The Whitehaven Academy, Whitehaven Videos

Videos by The Whitehaven Academy in Whitehaven. Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are at the heart of everything we do.

🎉 It's National Thank a Teacher Day! 🎉

We’d like to thank ALL of our staff at TWA. Thank you!


Other The Whitehaven Academy videos

🎉 It's National Thank a Teacher Day! 🎉We’d like to thank ALL of our staff at TWA. Thank you! #TheWhitehavenAcademy #BeTh...

Over the last two years, hundreds of students at The Whitehaven Academy have contributed to a bold project to re-imagin...

As part of Metal Health Awareness Week, 7ERP had a form-room disco this morning. Some songs are just made for moving. We...

What an experience! A gallery tour in Abbott Hall, performing our devised peice: 'Our world', becoming a supportive audi...

Thanks to Ranger Greg from the National Trust our outdoor learning groups have been able to learn about the traditional ...

This week at EAT, the students celebrated International Dance Day by learning 'Jerusalema'; the popular routine to a Sou...

Year 9 have just completed their Video-game Music topic. They used Chrome MusicLab to create their own video-game themes...

Over the last few Creative Curriculum sessions, the Year 9 Arts Award class have been working with The Knotted Project T...

Year 7 have been creating some colourful and expressive monoprints in response to their research on Morgan Lee Richardso...

A group of students at The Whitehaven Academy have been building and coding their robot for the FIRST robotics CENTRESTA...

7CLM and 7ICJ really impressed Miss Pearson today. They’ve been working hard preparing for their end of unit assessment ...

#TheWhitehavenAcademy #BeTheBestYouCanBe #OutdoorCitizens#AdventuresAwayFromHome

The Robotics Club went to Hensingham Primary School to speak to Year 6 about micro bits and basic coding with a helpful...

7Ea2 had their first music lesson today. They used body percussion to develop and perform polyrhythms! Fantastic work! #...

Love is …Happy Valentine’s Day from Year 7 English students 💕#TheWhitehavenAcademy #BeTheBestYouCanBe#TWAYear7#TWAEnglis...

Romeo & Juliet Act 3, Scene 1#TheWhitehavenAcademy #BeTheBestYouCanBe #TWAEnglish #TWAYear11

It was finally 8Mf5’s turn to take on the ‘1Pen 1 Dice’ challenge in preparation for their mid-unit French assessment. F...

This week is our final week of extracurricular trampolining. Last night as well as mastering our skills we had a bit of ...