We are proposing that you make a simple One-Minute Video about what your school did to make the world a better place locally or globally during this school year. Anybody can make the video. We want you to share this with us as we intend to share these videos with other schools in the hope that they will also turn their Learning into Acton.
Global Citizenship School
4 Days of Actionper year
1. Human Rights Action #SpreadTheLove (Valentines Day) #SDG16
2. March Action Environmental #SDG13
3. G.C.S.
May Action Fair Work and Pay #SDG8
4. October Action UN End Poverty Day - Oct 17th #SDG1
INTO CPD Courses
School Presentations is a free on-line support for teachers & schools interested in Human Rights and Global Citizenship Education and action. For more information see https://www.into.ie/ROI/GlobalCitizenshipSchool/ .
Operating as usual

'Leaving No-One Behind ensures that I have a voice and that I will be heard and that there are those that are interested in me and what happens to me.’

"No social phenomenon is as comprehensive in its assault on human rights as poverty.” OHCHR (17.8% in IRELAND) must do without basic needs.

Saolta - Empowerment for a better world through Education Increasing the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) within the Adult and Community Education sector in Ireland.

Fighting poverty is first and foremost about changing the way the world views people living in poverty, & the way people living in poverty view themselves; it does so by creating connections between human beings
bit.ly/3Boe0yW www.17october.ie

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was inspired by Joseph Wresinski who was himself born in extreme poverty, it was publicly declared that poverty constitutes a violation of Human Rights

'No one in society can rest at ease until everyone in society are treated fairly’

On 17th October, a declaration was engraved on a Commemorative Stone, proclaiming that extreme poverty is a violation of human rights & affirming the need for all people to unite to ensure that these rights are respected

Due to lack of information and political power, people living in poverty can not participate meaningfully in political decision-making processes.

Equality of Status: Nearly half of people in extreme poverty are children.
If you have wealth, you have an influence – poverty is the exact opposite.

Inadequate Services Poverty erodes economic and social rights such as the right to health, adequate housing, food and safe water, and the right to education.

“Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity & a decent life.”- Nelson Mandela
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