Applications for clothing grants and free school meals for the new school year 2024–25 are now open.
You should apply for a clothing grant and free school meals if you are on a low income and receive a qualifying benefit.
The Council makes payments in lieu of free school meals during school holidays. You can only get these if you have applied for free school meals, so if your child is in primary 1 to 5 (P1 to P5) where all children get a meal free of charge, you should still apply so you get this money.
Anyone with a child going into primary 6 (P6) who meets the criteria is encouraged to apply for free school meals to ensure their child continues to receive one.
If you apply for a clothing grant by Friday 12 July and include all the required supporting documentation, then the Council will process your application and make a payment to you before the start of the new school term.
Apply for free school meals and clothing grants at:
Free school meals and clothing grants - Renfrewshire Website
You may be able to apply for free school meals and a clothing grant if you are a parent or guardian of a child and are in receipt of particular benefits.
Clothing grants and free school meals applications for 2024–25 now open
Parents and carers with children starting Primary 1 in August 2024 can apply now for clothing grants and free school meals.
Applications are open now and anyone on a low income who receives a qualifying benefit is encouraged to apply.
If you apply for a clothing grant by Friday 12 July and include all the required supporting documentation, then the Council will process your application and make a payment to you before the start of the new school term.
The Council makes payments in lieu of free school meals during school holidays. You can only get these if you have applied for free school meals, so if your child is going into Primary 1 where all children get a meal free of charge, you should still apply so you get this money.
Apply for free school meals and clothing grants at:
Free school meals and clothing grants - Renfrewshire Website
You may be able to apply for free school meals and a clothing grant if you are a parent or guardian of a child and are in receipt of particular benefits.
Summer Festivals this Saturday 8th June!
Please see our May newsletter as follows.
May 24 Newsletter
Gilmartin Road
Please follow the link for diary dates and information on upcoming events.
Diary Dates & Info for upcoming events
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Please see as follows our February Newsletter.
February 24 Newsletter
Gilmartin Road
It’s time to register for a free nursery or childcare place starting in August 2024.
You can apply for a place if your child:
- turns 3 on or before 28 February 2025
- turns 2 on or before 28 February 2025 and you were previously in care, or you get certain benefits, or the child is currently in care (such as foster or kinship care).
Please apply by 31 January 2024.
Search ‘apply for a free nursery or childcare place’ on Renfrewshire Council’s website to apply online. You can download a form if you prefer or contact us for a paper form.
You can also find more information on what type of placement you can ask for and a list of all nurseries and childminders in the area.
School closes tomorrow 22nd December at 2.30pm for the Christmas break and will return on Monday 8th January 2024.
Wishing all our families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Please see as follows our December newsletter
On behalf of all the staff of East Fulton we would like to wish all pupils, parents, carers and their families a
Merry Christmas and our best wishes for 2024!
December 23 Newsletter
Gilmartin Road
Please follow link below for our November newsletter.
November 23 Newsletter
Gilmartin Road
East Fulton had a great time celebrating Book Week Scotland.
Primary 7 visited Woodlands for a reading cafe.
Primary 6 shared shared nursery rhymes and stories with our nursery children.
Primary 5 acted out their favourite stories and created their own mini movies on iPads.
Primary 4 shared ghost stories by torchlight.
Primary 2 and 3 were gifted their Read, Write, Count bags. They then had a celebration event where they attempted many of the activities from their packs.
Primary 1 were gifted their Bookbug bags and voted for their favourite book.
Primary 1 and 7 worked together on a challenge to create a sock snake like Penelope Snoop’s.
We had a reading mile which challenged the children to think about characters, book titles, authors, illustrators and facts.
Some classes enjoyed visits to our library and heard stories from our volunteer Pauline and our Primary 7 library assistants.
We concluded our celebrations by holding a fireworks reading event which was planned but our pupil group, the Royal Readers. The children enjoyed a marshmallow, watching and listening to fireworks on the screen while reading a book.
🎆 📕 🏴
Primary 6 enjoyed the Author Live event with Mark Bradley this morning. They created their own bugpops focusing on colours to convey emotions and shapes to reflect feelings Scottish Book Trust
Reminder that’s it’s Non-Uniform Day tmrw 🎅🏻Bottle donations for our famous Bottle Stall would be most welcome, thank you for your support🎄
Today is a non-uniform day 👚👖👕
If possible, could children bring a donation of chocolate to school for our Christmas Fayre chocolate raffle. 🎅🏻
Thank you
Please follow link below for our October newsletter.
October 23 Newsletter
Gilmartin Road
Thank you all who have donated to this important cause.
Parent Council HALLOWEEN DISCO🎃🧛♂️🧟♀️
Register your child for school between Wednesday 1 and Tuesday 7 November.
If your child will turn 5 between 1 March 2024 and 28 February 2025, you should register them for school.
If you, or someone you're helping, can't register online, you can contact your local primary school and make an appointment to register in person during the registration dates.
To register your child to go to another school outside of your catchment area, you’ll need to register them at a school within your catchment area first, then make a placing request.
If you can’t register your child for school till after Tuesday 7 November, please contact your local primary school directly.
Children who will be 4 when school starts in August 2024 can be deferred and get an additional year of free nursery and childcare. Please talk to your child’s nursery or childminder.
Search ‘apply for a place at school’ on Renfrewshire Council’s website for all of the above.
Skoobmobile October Half Term Fun
Please follow the link to access our September newsletter
September 23 Newsletter
Gilmartin Road
Please follow the link to access our August Newsletter:
August 23. Newsletter
Gilmartin Road
Reminder - For today only P1's finish at 2.30pm 😀
Primary 1…we are ready for you! ⭐️ Looking forward to seeing all of our new starts and returning pupils soon! ❤️🖤
Thank you to Dawn from Linwood Library OneRen Culture who came along to promote The Summer Reading Challenge last week !
Get signed up East Fulton for summer reading and the chance to win individual prizes.
We would love to be the school with the highest participants to win a whole school prize 🏆
Looking for a way to keep children active over the summer break? This year’s Summer Reading Challenge, ! will inspire children to keep their minds and bodies active with physical play and reading 📚
Head to your local library or join online summerreadingchallenge.org.uk
Thank you to Scott Graham and OneRen Sport volunteers for all of their support this year. A particular thank you to Scott and the Linwood High Schoolvolunteers who organised a very successful sports day. Brilliant fun was had by all in the blistering heat ☀️
Thank you to Victoria Williamson who delivered a very motivating session and talked about her new novel, The Pawnshop of Stolen Dreams. Also thank you to Aileen from Ginger Cat Children’s Bookshop for organising the event 📚