也连续第二年成为Airbnb在东南亚区域增长最快的市场。

👍MRT 站旁
👍私人电梯, 高楼泳池,KL night view
👍免律師费, 免印花税
⚠️最后 3 间unit❗️❗️❗️ booking before July 15 ⚠️❗️
若有兴趣了解更多请 PM 下方,或 发消息按钮
❤意志决定你的成功, 进取决定你的未来!

今年买屋赠品回扣更多 变相房价下跌|中國報 (吉隆坡19日讯)国际房地产顾问公司Rahim & Co预计,国内房地产市场今明两年表现将持续停滞不前,同时,发展商为刺激旗下房屋销量,又是免费赠品又是回扣,各...

【 #已突破 #10000 #人學習 ‼如何把你學習到的變成你的 #印鈔機 ‼】
看到非常喜欢又便宜的 拍卖屋 却不晓得如何购买吗?
🔥 教你如何在拍卖产业市场里轻松地买到低于市价高达80% 的产业;
🔥 教你如何避开拍卖市场中的种种陷阱;
🔥 教你如何合法的免 RPGT (产业盈利税);
🔥 教你如何进场出场,稳赚不赔;
🔥 以及 很多很多 房产投资妙方!
Date: 30 June 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 12.30pm - 6.00pm
Vanue: 280 Park Homes, Puchong Prima
一人报名 RM50
两人报名 RM80
Jacky Chu
012 649 4429
Please WhatsApp me
Opening Hours
Monday | 09:00 - 00:00 |
Tuesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 09:00 - 08:00 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Sunday | 09:00 - 17:00 |