✍️ Last week, Year 6 researched, designed and planned their Anderson shelters as part of their WW2 topic!
Today, they put their plans into action! 👏 They spent the afternoon carefully creating their own Anderson Shelters. We’re sure you’ll agree that they look very impressive?!
Well done, Year 6! 💙💛 🌾
Year 2 have loved their first forest school sessions with Mr Gibbs! They have enjoyed some biscuits, planting 100 sunflowers 🌻 for a 'Carnival of Colour,’ den building and even making their own gymnastics bar! They cannot wait for our next session already. 🌳 🔥 🥾
Here are some of the things they have been doing in class:
⏰ Making clocks and learning to tell the time.
🎶 Singing and dancing to songs from musicals.
🖼️ Frida Kahlo self portraits.
🇧🇷 Looking at a map of Brazil and painting the flag.
☀️ Making weather reports from Brazil.
What a great start to the Summer Term Class 2, well done! 💛🌾💙
Design for Change- Collaborative Project 🌍 ♻️ 💚
We have kickstarted our ‘Design for Change’ project, a campaign in collaboration with The Harmony Project, where our Year 1 and Year 5 pupils have identified an element of our local area to improve ✨
Over the next few weeks, Year 1 and Year 5 will be getting creative and working together on some campaign workshops. Keep your eyes peeled to hear more about their plans very soon 👀🚗
Last week, Mrs Bloore, Miss Sheppard, Mrs Grayhurst and our Year 5 pupils joined the community coffee morning in the village hall. The children shared their plans with the local residents. 👏
The children were complimented for their impeccable behaviour and were recognised for making positive changes in their local community. 💛💙🌾
Class 5 have had a fantastic couple of weeks back after Half Term. The children are excited about our new topic ‘What a Wonderful World!’ 🌎
Here is what they’ve been enjoying recently:
🏃🏻 Learning about the Olympics
📚 Retelling their new Talk for Writing story
👔 Creating cards for their loved ones
Well done! 💛💙 🌾
Year 1 have been busy with their learning over the last few weeks. Here are just some of our highlights 🤩
-Learning about the parts of flowing plants and their functions 🌷🌺🌼
- Using the Book Creator app to draw and label parts of a plant 🌱
- Learning how to describe characters using adjectives ✍️
- Writing speech bubbles for the main characters in the story, ‘The Paper Bag Princess’ 👑 💬 🐉
- Going for a walk around our school grounds to find different plants and flowers 👣 ☀️
- Experimenting with charcoal in our artwork 🖼️
Well done Year 1, keep up the hard work 💛💙 🌾
Excitement was shining out of Reception Class this morning as they prepared themselves for their first school trip. ✨ 👏
It’s safe to say they had the most incredible day at The Little Owl Farm park. They began with a guided tour where they discovered more about meerkats, met some tiny piglets 🐖 and then met two female goats 🐐.
After this, they loved having the chance to pet some of the new animals in the petting barn! The baby chicks 🐤 definitely stole the show!
We finished off with a tractor trailer ride 🚜 and a play in the park! The children were extremely well behaved with beautiful manners which were commented on by members of the public.
A successful first school trip 👏💙🌾💛 Well done Reception Class!
Year 4 have enjoyed finishing their topic of ‘Food, Glorious Food’ by designing, making and evaluating a healthy cereal bar. The children have loved this and I hope they enjoyed eating them! 🍓🍇🥭🫐
Day 5 at Oakerwood 🏕️
The final day 😢 and some very tired children.
They’ve cleaned out their pods, packed up and said bye to the camp!
Their final activity was an orienteering navigation walk around the beautiful Oaker Wood estate 🪵! Even though they were tired they persevered and completed the challenge 🎉.
They then had some yummy chicken burgers🍗 and are now ready for the trip back to Lord Scudamore to see everyone!
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful week!
You are going to have some very tired and dirty children!
Well done everyone and have a fantastic half term! 💛💙🌾
World Culture Week 🌍
In celebration of World Culture Week, Sutton were lucky enough to have a visit from Peter Chand, an inspirational storyteller. The children were captivated by his stories based on Punjabi culture. Peter’s stories were full of interactivity and the children loved joining in with actions and key phrases. Peter also used a traditional drum to accompany his stories. A huge thank you to Peter for providing such inspirational and enjoyable workshops for children and staff.
