Pamphlet Publishing Arm of the Canna Clatch Blog. Content Related to #SelfAgency #CooperativeSelfAg
"A man's admiration for absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him."
~Alexis de Tocquevile
America is at a crossroads of many kinds and in another quote, Alexis speaks to the nature of revolutions being like novels, the hardest part to come up with is the ending. We are seeing an increase in alarming rhetoric coming from individuals within the federal g
Operating as usual
Cannasapien to 710 Peasant
"A man's admiration for absolute government is proportionate to the contempt he feels for those around him."
~Alexis de Tocquevile
America is at a crossroads of many kinds and in another quote, Alexis speaks to the nature of revolutions being like novels, the hardest part to come up with is the ending. We are seeing an increase in alarming rhetoric coming from individuals within the federal government and it is here that we will share information that will allow people to see through the propaganda and begin to formulate their deeper understanding of our country's role in the world.
Human peasantdom has prolonged due to religious programming, central fractional reserve banking, and petrochemical economies that subjugate our means of life, incite war, pollute our atmosphere.
Entheogens, a family of partner plants and their ascendant consciousness refer to the universal tribulation and partner plant to humans throughout history. Cannabis has evolved with us as mammals and the oil is the resin that resides on the female anatomy of cannabis grown without the presence of males. It is this family of plant partners that must find their rightful and respected place within culture. Veneration and heartfelt gratitude is what the sages of history suggest we offer to them.
The oil of the plant and the oil of the earth rest on the scales of Libra, and we as a human species (together) must shepherd the earth with our future generations in mind. Petrochemicals and nuclear energy leading to the threat of nuclear war can't subjugate an informed people that have the knowledge of Solar, Tidal, GeoThermal, Wind Power, and the ongoing technological climb towards Nicola Tesla's free energy concepts that many say are readily available for employment en mass yet suppressed.
Fractional Reserve Banking, Off-Share Drilling, Fracking, Military Industrial, Pharmaceuticals, Agri-chemical, Narco-Terrorism, Precious Minerals: Keep adding to the list of industries that profit from human suffering while a simple plant could be utilized for energy, food, and shelter, additionally to it's nutritive and medicinal qualities for all mammals on earth.
With journalism compromised by American Intelligence agencies, the citizenry has to take responsibility for informing each other of what is truly our role in the world.
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