Westcountry Wildlife & Film - LB Loxley, Wellington Videos

Videos by Westcountry Wildlife & Film - LB Loxley in Wellington. Promoting and supporting UK wildlife through video and narrative.

Camera shy...

What's this then? It's not a camera, is it? Your not filming me are you? Aaahhhh!

Other Westcountry Wildlife & Film - LB Loxley videos

Camera shy...
What's this then? It's not a camera, is it? Your not filming me are you? Aaahhhh!

Captain Beaky
This magpie appears to have an extended upper mandible. It doesn't appear to interfere with it eating, though.

P...p...p... pick on a pigeon
Never mind p...p...p... pick up a penguin, this is p...p...p...pick on a pigeon.

Here comes Junior
Wait for me, dad!

A visit from a wary Magpie.
A nervous magpie finishing of the hog food.

Don't talk with your mouth full...
Remember the Wide-mouth frog from the old Maltezer advert? Well, this is the Wide-mouthed magpie.

Even the blackbirds won't share!
Come on ladies, there's plenty to go round...

Cheeky Pigeon - Part 2
Cheeky pigeon won't share with his friends either.

'Mine' Part 1 - No magpies allowed
Cheeky pigeon won't share with Magpies.

Now he's brought a friend...
What the hogs leave behind, the magpies will tidy away.