Swim Stars, Woking Videos

Videos by Swim Stars in Woking. Swimming Lessons for children aged 4+ taught by a team with over 30 years experience ⭐️

One lesson on our summer crash course and this Swim Star has been practising at home ⭐️ Well done Nancy ❤️

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Other Swim Stars videos

One lesson on our summer crash course and this Swim Star has been practising at home ⭐️ Well done Nancy ❤️

Jumping into the summer ⭐️

Some reverse Push and Glide skills ⭐️

Love ❤️ Swimming

How to protect your head in an emergency situation ⭐️

These super stars know what to if they get into trouble ⭐️

Ready for Thursday’s fun session 🎄

The big man in red is giving the children a safety breif before some fun (sound on 🔉)It shows how these Swim Stars know ...

We are ready too 🎄❤️🎅🏽

More backstroke finishes ⭐️ Amazing work on our Thursday sessions

Someone say Backstroke finishes? 😍 This is impressive for level 1’s- well done Swim Stars ⭐️

Just before this video, we had been working with floatation aids. The last length I said for the children to try alone. ...

Pushing and gliding into the weekend! Well done Swim Star ⭐️

Teachers in the water where required ⭐️

I’m still on holiday ☀️🏖 but I’ve just been sent this from one of our swim star’s ⭐️ mummies with the caption- “this is ...

And that’s a wrap folks ⭐️We have had an amazing term with these swim stars, thank you to the team behind me- Kirsty, Jo...