Hello! This is Viraj from ViruTech. I am going to be conducting a coding workshop on Python & Freelancing (how to make money with python). I’m going to be teaching everything related to Python from downloading it to making actual apps and making AI Algorithms. We are also going to cover how you can use your newly acquired skills to start freelancing & making money immediately. It is a 2 week LIVE workshop taught by me. I have a 30% discount for you guys so instead of the workshop being ₹5000, it would cost only ₹3600/- for you. Very few seats are left. The workshop starts on 17th April and the discount is valid until 15th of April. Please click on this link if you are interested: https://www.virutech.in/
Age group: 12+ years
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See you in the workshop 😊
If you have any queries, you can directly contact me:
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/919175036206
Viru Tech
Teaching Kids to CODE! Inspiring them to Create! Viru Tech is completely run by Teenagers!
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Here's what one of our brightest students, Abiali has to say...
Coding is fun. Experience it with us!!
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The Mastering Python Workshop is finally here 🙌
Join us on the 19th of June 21 - Saturday for Only, 99rs.
Learn all the CORE Fundamentals of Python, Installation guides, Career opportunities, ML/AI and much more.
Sign up Now at https://www.virutech.in/ today to reserve your seats in this live workshop.
Signing up today will give you Bonuses worth more than Rs.3000.
We've seen the future, and it starts at only Rs.99/-
VIRU Tech - Mastering Python Fundamentals workshop LIVE Workshop by Viru Tech Learn more than 50 Modules of Python with Technologies from Harvard and MIT all for Rs.99/- Only.
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The top 2 Mobile App Development Frameworks of 2021.
Read here: https://viru-tech.blogspot.com/2021/06/top-2-mobile-app-development-frameworks.html
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Computer Science Workshop for Rs.99/- Only.
Sing Up now to get bonuses worth Rs.17999 at https://www.virutech.in/book-now/all-of-computer-science-for-rs-99
VIRU Tech - All of Computer Science for Rs.99 LIVE Workshop by Viru Tech Learn more than 50 Modules of Computer Science with Technologies from Harvard and MIT all for Rs.99/- Only.