English for all levels
englih is the standard language of communication
without it, it's too hard to expand our knowledge
When I was in class 7 , I used to ask a lot of questions. …..!
One day, I asked my English Teacher, “Why do we ignore some letters in pronunciation eg. the letter H …….in Hour, Honour. …..etc. ……??????
My English Teacher said, ” We are not ignoring them; they’re considered silent “…….
(I was even more confused …..?????)
During the lunch break, my Teacher gave me her packed lunch and asked me to heat it in the Cafeteria.
I ate all the food and returned her the empty container. ….!!!!!!!
My English Teacher : What happened? I told you to go and HEAT my food, you are returning me an empty container.
I replied, “Madam, I thought ‘H’ was silent.
Dedicated to all English Teachers
دروس يومية لتعلم الانجليزية 👇🏻💚
اهم الافعال اليومية🎈
يشرب– drink – درِنك
ينظف– clean – كلين
يغسل– wash – وُش
يكتب– write – رايت
يملك– have – هاف
يعمل– work – وُرك
يقول– say – سَي
يأخذ– take – تَيك
يأخذ– take – تَيك
يأكل – eat – إيت
يقرأ– read – ريد
يفعل – do – دو
يخبر– tell – تِل
📌كلمات مرتبطه مع المقطع age
image صورة او يتخيل
stage مرحلة او منصة
damage يؤذي او يدمر
manage يدير او يتدبر
garage جراج
garbage نفايات
average. متوسط او معدل
courage شجاعة
massage. مساج
message رسالة
village قرية
نضيف “ful” على بعض الأفعال وتعطينا صفات👌🏻
▪️helpful مساعد
▪️Successful ناجح
▪️Meaningful ذو معنى
▪️Useful مفيد
▪️painful مؤلم
▪️careful حذر
▪️peaceful مسالم
▪️respoensful مسؤول
▪️wonderful رائع
▪️respectful محترم
▪️healthful صحي
▪️grateful ممتن
🍀Vocabulary With "Home" :
📍 home بيت
📍 homeless مشرد
📍 home work واجب منزلي
📍 homemade صناعة منزلية
📍 homesick الشوق للوطن
📍 homeland موطن
📍 hometown مسقط رأس
📍 homecoming عائد للوطن
📍 homepage الصفحه الرئيسيه
للمزيد 👇🏻💚💚👇🏻👇🏻
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The verbs "𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲" and "𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲" are used to describe different modes of transportation.Check it here👇
English vocabulary
انتبه للفرق (بعض الكلمات تنطق بنفس الطريقة) !
🍂 يقبل _ Accept _ أكْسِبْت
🍂 باستثناء _ Except _ أكْسِبْت
🍂 نصيحة _ Advice _ أَدْفَايس
🍂 ينصح _ Advise _ أَدْفَايز
🍂 الي الامام _ Forth _ فورث
🍂 الرابع _ Fourth _ فورث
🍂 بجانب _ Beside _ بِسَايد
🍂 بالإضافة إلى _ Besides _ بِسَايدز
🍂 عاصمة _ Capital _ كَابِتَل
🍂 المبنى البرلماني _ Capitol _ كَابِتُول
✍️ Teacher Azeddine
and here you are the 16 tenses
we shall explain all these tenses with details and slowly
stay up to date and get new pieces of information
Today's tip: to improve your English, learn about verb tenses.
We use present simple and past simple about 75% of the time so these are the most important tenses to learn. After that, the most common tenses are present perfect, present continuous, “will” and “be going to” for the future. Now you’re ready for about 95% of all sentences!
This doesn’t mean that the other tenses aren’t important. There are some situations which are difficult to express without the past perfect or present perfect continuous, for example. Eventually, you should try to learn all the tenses.
مرونة Flexibility فليكسيبيليتي
احترام Respect ريسبكت
تسامح Forgiveness فورغيفنس
ابتسامة Smile سمايل
امل Hope هوب
سلام Peace بيس
شجاعة Courage كوريج
صداقة Friendship فريندشيب
إبداع Creativity كرييتيفتي
تفاؤل Optimism أوبتيميزم
استقلال Independence إندبندنس
وفاء Loyalty لويالتي
بساطة Simplicity سمبليسيتي
قرار Decision ديسيشن
using of : person and people:
We use person in the singular to refer to any human being:
Joel is such a nice person.
She’s a person I have a lot of respect for.
Persons (plural) is a very formal word. We only use it in rather legalistic contexts:
[notice in a lift]
Any person or persons found in possession of illegal substances will be prosecuted.
To refer to groups of human beings or humans in general, we use people:
I saw three people standing on the corner.
Not: I saw three persons …
Jim and Wendy are such nice people.
People are generally very selfish.
Three people were interviewed for the job, but only one person had the right qualifications and experience.
عائلة keep ⛔⛔
🍂 الاستمرار _ keep up _ كيب اب
🍂 الاحتفاظ بداخل _ Keep in _ كيب إن
🍂 الاستمرار في _ Keep on _ كيب اون
🍂 الإبتعاد عن _ Keep away _ كيب اوي
🍂 الإبتعاد عن _ Keep off _ كيب اوف
اضرب الامثلة دي ☂️☂️
Ex |×
🍂 "You need to keep up with your homework to get good grades."
_ انت محناج تستمر في واجباتك عشان درجاتك تتحسن
🍂 "Please keep the cat in the house; it's raining outside."
_ من فضلك .خلي القطه جوه البيت ..المطرة مبهدله الدنيا بره
🍂 "She decided to keep on working despite the challenges she faced."
_ الموكوسه قررت تكمل في الشغل علي الرغم من التحديات اللي قابلتها
🍂 "Keep away from that area; it's not safe."
_ غور من هنا ..الدنيا خربانه ومفيش امان
🍂 "To maintain a healthy diet, it's important to keep off sugary foods."
_ عشان تبقا واد جامد ...مهم اووي تبعد عن الاكل المليان سكريات
how do we use : each other and one another?
each other is used among two people for example
you and I must help each other
one another is used for 3 people or more
for example
we must all help one other
I'm waiting for your translation
and I'm going to be translating it at the afternoon
you can send your paper as a picture in the comments