Videos by British Council Hungary in Budapest. We build connections, understanding and trust between the UK and the world.
How many people do you think attended cultural events in our UK/France Spotlight on Culture 2024? 🤔
The answer is in this video which gives a flavour of the success with audiences across France of this vibrant cultural programme delivered by the British Council France in 2024.
These achievements are also yours, we could not have brought together more than 600 professionals, numerous audience members or reached more than 18 million people through the media coverage of the program without you and especially without the involvement of our cultural and artistic partners. Thank you again for your support!
#TogetherWeImagine #ImaginonsEnsemble
How many people do you think attended cultural events in our UK/France Spotlight on Culture 2024? 🤔The answer is in this...
Need to save time planning your English lessons? We are here to help.With free, downloadable worksheets, lesson plans, v...
Könyvklub Ott Annával! Olyan brit szerzők műveit olvassuk, akiket a legjobban szeretünk, vagy akikre kíváncsiak voltunk....
📚 Doris Lessing: A fû dalol könyvklub Ott Annával 🟠 Február 10-én és 11-én ismét könyvklub Ott Annával, Doris Lessing ik...
In this oral history interview, poet and broadcaster Lemn Sissay discusses how international experiences with the Britis...
🎉✨ Boldog Új Évet kívánunk! ✨🎉Legyen az új év tele sikerrel, boldogsággal és új lehetőségekkel! 🌟🎉✨ Happy New Year! ✨🎉Ma...
🎄✨ Did you know that in the UK, Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a glorious roast turkey and a rich, fruity Christ...
🎮 Level up your language skills with Mini English Lessons! Dive into the world of gaming expressions and impress your fr...
How does body language affect your communication with your students?👁️ Eye contact☺️ Smiling👋 GesturesCan you think of m...
Megkérdeztük kollégáinkat, hogy nekik melyik karácsonyi film a kedvencük. 🎄🍿 Te melyiket választanád? Köztük van a tiéd?...