On Wednesday, some of our Key Stage 2 choir members had the opportunity to attend a professional singing workshop in Credenhill, run by Laura Wright 🎤 The children took part in a range of vocal exercises and enjoyed singing with other local Primary and Secondary school choirs. 🎶 The session ended with the children learning the first part of Laura’s song, Invincible. We are looking forward to the next workshop in July.
A huge thank you to Encore Music Hereford and Laura Wright for such an amazing opportunity 🎶✨🌾 Encore Enterprises
Day 4 at Oakerwood 🌾
We’ve been to Italy 🇮🇹 and made some delicious pizza’s from scratch! 🍕some budding chefs were seen!
After lunch we explored the low ropes! They all worked well as a team and showed how flexible they were!
Finally, we had the activity lots of them were looking forward to…paintballing! Blues and reds worked well to complete the challenges!
We then couldn’t wait for dinner, we were starving! We happily scoffed the spaghetti bolognaise and garlic bread 🥖.
They are tired and looking forward to their last day tomorrow!
🏕️ Day 3 at Oaker Wood 🌧️
It’s been a wet and rainy day but that hasn’t stopped our fun!
Our first activity was the Woodland Krypton where we worked in teams to problem solve different puzzles and complete challenges. 🧩
After lunch, we flew down the zip wire and scaled the trees in the monkey climb. 🌳
All of us loved playing a very muddy capture the flag! 🚁
We then enjoyed burgers and chips for dinner. 🍔🍟
We’re currently enjoying a sneak-peek of some of our girls’ entrance for the talent show! 🌮🎶
🏕️ Day 2 at Oaker Wood ☀️
Our morning started off with Wild Camp 🏕️ where we built our bear-proof dens and then had a treat of hot chocolate and marshmallows around the fire. 🔥
After lunch, we went rafting on the lake. We had lots of fun in our teams and then went for a rather chilly swim! 🏊
Our adventures then took us a little higher in the trees with Leap of Faith and Quick Jump. 🌳
Everyone did brilliantly and pushed themselves out of their comfort zones, there was lots of encouragement from Team Sutton! 🤩
We’ve enjoyed chicken pasta bake for dinner 🍽️ and are tucked up in our pods ready for an earlier night’s sleep! 💤
🌟 🐳 Wow! Year 1 performed amazingly well at The Courtyard Theatre tonight for their project! 🌊 🚤 They were the youngest participants this year and were recognised by the staff at The Courtyard for their fantastic behaviour, incredible performance and happy smiling faces. 😁
Thank you to the parents for supporting this wonderful event. 👏 Thank you, also, to all of the staff and volunteers who helped to make tonight so special. 💛💙 🌾
🏕️ Day 1 at Oaker Wood ☀️
We’ve settled into our pods, had our lunch and then enjoyed an afternoon of activities in our teams.
Today we’ve taken on crate stacking, gladiator challenge and pistol shooting.
Martha and Spencer were our highest crate climbers, managing 11 crates high before their stack collapsed! ⬆️
We were wowed by how quickly some of our teams could scale the gladiator challenge! 🤩
Ffion was our highest scoring pistol shooter - she managed to score 85 points using only 5 shots! 🔫
We’ve enjoyed chicken nuggets, chips and ice lollies for dinner and are ready for a fun evening of games before bedtime.
As part of our Harmony project, Year 2 have focused on the principle of interdependence.
We have been busy bees! 🐝
We have learnt all about bees and how they are such a vital part of our ecosystem, the children found it so interesting. We thought about the question, ‘what would happen without any bees?’
We have worked on a range of activities including:
🐝 Designing a bee habitat
🐝 Making our own 3D beehive
🐝 Researching how we can protect bees
🐝 Listening to ‘The dance of the bumble bee’ and thinking about the bee waggle
🐝 Making our own bee books with illustrations and writing.
Well done!
