Working Holiday Research

Working Holiday Research

PhD student Lynley Aldridge researching overseas gap years/ working holidays, by interviewing graduates, employers/ recruiters etc in Britain and Japan.

This research is being conducted by Lynley Aldridge, a PhD Researcher from the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds, and currently a Foreign Visiting Researcher in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Hosei University in Tokyo. Its purpose is to explore the overseas gap year/ working holiday from a cross-cultural comparative perspective. I'm interested in what motivates gr


I'm in Japan until September interviewing former working holidaymakers from both Britain and Japan. Please like my Japanese language page (click on the link below) and share if appropriate. Many thanks.

ワーホリを経験した大学卒業生ですか?ワーホリ経験者を対象とするインタビュー調査に参加してみませんか?もしご質問、又は、ご参加を希望でしたら、「090 9148 4977」か「[email protected]」まで、Lynley Aldridge (オードリッジ・リンリ) にご連絡ください。対象はワーホリから6ヶ月間以上過ぎたワーホリ経験者です。他に参加をご希望の方をご存知ならば、是非このメッセージをシェアしたり、私の連絡先をその人にも渡したりしてください。どうぞよろしくお願いします。

ワーホリ研究 PhD student Lynley Aldridge researching overseas gap years/ working holidays. 日本語の説明?

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