Robotics and Intelligence Systems Club welcomes all the inductees and thanks to all those who participated in the induction and semester challenge.
You all have proved yourself and showed your keen interest in the field and projects.
And finally, the results are out!! Congratulations to all who got inducted and get ready for more excitement throughout the journey with RISC. All the best!! This is just beginning…….
Hello Freshers,
Robotics and Intelligent Systems Club(RISC) welcomes you all to IIT Bhubaneswar. RISC is one of the most interactive forums of the institute where we discuss, learn and build different bots and robots, pursuing our interests and zeal in the field of robotics.
We are going to conduct a workshop on Arduino using Tinkercad. Arduino platform is a friendly platform for starting out with robotics. You don't need to have any pre-existing knowledge about this to attend the workshop, just your interest is all that we require. There will be mentors to guide you through all the process and help you wherever you are stuck.
Date and Time: 31st January, 2-5
Platform: Microsoft Teams
Educationist, freedom fighter, politician and journalist — Maulana Abul Kalam Azad donned many hats in his more than four-decade-long public life. An intellectual par excellence, he left behind a lasting legacy in the field of India’s education. He served as independent India’s first education minister.
As first education minister of the country from 1947 to 1958, he advocated for free and compulsory primary education for all children up to the age of 14 as he believed it was the right of all citizens. Later, he went on to establish the Jamia Millia Islamia in Delhi and contributed to the setting up of the IITs. He was also responsible for setting up of University Grants Commission in 1953 and emphasized the setting up of Indian Institute of Science or IISc Bangalore.
In 1992, he was posthumously conferred the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award. In memory of his birth anniversary, the GOI had decided to celebrate National Education Day on 11th November across the country.
For the last few weeks, we have witnessed a flood of heart-wrenching posts on social media platforms from people looking hopefully for life-saving plasma for their loved ones.
To make sure these crucial moments aren't wasted searching in the wrong place, we have launched a platform needcovidplasma.in, that aspires to do its best to connect the recipients with in-state eligible donors who fulfill the requirement.
If you are a COVID-19 survivor, your COVID fight can save another life. You can register as a donor and by donating a component of your blood, you can help save a life.
We welcome responsible Volunteers and Plasma Donors for the Needed ones. Being a registered volunteer, you can circulate messages of the emergency cases and help find a donor. Just a little step from you can aid a person go back to their family.
Connect with us, we are onto something impactful here, Be a part of our mission !!
For registration direct links,
Volunteer: needcovidplasma.in/volunteer_form.html
Donor(for donating plasma): needcovidplasma.in/donor_form.html
Recipient (for requesting plasma): needcovidplasma.in/patient_form.html
For more details visit our website needcovidplasma.in/
Let us fight this crisis together, for together we are stronger.
Hello everyone,
This lockdown has brought several problems upon us and we engineers are all about problems and finding solutions to them! In today's world, with robots tipped to take over the world, there are several problems in which we could use automation and optimization for solving them effectively. With this thought in mind, RISC, the robotics society of IIT Bhubaneswar, present to you, "Automathon", the online automation competition. Since charity begins at home, we invite you all to present to us, automation and robotic solutions to daily household tasks/problems which you may have encountered during this lockdown.
Problem statement:
Conceptually devise an automation system that solves a common household problem. The system should be viable and cost-effective. The entries, suggesting a way to fight COVID-19, are encouraged.
Structure of contest:
Submit a short abstract/description of the system mentioning an innovative name for the same, which includes the concept and overall working of the system, not exceeding 100 words. Submit the abstract of the system through email to the email id: [email protected] as a word document. Please mention your name, contact number and email id for future correspondence. The last date of submission of the abstract is 20th June.
After completion of round-1, shortlisted entries will be considered for round-2 as per the number of submissions received in round-1. The list of shortlisted entries will be posted on our official page: “RISC - Robotics Club IIT Bhubaneswar”. In round-2, participants need to submit a document, including the following details:
1. Brief description of the system and its working
2. Block diagram or rough sketch
3. Component/hardware item list
4. Estimated budget
5. Distinguishing features of the system from any similar existing ones if present
The mentors shall guide the shortlisted entries through the process and further criteria.
