SGX Nifty बंद होणे वाला है.?
Why SGX Nifty Delisting in Hindi | SGX Nifty Kyu Delist Ho Raha Hai
Why SGX Nifty Delisting in Hindi. SGX Nifty Kyu Delist Ho Raha Hai Here we are providing the solution on why SGX Nifty Delisting? Will it close permanently? ...
इन इन्शुरन्स मे क्या फरक होता है और हमे कोणसा इन्शुरन्स लेना चाहीये:
Term Insurance v/s Life Insurance v/s Health Insurance in Hindi | Kaunsa Insurance achha hota hai?
Term Insurance v/s Life Insurance v/s Health Insurance in Hindi | Kaunsa Insurance achha hota hai?If you want to buy Insurance and if you have doubt that whi...
How to Buy Stocks for Short and Long Term in Hindi | Buy Low Sell High
How to Buy Stocks for Short and Long Term in Hindi Buy Low Sell Highअगर आप शॉर्ट या लोंग टर्म के लीये स्टॉक खरीदके रखना चाहते हो तो आज हम एक आसान तरिका देखते...
Types of Shares in Hindi | Equity Shares V/S Preference Shares | Basic of Stock Market Part 3
Types of Shares in Hindi |Equity Shares V/S Preference Shares |Basic of Stock Market---------------------------------------------------Open a Zero Brokerage ...
What are Pledging, Margin, Haircut, Collateral in Hindi? शेयर ट्रेडिंग करनेसे पहले ईसे जान लो
What are Pledging, Margin, Haircut, Collateral in Hindi?शेयर ट्रेडिंग करनेसे पहले ईसे जान लो ---------------------------------------------------Open a Zero B...
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Debentures क्या होते है.? जानिये 1 मिनिट मे...
What are Debentures in Hindi? Debentures Kya Hote Hai?
What are Debentures in Hindi?Debentures Kya Hote Hai?Whenever the company needs funds, the company takes a loan from the bank or issues shares.But the compan...
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Buy NMDC @ 119- 120
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इंसाईडर ट्रेडिंग क्या है.? जानिये 1 मिनिट मे.
What is Insider Trading in Hindi? Insider Trading Kya hoti hai? | Grow Asset #shorts
Any owner, director, or any employee of any company listed on the stock market, or any person associated with the company, if he has any information relating...
इन्कम टॅक्स रिटर्न कैसे फाईल करते है.?
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How to File Income Tax Return AY 2022-23 (FY 2021-22) with Tax Payable | E-Verify with Net Banking
How to File Income Tax Return AY 2022-23 (FY 2021-22) with Tax Payable.E-Verify with Net Banking.Here I will show how to file ITR 1 for salaried persons and ...
शेयर मार्केट क्रॅश हो जाये तो क्या करना चाहीये:
Share Market Crash in Hindi | शेयर मार्केट क्राश हो जाये तो क्या करना चाहीये? Grow Asset
Warren Buffett has a quote for investors,"Fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful".He wants to say to the investors in the stock m...
10 रु मे और क्या चाहीये.?
Best Penny Stock:
3500/- लगाके कमाये 1.5 करोड, देखीये:
इस जॉब वाले आदमी ने शेयर मार्केट मे सिर्फ 3500/- लगाकर कामाये 1.5 करोड रुपये
ये व्हिडियो मिस मत करना: https://youtu.be/PAAPcrKwiDw
Multibagger Stock | Stock Market Story in Hindi| How Investor Made 3500/- to 1.5 Crore in this Stock
This Multibagger Stock Blow your mind. Here we bring a Stock Market Story in Hindi for you. How a Investor Made 3500/- to 1.5 Crore in this Stock. You Should...
Top 10 Monopoly Stock in 2022
जो आपको देंगे अच्छा रिटर्न:
ROE क्या होता है.?
कोई भी Stock खरीदते वक्त ROE क्यु देखना चाहीये.?
कंपनी अपना ROE कैसे Manipulate करती है.?
जानिये सबकुछ 4 मिनिट मे:
Return on Equity (ROE) | Return on Equity Kya Hota Hai | ROE Explain in Hindi | Grow Asset
Return on Equity (ROE) | Return on Equity Kya Hota Hai | ROE Explain in Hindi | Grow AssetROCE (Return on Capital Employed)https://youtube.com/shorts/q0Mmb23...
दुनिया का सबसे पुराना शेयर बाजार,जानिये 1 मिनिट मे: https://youtube.com/shorts/vWXNNRA-j9s?feature=share
सिखीये शेयर मार्केट अब हिंदी मे वो भी एकदम आसान भाषा मे.
Types of Share Capital,
Share market Series in Hindi, Part 2:
जानिये Share Market मे IPO क्या होता है.?
PAN कार्ड को LIC पॉलिसी के साथ कैसे लिंक करे.?
अगर LIC के IPO में डिस्काउंट चाहिये तो ये व्हिडियो जरूर देखे।
Link:- https://youtu.be/XOhEUktlERA
LIC Policy से Pan Card कैसे लिंक करे .? How to Link Pan card with LIC Policy.? LIC IPO | Grow Asset
LIC Policy से Pan Card कैसे लिंक करे .? How to Link Pan card with LIC Policy.? जानिये असान शब्दोमे ================================================= अगर आपक...