Class 5 have had a fantastic week completing their Harmony great work - Mayan Weaves 🧶 The children have been learning about the interdependence of Ancient Mayan communities and have used recycled materials to complete their own weave ♻️ Well done Class 5, they all look fantastic! 🤩 A huge thank you to Class 5 families for providing materials for the children ✨
The children have also enjoyed playing battleships to test out their coordinates knowledge in maths and complete their reading comprehension ‘Traitors style’ 📚 A super week, well done Class 5 👏🏻🌾💛
🌟A huge well done to all our Year 6’s who have completed their SATs today! 🌟
You have demonstrated great determination, resilience and worked incredibly hard to showcase your skills - we’re so very proud of you all! 💙💛🌾
Meet Jessica, one of our Year 5 pupils. She has a passion for the environment and is determined to make a difference both locally and globally. 🌍
After launching a petition on climate change, Jess' campaign has gained traction and reached our local council. Last week, Jess met with Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst, the Cabinet Member Environment for Herefordshire Council. 👏
It is her role to ensure that the council's policies and actions take account of environmental impact. She is also responsible for conserving the local environment and raising awareness of how people in Herefordshire can contribute towards efforts to reduce harmful emissions. 🌍💚 ♻️
Jessica plans to host a youth conference with Herefordshire schools to raise awareness and inspire other pupils to join her on her mission for a cleaner world. 🙌
We are very proud of Jessica's efforts and cannot wait to hear about the next steps for her conference. Well done, Jess! 💛💙 🌾
Year 3 have been making the most of the sunshine and lovely weather with plenty of outdoor learning this week at Sutton!☀️
🥎 Some of the children had a fantastic time representing the school at a multi-skills tournament.
The class have also been working hard on fractions and completed a themed scavenger hunt!🤩
This week also provided us with plenty of opportunities to enhance learning through our Harmony Project. They creating brilliant posters and sketches✍🏻
They’ve had great fun drawing draw around each other’s shadows. Take a look at their amazing work💙
📖 Class 2 have been SO busy! 📚
As part of our Harmony Project, we have been learning all about bees. 🐝 We found out why they buzz and why the queen bee is so important. 👑
We have started to dig and plant in our raised bed and cannot wait to watch it all start to grow, look at us digging! 🌷🪴
We have loved getting out the sewing box. We made our own clothes by sewing fabrics together and we are so proud of them! 🧵 🪡
Class 2 had so much fun editing photos on the iPads, we found it very funny and could not stop laughing. 😆
Class 2 have had lots of fun whilst learning and what an amazing effort! 💛💙🌾
International Dance Day 🌎🩰
We had lots of fun celebrating International Dance Day at Sutton ✨ Our day began with a wonderful performance from our Year 5 pupils of their self-choreographed dance piece that they performed at The Courtyard in February 🪩
This kickstarted our dancing day, as our playtimes were accompanied by our favourite classics from ‘Sing’ 🎤 The children enjoyed their ‘dance blast’ playtimes and sported some great moves 🕺
In the afternoon, the children in Year 1 worked on their performance for their upcoming dance showcase! 🐳 ⭐️
Here are some photos of the fun had celebrating 💃🏻💫
Class 5 have had a fantastic start to the Summer Term! ☀️ Here are a few of the exciting things that they have been up to:
💃🏻 Performing their dance to the whole school in assembly
🧲 Creating games that use magnetism in science
➗ Tackling tricky maths problems in ‘Challenge Tuesdays’
🧶 Learning to weave in preparation for our Mayan Weaves
📐 Learning how to measure, estimate and classify angles
🏛️ Build replica Chichen Itza models in our Mayan History topic
The children continue to show excellent team work and a conscientious approach to everything that they do ⭐️ Keep up the good work Class 5! ✋🏻🌾💛
Thursday 2nd May ⚽️
We were so pleased that the rain held off as this allowed Sutton to host a friendly football festival for Year 3 and 4. 👏 We welcomed over Marden Primary School and enjoyed playing in mixed teams. It was fantastic to see so many pupils playing football at the same time, smiling and working together.
All pupils were responsible for refereeing their own games and what a great job they all did! The players embraced a variety of challenging rule changes as games went on; goals that changed size and even two balls on one pitch!
A massive thank you to Mr Gibbs for enabling this to happen and setting up all of the pitches, sharing the rules and challenging the players in many different ways. 😁
A big well done to all pupils who took part.💛💙 🌾
Class 5 are enjoying their current science unit - Forces! 🧲 The children conducted their own investigations into the impact of friction on moving objects. 🚗 After predicting, planning and running their own investigations by timing cars going down different ramps, they concluded that the cotton ramp had the most friction, as the cars were slowest on this material! 🧶 Super science Class 5! 🌟