In today’s fast-changing digital world, strong leadership and mentorship are more important than ever.
In a recent HVG interview, György Beck, SEED faculty member, former president of the John von Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT) and experienced executive, highlighted the critical role of leaders in navigating digital transformation.
Key takeaways from the conversation:
• Digital literacy is more than just technical skills - people and leaders must understand and leverage digital tools effectively.
• Mentorship shapes the next generation of leaders - guiding them with real-world insights, and not just theory is critical in supporting them.
• Trust and prioritize the education of the younger generation – they are best positioned to harness digital transformation.
• CEE leaders can have significant influence on the economy and society by bringing quality jobs and investments to the region.
You can access the interview here: https://m.hvg.hu/360/20250124_hvg-beck-gyorgy-informatikai-lehetosegekrol-digitalis-analfabetakrol-nyero-helyzetektol-a-sehogyig