St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton

St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton


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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton, Education Website, Main Street, Whitehaven.

Operating as usual


Nursery and reception had lots of fun this morning, testing out an old keyboard we found in the school library!

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 27/06/2024

It was too windy to use the canoes, so we went climbing! All of the children were awesome today.


Thank you so much to all our lovely parents for attending our Bright Stars selling event this afternoon. We sold out of mugs and made over £150! Will update with photos and an exact price tomorrow. Enjoy your affirmation mugs 😄


Year 3 and 4's mugs are ready to sell! We look forward to seeing you at 3pm on the school grass. Prices are £5 for one or 2 for £8 😁


Bright Stars 2024. Tomorrow is the day that year 3 and 4 are selling their affirmation mugs. The children have worked super hard designing, making and wrapping the mugs so please come along and support them. Time - 3pm on the school playground. The mugs cost £5 each or 2 for £8. Children can be collected after the selling event. Please spread to your family and friends 😁

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 25/06/2024

The year 5s plus a couple of the 4s all enjoyed their session canoeing today - their teamwork was superb!

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 20/06/2024

Nursery and Reception had lots of fun having a go at Maypole yesterday afternoon!

Photos from Copeland School Games's post 17/06/2024
Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 16/06/2024

This week the year 6s were treated to a Wild Swim session held by the Whitehaven Youth Harbour Trust! They got to learn some very important skills when swimming in wild waters and what to do in an emergency. It was freezing in the lake! 🥶

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 14/06/2024

Nursery and reception have had a brilliant visit to the Lake District Coast Aquarium. Paul was very informative and the children have learnt lots of facts about sea creatures!



Unfortunately judo has been cancelled. Childcare still available to 5pm if you can’t pick up. Sorry.

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 11/06/2024

Bright Stars 2024! Today, year 3 and 4 started making their affirmation mugs. They all worked super hard and the mugs are fantastic. We can't wait to sell them on 26th June!

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 11/06/2024

This week, nursery and reception have been making salt dough sea creatures! We are so excited for our visit to the aquarium on Friday to see some real sea creatures!


Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 07/06/2024

Year 1 and 2 had lots of fun this afternoon playing kickball rounders with Lowca Community School 🌧️🏐👍🏻

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 04/06/2024

Bright Stars 2024! As you may know, Year 3 and 4 are currently working with Issy on the Bright Stars project. We have named our company 'Feel Good Mugs' and, over the next few weeks, we will be creating mugs with positive affirmations to make your day! Our selling event will take place on Wednesday 26th June. More details to follow! Here are some of the children with the posters they created. They have all worked super hard so far and Miss Walsh is very proud of them all 😁



Colour Run 2024
Date : 5th July
Time: 2pm

We are excited to announce this years colour run will be taking place Friday 5th July on the school field. Prior to the colour run, children will be enjoying their sports day first with the colour run beginning at 2pm afterwards.

As many know, coloured powder sticks better and appears more vibrant when it is applied to damp/wet tshirts. Luckily for us, Whitehaven fire station have very kindly agreed to come and spray the children down prior to their colour run! We are going to have lots of excited children!

We kindly ask that children wear white tshirts, old trainers and bottoms. We have been advised the holi powder washes off but to err on the side of caution, old clothes and trainers would be preferable.

* Goggles/Sunglasses
Pts volunteers will be instructed to only throw powder from the neck down. Our holi powder is non-toxic and made using only natural ingredients making it safe to use but we kindly ask that children wear goggles or sunglasses as a precaution.

*Once again if any parents/carers would like to run the course, please feel free to do so. We know a few parents had a blast at last years event.

We will have stalls at the event selling cakes, refreshments, powder packs and more.....

More details to follow

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 20/05/2024

Year 3 and 4 had a fantastic trip today! We learnt about the Roman army and explored Vindolanda. It was especially lovely to have a member of the public come up to us to tell us that our children are well behaved, polite, and a credit to the school 😍

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 17/05/2024

Last week the Year 6s got their leavers hoodies! I haven't seen them wear any other hoodie since!

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 17/05/2024

The children have had a wonderful afternoon at the beach! We have all had fun making obstacle courses for golf balls, identifying creatures in rockpools and drawing our war memorial.

Photos from Copeland School Games's post 17/05/2024

Brilliant news for our school! 👏🏻🎉


Items We Collect

Wearable Clothing
Paired Shoes

We cannot accept the following items:

Uniforms (including School Uniforms)
Wet/Soiled Clothes
Duvets or Duvet Covers
Pillows or Pillow Cases
Table Cloths
Bric a Brac
Clothes Hangers


Congratulations to our apprentice Mr Sheargold for achieving black belt with honours in Ju Jitsu.

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 10/05/2024

Today Year 5/6 had a very hands on, practical history lesson about rationing in WW2! They tried to ration the amount of food in their groups to survive a day!

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 10/05/2024

This week in science, Reception and Nursery have been learning about how bees pollinate and why pollination is important! We conducted a little experiment to show how bees carry pollen from flower to flower, which helps them to grow!


This afternoon we had Collective Worship at the beach, taking the opportunity to reflect and appreciate our beautiful surroundings!


The children raised £56.20 for the Red Cross today. There will be another tuck stall after half term.
Years 3 and 4 will be donating from their Bright Stars business to, so I will keep you posted about how much they raise.
Thank you to all the children on school council for their presentation on the Red Cross. Thank you to all who donated biscuits and bought them!

Photos from James Newton Testimonial 2024 's post 09/05/2024

On Friday, the student council will be running a tuck shop first break to raise money for the Red Cross. This is a charity that the children selected themselves. They said wanted to help families who had problems because of earthquakes and wars.
For £1 donation children get a drink and biscuit ( we have catered for those with allergies).
Also, we would be grateful for any donations of packets of biscuits.

Photos from St. Bridget’s CE Primary School, Parton's post 02/05/2024

In History, year 3 and 4 have been learning about the Roman Empire. Yesterday, the children compared the Celt and Roman way of life. Everyone worked super hard 😃

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Videos (show all)

Nursery and reception had lots of fun this morning, testing out an old keyboard we found in the school library!
Our Rock and Roll legends!!🎸🎸🎸



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