After completion of round-2, the top entries will be posted on our official social media handles, and the winner will be awarded a cash prize worth ₹1000.
Judgment Criteria:
The entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria for both of the rounds as is applicable,
1. Uniqueness of the system
2. Total Budget
3. Robustness of the system
4. Use Cases
For any queries please contact the following,
Dhruv: 8008407777 ([email protected])
Dhruval: 8866200672 ([email protected])
Raj: 7046196484 ([email protected])
Finally, the wait is over. Here is the list of members who are inducted into the RISC society. Those who didn't make into the list, don't get disappointed, there will be one more chance in the upcoming semester. Congratulations to all the inducted members!
It is time to embrace you into our family, the Robotics Society (RISC) of Students Gymkhana, IIT Bhubaneswar. Keeping in view that First-year students have EAA activity, Inductions are planned on both Wednesday and Thursday. These inductions do not expect you to have any prior experience; we are looking for your interest and dedication.
Congratulations folks on your well-deserved winning.
Hello there,
We hope you are having a wonderful day! I would like to inform you about the venue and timings of the upcoming semester challenge.
Venue -SES
Date - 2nd November
Timings - 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
We are thrilled to invite everyone to the challenge.
RISC is back with its Semester challenge for freshers. This time the challenge is to make a bot, which can find its way out of the box maze. Sounds amazing right. So, team up and start making your bot. We will inform you about the venue and timings soon.
Details of the problem statement - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1H3dsVZzYIssBcuib7XQjyKrxmtVm392F
Semester Challenge.pdf
The fresher's intro is going to be conducted today(12-10-19).
Time: 5:30 PM
Venue: Community Centre
The planned workshop is going to be conducted on this Sunday (13-10-19).
Time: 9:40am to 1:30pm
Venue: LBC, Room no. 203
If you have laptops, please install Arduino IDE before coming to the workshop.
The panacea of restoring sight to the blind is the stuff of sci-fi : bionic eye, or retinal prosthesis system, works by bridging the gap between light entering the eye and the optic nerve — which is what communicates images to the brain so we can discern what we see.
Argus II works by using a camera integrated to a pair of eyeglasses and an implant on the surface of the eye that taps into the optical nerve. Currently, Argus II users are capable of perceiving only shadows and outlines of figures.
Another up-and-coming development is Melbourne’s diamond-electrode bionic eyes that may be able to perceive facial expressions and read large prints. Scientists behind the tech are are arranging for clinical testing.
When we finally invent tech that restores perfect sight, what then? Beyond healing blindness, bionic eyes could potentially make us superhuman.
Light comes in different wavelengths and humans can only see the visible spectrum made of colored light. If a bionic eye could let us see the entire electromagnetic spectrum — from radio waves to gamma waves — we’d be able to “see” heat, identify types of gases by sight, and even look through walls.
We may also be able to zoom in and out of our field of vision (tech that already exists), record what we see, and automatically sync it to the net with our Wi-Fi-ready eyes. It’s all speculation, but nobody can deny that innovative technology is turning science fiction into reality.
Bionic open up an array of applications in several fields: studying microbes could be done without equipment, soldiers can detect mines in a field, manual airport security could beef up surveillance — the possibilities are endless.
The word augmented reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. The products in the market for using this technology are really costly and are not accessible to the average consumer. So, here we are with a new approach So that it is accessible to all kinds of consumers. Our approach includes less cost(around$150) and with smart features such as navigation, notifications, image processing, and on-board camera, memory and also simple build with the ability to detach and use with any new pair of spectacles, even battery is detachable
(battery life appx. 5 hours).Through this, our goal is to make this technology accessible to more people and Our
next model has advantages of being sleeker, making it more portable and easy to attach to frames.
