Meeting in Naples with all the partners
CHROME is a PRIN 2015 research project aimed at collecting linguistic and architectural resources on the three Campanian Charterhouses for AI.
Meeting in Naples with all the partners
Testing our virtual guide in the San Martino Charterhouse
Ongoing discussions with the research group from the University of Haifa
Audioguides in the crusaders halls in Acco
Eye tracking in the Hecht museum
Testing augmented reality for archaeological sites
Presenting our work at the University of Haifa
Creating the explorable environments of the San Martino Church in Unreal Engine 4
Tracking art historians presenting architectural heritage to start animating our 3D avatar.
La scuola di specializzazione in Beni Storico-Artistici dell'Università di Padova in visita a Napoli, viene a contatto con il nostro progetto e visita, fra l'altro, il museo della Certosa di S. Martino
Another testing day for our interactive screen in the San Martino Charterhouse!
Testing our interactive screen in the San Martino Charterhouse.
Che la sperimentazione abbia inizio!
Let the test begin!
Lavori in corso alla Certosa di San Martino per le Giornate Europee del Patrimonio!
Work in progress in the San Martino Charterhouse for the European Cultural Heritage Days!
Sabato 22 Settembre alle 16:30, presso la Certosa di San Martino, in occasione delle Giornate Europee del Patrimonio, vi invitiamo a scoprire la sperimentazione di medio termine del progetto CHROME.
Saturday, September 22nd at 16:30, in the San Martino Charterhouse, during the European Cultural Heritage Days, we invite you to discover the mid-term experimentation phase of the CHROME project.
in trasferta presso la Certosa di S. Estevo de Ribas do Sil, provincia di Orense, Galizia, oggi trasformata in un lussuoso parador.
A welcome guest for the CHROME team: arch. Oscar Cosido Cobos discusses technologies for cultural heritage with us.
Today, we presented part of our work at the Advanced Visual Interfaces for Cultural Heritage workshop. A fine day for us, with good feedback and a nice discussion about technology serving cultural heritage.
Periodic meeting of the CHROME project: humanities and technology researchers working together to support cultural heritage.
Thanks to the attending participants from all the partner institutions and to the Director of the San Lorenzo Charterhouse, Emilia Alfinito, for hosting us in this wonderful setting.
The virtual archaeology lab from the University of Naples "L'Orientale" visiting the URBAN/ECO Research Center for the CHROME project.
Recordings day in the San Martino Charterhouse.
How do art historians relate themselves to the environments they describe while accompanying small groups of visitors?
In CHROME, we study social interaction in guided tours to support the development of new interactive experiences using 3D reconstructions and artificial intelligence.
Welcome guests for the CHROME team: the Director of the San Martino Charterhouse Rita Pastorelli, her collaborator Alessandra De Luca and prof. Leonardo Di Mauro test technologies for cultural heritage in our lab.
First tracking test for the reference material we are collecting