We designed a system with the ability to get notifications from any of the paired devices and, take quick photos
and automatically transfer it to phone. This makes up for a seamless and integrated experience. Through this, we have made the simulation models and tested with a physical model and finally Integration of various sensors and peripherals (mini OLED) to work with Raspberry pi, implementing
communication protocols and optimizing programs to decrease the response time.
One step beyond genetic algorithms is the field of genetic programming, in which the chromosomes are actual computer programs rather than data structures. In this case, the chromosomes have a variable length (as opposed to data structures which usually have a fixed length), and the genomes are represented as simple data structures which symbolize sub-trees of computer code and are arranged in a hierarchical order called a parse tree. This kind of concept is much easier to explain, the algorithm a + (b * c) is expressed as a parse tree. Here the (b * c) is like a genome and the [A] + [B] is another genome. These algorithms are executed and whichever ones are deemed to be the most fit are cross-bred and sometimes mutated by switching around the genomes, or the sub-trees of the parse tree. This results in different and sometimes more efficient genomes. The operators in the parse tree makeup what is called the function set, and can be any kind of function which is applicable for the task--i.e., they don't have to be addition/subtraction/etc, they can be actual binary functions which do some operation to both of its arguments. The arguments for the operators make up the terminal set. This kind of method is much closer to something that actually changes the behavior of a computer rather than simply a data structure inside the computer. In genetic programming, the possibility for the variety of genomes is infinite because the size of the genome is of variable length and is executable code in itself. Thus it possibly brings us closer to a true kind of artificial intelligence.
More information related to this article:
Finally, The wait is over here is the list of second-year who are inducted in the society.
A machine learning algorithm developed by researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was successful in making completely new scientific discoveries just by using language patterns in millions of old scientific papers in the field of material science. The algorithm makes use of Google’s “Word2Vec” model which is essentially a shallow, two-layer neural network that takes as input a corpus or large set of text and processes it to produce a vector space or clusters where each word is assigned vector relationships with other words according to their appearances in close proximity in the original text.
The machine received no training in material science in particular, but after processing around 3.3 million research papers and abstracts in said field, it was able to provide candidates for thermoelectric materials using only word associations.
The algorithms power and interest generated by the global ML community has far-ranging implications, as this could be applied in fields like medical research and drug discovery. The only pre-requisite though is enough words!
For more information related to this post: https://www.vice.com/en_in/article/neagpb/ai-trained-on-old-scientific-papers-makes-discoveries-humans-missed
Congratulations folks!!
We are happy to announce the recently held inductions results of our society. Here are the 20 shortlisted candidates..
All the candidates had a really tough skill set in them. It was an amazing experience for our team to interact with young robotics enthusiasts in the campus.
The listed candidates will have to attend a meeting in SES at 7:30pm (after EAA).
welcome to the family!!!
Hello there,
Hope your winter vacations went well, also quite useful. It is time to embrace you into our family, the Robotics Society (RISC) of Students Gymkhana, IIT Bhubaneswar. Keeping in view that First-year students have EAA activity, Inductions are planned on both Tuesday and Wednesday. These inductions do not expect you to have any prior experience; we are looking for your interest and dedication.
Please fill the below form so that we could make slots for smooth functioning.
See you later on the better side of society.
Buckle up for the Semester Challenge. Go through the Problem Statement thoroughly and contact our Society members if you have any doubts. Stay tuned for any further updates regarding the event.
For further queries contact Sumanth (+91-7330871003) and Jagadeesh (+91-9052799427).
Good Luck....
Semester Challenge.pdf
We are pleased to invite you to the Workshop held by Robotics and Intelligent Systems Club on Basic Electronics and Intelligent Systems. We will focus on Open Source Platforms like Arduino and Practical Insights. The workshop is at LBC, Room No.101 starting at 17:00 on 5th October.
Everyone is invited to this Workshop. Come and find your passion.
Fill the google form below from your Institute ID.
We'll be looking forward to your participation.